Supporting the market development of photovoltaics and green hydrogen in Algeria

October 2023 until October 2025

Project frame

This mission aims to support the ramp up process for PV and GH2 market development in Algeria while sustