Renac References Worldwide
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The Project involves developing financing schemes and de-risking mechanisms for RE and EE investments, and providing capacity building support to financing institutions, RE/EE developers and consultants, and government agencies for developing and accessing these schemes and mechanisms.
The Nigerian Finance Training Programme on Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency aims to provide the background knowledge and specific skills to stakeholders from the private, public, and finance sectors to access or provide finance for RE and EE investments.
This training programme is developed and conducted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) with support of Castalia.
In its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to climate protection, China aims to reach the peak of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 at the latest and to increase its share of non-fossil energy sources in primary energy consumption to 20%. Cities account for 70% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In particular the rapidly growing urban population confronts China with immense challenges. While 54% of the Chinese population is living in cities today, this is set to rise to 70% by 2030. China therefore sees an urgent need to implement climate protection measures in cities and to promote urban energy system transformation. Many Chinese cities are keen to transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean and sustainable energy sources. As a stepping stone towards achieving this goal, a need for capacity building of municipal governments in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of green energy systems has been identified.
In its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to climate protection, China aims to reach the peak of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 at the latest and to increase its share of non-fossil energy sources in primary energy consumption to 20%. Cities account for 70% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In particular the rapidly growing urban population confronts China with immense challenges. While 54% of the Chinese population is living in cities today, this is set to rise to 70% by 2030. China therefore sees an urgent need to implement climate protection measures in cities and to promote urban energy system transformation. Many Chinese cities are keen to transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean and sustainable energy sources. As a stepping stone towards achieving this goal, a need for capacity building of municipal governments in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of green energy systems has been identified.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) have been developed into training hubs for solar PV off-grid systems and shall expand their activities toward grid-connected solar PV systems as well. To achieve this goal, a two week (12 days) train-the-trainer (TtT) programme for the trainers of Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) will be implemented to enable them to deliver effective trainings about solar PV grid-connected systems.
The project responds to a situation marked by an increasing energy demand, greater political will from the Government and accordingly higher budgets, and high economic and technical potential for off-grid-electrification from RE-sources especially on remote islands. At the same time, the RE-sector is characterised by a multitude of ministerial program that are currently uncoordinated, and by a lack of organizational capacity, skills, and standardised approaches in the public and private sector both at national and regional level. The core problem that the project addresses is that the knowledge needed to use RE for off-grid electrification is not institutionalised.
Support the main stakeholders: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Ministry of public work and housing (MOPWH), Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MOWI), Ministry of Environment (MOENV), and Greater Amman EC Amman Municipality (GAM), National Energy Research Centre (NERC), Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC), Ministry of Transport (MOT) and potential private operators in the building and transport sectors and others (according to needs) in establishing detailed plans of actions and implementing a set of policy instruments complementing what was achieved through REEE-I in policies, strategies and regulations, which will encourage energy consumers and companies suppliers to improve the efficiency of energy use and increase investment on renewable energy and energy efficiency in all sectors of Jordan's economy (such policy instruments include regulations and laws, certification, accreditation and standards, information and documentation, fiscal and financial incentives, demonstration projects and dedicated financing schemes to encourage investment and participation by private and civil societies, while promoting training and knowledge transfer).
The Project was implemented for the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Maldives. In compliance with the 2010 National Energy Policy and Strategy, the Government of Maldives has been taking measures to enable the growth of a reliable and sustainable energy sector, by focusing on of the key policies in the development and promotion of RE use within the country. Maldives is one among six pilot countries taking part in the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in low income countries (SREP). The objectives of SREP work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development and hence the project was developed to accelerate sustainable private investments in RE (ASPIRE) -under which the Workshop in Malé was organised.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is implementing the IOC-ENERGIES programme with the objective of increasing access to sustainable and affordable energy services in the IOC region, namely in the states of Mauritius, the Seychelles, Madagascar and Comoros. These states are currently at different levels of development in the fields renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) and have come up with several initiatives and activities in both fields, however, most of them have been implemented without a national RE and EE vision or strategy. Therefore, the IOC-ENERGIES programme is supporting these four countries in developing national strategies.
Institut für Projektplanung GmbH (IP Consult) (hereafter referred to as the client) has a longterm expert within the GIZ project “Programa de Energías Renovables (PEERR)“, which includes energy efficiency activities in Bolivia. The project is supporting the Bolivian partner institution in setting up a programme for energy efficiency in public buildings. One of the main topics to be covered under this project, is the conduction of energy audits. IP Consult has, therefore, requested RENAC to prepare a proposal to conduct a training program on energy auditing preferably in La Paz, Bolivia.
According to Jamaica’s National Energy Policy 2009-2030, Jamaica has proposed targets of increasing its share of renewably energy, which was approximately 6% in 2011, to 12.5% by 2015 and 20% by 2030. Having a holistic approach to capacity building and technology transfer ensures a sustained development of a renewable energy market and also ensures energy security. Wigton Wind Farm (WWF – also described as the client), a subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, would like to expand the number of locally available well trained and qualified trainers at their trainings-centre which was set up by RENAC in 2016.Therefore, RENAC offered a Train-the-Trainer teaching program to bring teaching staff to a level appropriate for effective and successful teaching specific to Photovoltaics
Under the BMZ sponsored initiative, German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), the GIZ is responsible for the project “Promotion of Solar-Hybrid Mini-Grids” (GIZ-ProSolar) the ProSolar project promotes the dissemination of technologies in emerging and developing countries with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Kenya, the ProSolar project has a broad objective: the electrification of remote areas through mini-grids with involvement of the public sector, improvement of the regulatory framework governing electricity supply, and the support of the public and private sectors to build up capacities to sustainably implement solar hybrid power systems across the country.
In order to expand the use of RE and EE, a significant improvement of the appropriate financing options in all implementing countries is necessary. The capacity needs assessment will be used for a potential future project that aims on increasing the availability of financing instruments for RE&EE projects in selected countries. RCREEE and RENAC intend to transfer the successful concept of the Green Banking Capacity Building Project to several MENA countries.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
The Project was implemented for the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Maldives. In compliance with the 2010 National Energy Policy and Strategy, the Government of Maldives has been taking measures to enable the growth of a reliable and sustainable energy sector, by focusing on of the key policies in the development and promotion of RE use within the country. Maldives is one among six pilot countries taking part in the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in low income countries (SREP). The objectives of SREP work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development and hence the project was developed to accelerate sustainable private investments in RE (ASPIRE) -under which the Workshop in Malé was organised.
Morocco was among the first countries to publish its National Determined Contribution (NDC), which represented a progression on the Intended National Determined Contribution in terms of environmental ambition.
GIZ has to date provided on going and significant support in terms of capacity building in Morocco, which inter alia has led to the establishment of the 4C organisation. The project can be considered a next step, as it involves the participation of Morocco's financial sector in a focussed and demand-driven capacity building, combined with consultation of those same stakeholders on a particular question: Would a National Climate Fund (NCF) help deliver the goals described in Morocco's NDC, and, if so, what steps must be taken to bring it about?
Morocco was among the first countries to publish its National Determined Contribution (NDC), which represented a progression on the Intended National Determined Contribution in terms of environmental ambition.
GIZ has to date provided on going and significant support in terms of capacity building in Morocco, which inter alia has led to the establishment of the 4C organisation. The project can be considered a next step, as it involves the participation of Morocco's financial sector in a focussed and demand-driven capacity building, combined with consultation of those same stakeholders on a particular question: Would a National Climate Fund (NCF) help deliver the goals described in Morocco's NDC, and, if so, what steps must be taken to bring it about?
The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has requested RENAC to conduct a training program on on-grid photovoltaics.
RENAC was assigned by Ernst & Young to conduct a training covering the topics of introduction to renewable energy and management and economics of photovoltaic projects.
According to the important role and current responsibilities of the Serbian Ministry of agriculture and environmental protection (MAEP) representatives with regard to agricultural policy a need to build up their own capacity for bioenergy technology solutions was identified. As a result a workshop on Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation was realized by RENAC from 22 – 23 February 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia.
The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent regional organization, which aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned GIZ to implement the project “Promoting Development and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE/EE) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (RE-ACTIVATE)”.
The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent regional organization, which aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned GIZ to implement the project “Promoting Development and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE/EE) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (RE-ACTIVATE)”.
RENAC was commissioned to carry out the blended learning training on energy efficiency in Muscat, Oman. Around 50 participants took part during the two-week online course and five-day Face-to-Face seminar.
Since the energy sector is also one of the key areas of the Indo-German Development Cooperation, the German Federal Foreign Office was asked to assist by preparing the Renewable Energy Act and the National Energy Policy.
The ‘Rural Study Tour’ Project was aimed to introduce 14 experts from India to the implementation of the renewables projects on photovoltaics, wind energy and biomass/biogas in Europe including a number of the site visits to the north-east of Germany.
RENAC and the Wigton Wind Farm were offering Train-the-Trainer seminars on a variety of renewable energy technologies: photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, wind power, small hydropower and bioenergy systems.
Within the Biogas3 project RENAC planned, organized and conducted train-the-trainer seminars, workshops, field trips, face-to-face and online trainings and live-webinars.
Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) is implementing the project "Supporting a greener and more energy efficient construction industry in Mongolia" in cooperation with the Construction Development Centre (CDC). The project includes the provision of technical assistance in the establishment of a system of energy declaration for buildings and to build capacity on energy auditing. CCR approached RENAC to organise a training course in Berlin on energy auditing and energy building declaration for Mongolian state auditors.
Finance in Motion, the technical assistance for the Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe (GGF), has contracted RENAC to the train local banks in the Southeast Europe on renewable energy (RE) projects and their financing. Through such capacity building, financial institutes are provided with the knowledge and skills to assess the conditions for the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in their respective countries.
The Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility was launched by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in 2012. NAMA Facility provides support for the implementation of exemplary and transformational projects fighting climate change. As part of this initiative “Housing NAMA” helps the Mexican government in the development of cost-effective and energy-efficient housing concepts.
The Federal Foreign Office, assisted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, is supporting the German missions abroad in communicating the German Energiewende internationally with the following services:
- Online Database “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany“
- Brochure “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany“
- Helpdesk
- Topic lectures in English and German
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), GIZ has commissioned RENAC to support advising the Government of Ukraine on creating a suitable national legal framework that will promote energy efficiency measures at the local level. In particular, RENAC contributed to the project by realising a training course with focus on energy efficiency in public and commercial buildings.
In October and November, 2015 RENAC assisted Morocco in capacity building on renewable energy and energy efficiency. On behalf of the GIZ, RENAC has conducted five Train-the-Trainer workshops at the Institut de Formation aux Métiers des Énergies Renouvelables et de l'Efficacité Énergétique (IFMEERE), a recently inaugurated renewable energy training centre in Oujda/Morocco.
While the renewable energy sector in Chile experiences a significant growth, most of the technical expertise comes from foreign staff. Against this backdrop, RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to support the establishment of local expertise in the field of renewable energy.
As part of a wider project to support energy-related socio-economic goals of the MENA region, GIZ Tunisia commissioned RENAC to conduct a study on international standards for trainings in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. The outcomes of the study serve to inform and support vocational and Continued Professional Development (CPD) training institutions active in the RE/EE sector, both on the national and the regional level.
In 2014, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) commissioned RENAC to develop and implement a didactical concept on how to use renewable resource maps. Those maps, which indicate for instance solar and wind potentials, are a key element in the transition towards green energy. IRENA itself provides a database on renewable resource maps, known as the Global Atlas.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Mr. Ghazi Ben Salem of the consulting firm ALCOR approached RENAC to carry out a training design and sizing of solar thermal systems (technical training). This training fell within the framework of the EU funded project "Environment Energy Project" carried out by a consortium led by Burgeap-APG-France and Germany.
Over the course of two days, RENAC conducted a workshop on photovoltaics as well as a capacity needs assessment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The programme was directed at teachers, students and affiliates at the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET).
The GIZ PAKLIM recently initiated technical cooperation with the provincial Government of East Java to support the implementation of the JATIM RAD-GRK (National Centre of National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Reduction). One of the main identified barriers to renewable energy and energy efficiency is the lack of awareness and knowledge concerning opportunities to economically mitigate GHG in individual industries.
The Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG has been asked by GIZ Morocco / MASEN to organise and conduct a business and information study tour in Germany for an academic delegation from Morocco with research affiliation to photovoltaics (PV) energy and concentrated solar power (CSP).
As assigned by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), RENAC conducted a seminar on Solar Energy System Engineering tailored to suit engineers and energy consultants. The training, which took place at RENAC’s Training Centre in Berlin, included hands-on measurements with solar panels as well as an excel-based simulation tool.
RENAC provided bank staff and NEA staff with quality and updated information on solar PV technology.
The European Energy Manager (EUREM) is a training and network program comprising the areas of engineering and management, which addresses experts and executives working in the energy sector from European and non-European countries. The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce aims to offer EUREM to the experts from India.
The information base and research in Germany regarding biogas in organic farming needs to be optimized. Compared to conventional biogas, organic biogas holds many potential advantages concerning energy efficiency, climate protection, biodiversity and area demands.
RENAC conducts a two-year training program on biogas for El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica within a PPP-Project together with the DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, called "Biogas Training in Central America".
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
Within a Public Private Partnership project with the German Investment and Development Company (DEG) and the Mexican module manufacturer ERDM, RENAC has built up training capacities on Photovoltaics in Mexico.
The project comprised training material development, translation into Spanish, assessment of training of local trainers and setting up a training centre. The seminars developed are targeted at technicians, engineers and non-technical decision makers.
On behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design for the Jordanian climate conditions including consideration of the grid connection of photovoltaic systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region of Jordan.
Commissioned by the GIZ in Egypt RENAC developed and conducted a training designed for public tendering agencies who will organize tenders on RE systems in the future.
Participants get access to RENAC’s e-learning platform for 11 weeks. They spend approximately 10-15 h per week studying online: read course content, watch video lectures, do self-assessment tests and discuss in the forum.
In 2011 Ghana’s Renewable Energy Law came into act and the country plans to generate 10% of its electricity by renewable energy sources in 2020. The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi and the Energy Centre TEC plan to support this development by providing capacity building and research opportunities.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Islamabad, Pakistan requested RENAC to conduct a Train-the-Trainer program in Berlin for a selected number of persons from Pakistan.
The GIZ requested RENAC to prepare a proposal for its services to hold a three-day technical and instructional user training for a group of 12 vocational teachers to use the solar thermal training equipment purchased by GIZ from the company Schreiner Didaktik (Model "Solaranlage-Röhrenkollektor", Artikel 572245). The focus and main aim of the training was to demonstrate the technical features of the Schreiner training system but to also introduce the vocational teachers to the didactical possibilities related with the training systems.
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) requested RENAC to prepare a proposal for a training program on on-grid photovoltaic. The planned course was to run over 5 days, with RENAC covering 4 days (about 80%) of the course. The course was to provide general knowledge on photovoltaics systems to KISR technicians, engineers, and operators. The 5th day was covered by Dr. Hassan Qasem of KISR, who was to lecture on the topic of environmental impacts of photovoltaics technologies and systems. RENAC have previously provided training courses in photovoltaics and solar thermal energy for KISR in Kuwait.
RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design of the grid connection for on-grid PV systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region on behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and the GIZ.
The Summer School blended three weeks of trainings with site visits and international networking. Participants had the choice to take one, two or three weeks according to their interest. It offered an opportunity to get an insight into the renewable energy sources and the various technologies of harnessing it. The program was geared at using the best part of the year not only for vacation but also for the study.
The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) has contracted RENAC to carry out a 2.5-week train-the-trainer seminar for PV installers as well as a training for PV installers of the same length. The seminars conform to the German training standard “Expert Craftsmen in Solar Technology (Fachkraft für Solartechnik)”. In addition to the training, RENAC consults SHRDC to equip training centers for PV.
The project "Skills Development for Green Jobs" aims to contribute to combat the shortage of skilled workers for the green economy, in particular the introduction of partial qualifications into existing qualification profiles, and supporting the development of new training profiles for which a demand from the green economy is already becoming apparent.
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
RENAC supported the EARTH University in Costa Rica to integrate renewable energy technologies into the existing study program and to build up sustainable training structures for further education by delivering Capacity Building Services.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
RENAC was commissioned by the German Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation (Centre for Environmental Communication) to organise and implement two different one-day introduction seminars on renewable energy and energy efficiency (Solar Thermal, PV, CSP, Biogas, Wind and Energy Efficiency).
Eauxwell is a leading water, waste water and renewable energy engineering company based in Nigeria. The participants received a comprehensive in-sight into solar off-grid systems and energy efficiency. They studied the technical, commercial and financial aspects of off-grid photovoltaics: from applications and principles of PV, sizing of solar energy components, production of panels to planning, designing and sizing, constructing and installing solar systems.
The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in Cape Verde, established in 2008, is a regional center dedicated to address the challenges of energy poverty, energy security and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
One of the tasks of ECREEE is to provide capacity building and training on renewable energies in the region. Therefore ECREEE commissioned RENAC to conduct a four-day training on a special economic topic: investment appraisal within the context of renewable energies. The objective of the training course was to provide the participants with first-hand knowledge about the financial assessment of different renewable energy technologies.
In collaboration with the GIZ Egypt and the Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy (JCEE), RENAC held two seminars on Photovoltaics
RENAC organised and conducted a tailor-made one-week training for GIZ staff on market development of renewable energies by focusing on the technical, legal, political, and economic aspects of the technologies.
Heliocentris commissioned RENAC to organise a two-day training on hybrid renewable energy systems with a specific focus on system design.
This seminar is part of the Export Initiative Energy efficiency of the German Government.
The Intersolar is the most important professional exhibition for solar technologies worldwide. To promote the exchange between international visitors and the exhibitors, the exhibition corporation Solar Promotion offers guided tours during the Intersolar.
KISR is also a long-time partner of RENAC, which has organized a variety of trainings for the institute since 2008.
RENAC was commissioned to conduct a one-day seminar on energy efficiency in buildings by the Korea Housing Welfare Association.
The company REpower systems, a globally operating manufacturer for on-shore and off-shore wind power plants, wanted to offer its employees a seminar to deepen their know-how regarding the financing of wind parks. RENAC designed a practice-oriented three-day course with a special focus on funding issues.
Sunrain, a top Chinese solar thermal water heater manufacturer, commissioned RENAC to conduct a training program on Solar Thermal Systems for Hot Water Provision.
RENAC was requested by the World Bank Group to organize an in-house training on wind energy and photovoltaics.
The German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers International Climate Protection Fellowships. This program enables prospective leaders to conduct a research-related project of their own choice during a one-year stay in Germany. RENAC was assigned to prepare and conduct a 1 ½ day introduction seminar on renewable energies and energy efficiency for the participants of the program. RENAC included the technologies such as Photovoltaics, Solar thermal, CSP, Wind energy, Bioenergy as well as Energy Efficiency in industry and the built environment in the seminar schedule to provide a broad overview on the technologies and economics of renewables.
RENAC designed and organized a training program with site visits to new developments in photovoltaics, wind energy, CSP, solar thermal energy and hydrogen fuel cells for South-African Delegates from all Provinces.
The Energy Sector Education and Training Authority of South-Africa (ESETA) aimed to gain information on the latest market and renewable energy technology trends in Germany.
RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to conduct a seminar on planning and design of PV systems in the Galapagos Island.
RENAC was commissioned by InWent to undertake a capacity building session on the integration of renewable electricity into the Egyptian electricity supply system.
With support of the GIZ project "ComSolar", RENAC conducted a workshop on capacity need assessment together with stakeholders from the MNRE, project developers, training providers and universities for solar thermal and photovoltaics systems.
RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a one-week training course.
Commissioned by the KfW, RENAC developed and conducted a tailor-made two-day seminar about “Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment”.
King Abdullah-CARE requested RENAC to organise a three-day training program focused on solar energy (Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics) to be held parallel to the Saudi Solar Energy Forum.
The MBA Renewables study is the first, and up to now only part-time, English, distance learning program worldwide combining the degree "Master of Business Administration" with focus on renewable energy and partly on energy efficiency.
RENAC was commissioned by the Asia Department of Misereor to design and organise a seminar for Korean decision makers from ministries and institutions on how to enhance the renewable energy development.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi (MOFA) had asked RENAC to provide two five-days training programs on the whole range of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies with an emphasis on technologies relevant for Abu Dhabi.
RENAC conducted a training program in Ghana for business people and other persons interested in renewable energies.
Masdar, as part of its Solar Roof Program, wanted to train Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) engineers to supervise installation and operate PV-systems and to assure that the PV systems on the roof tops in Abu Dhabi are connected to the grid of ADDC according to their quality and security standards.
As an initial step ADDC engineers are responsible for the supervision of PV installations needed to be trained in Photovoltaics. Therefore, RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a training for the ADDC engineers. The main focus of the four-day theoretical and practical training, using the mobile RENAC training center, was on good quality of grid-connected photovoltaic systems and system integration to the grid.
Commissioned by DIW econ, an economics consultancy, RENAC prepared a study for the Best Available Technologies in the areas of solar thermal and photovoltaics for Azerbaijan.
Since 2010 RENAC is part of the European EurObserv’ER consortium. Supported by the EU-funded Intelligent Energy Europe program and the French energy agency ADEME, the EurObserv’ER team has been reporting since 1998 on the progress made by renewable energies in each member state of the European Union.
EurObserv’ER publishes every month a "barometer", monitoring and analyzing the development of the renewable energy sector. By analyzing the attractiveness of the different EU member states regarding investments in new energy production capacities, reporting on the policy support framework and providing official statistics, EurObserv’ER successfully observes and reports on policy evolutions on the European level.
Client | |
Services | Conculting |
Topics | CSP, Hydro Energy, Energy efficiency, Bioenergy, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Economists, Engineers, Project managers, Scientists, Financial institutions, Consumers, Political decision makers of EE |
Target countries | Europe |
Year | Since 2010 |
RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ Chile to design and conduct a training course on the topic of wind power prediction in Chile.
To support its Innovation Network in Solar Thermal, GIZ Egypt assigned RENAC to prepare and carry out a training on the installation of solar thermal systems. Project activities included an on-site investigation about solar thermal market conditions in Egypt, the preparation of the course based on the findings of the investigation, and the conduction of the five-day training on solar thermal systems with a focus on installation and system design.
RENAC was commissioned to design, organise and hold a training on Solar thermal technologies in Syria.
RENAC implemented a seminar in Saigon on the basics of wind energy and on wind measurement in accordance with international standards.
PEAW assigned RENAC to design and conduct a two-week training for engineers and also administrative staff about photovoltaics, solar thermal and CSP.
Participants from eight RCREEE member states attended a five-day course for renewable energy financing in Beirut-Lebanon in October 2010.
For component producers, ensuring their customers' know their products well and also have top level installation and operation skills when using the components can be extremely important for a long-term satisfying relationship.
Commissioned by Eauxwell, Nigeria’s leading water, waste water and renewable energy engineering company, RENAC designed a tailor-made ten-day training course for off-grid photovoltaics, solar thermal applications, wind energy and hybrid systems. Eauxwell together with the Nigerian Energy Commission offered the seminar places as scholarships to engineers and technicians.
In the frame of the German Energy Efficiency Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, RENAC was commissioned to develop a concept to showcase projects on energy efficiency.
A one-day seminar on Capacity Building was held in October in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Abu Dhabi to support the newly established International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in developing its capacity building strategy.
The Regional Centre for Renewable Energy & Efficiency (RCREE) is an independent think tank for the MENA region based in Cairo which is dedicated to the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency. RENAC provided an eight-day seminar for 20 young leaders from RCREEE countries.
On behalf of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, RENAC has been working as consultant within the export initiatives "Renewables – Made in Germany" and "Energy Efficiency – made in Germany" since 2008.
In cooperation with the Technical University Berlin, RENAC is running the Master of Science degree study GPE-Solar (Global production engineering for solar technologies).
RENAC was commissioned by Schüco to support two market research study on solar thermal for South Africa and on photovoltaics in South Korea.
In cooperation with the Solar Promotion, VDMA and SEMI, the Berlin conference company Solarpraxis organized the "Solar Material, Equipment and Technology Conference“ (SMET) 2008 in Munich and San Francisco.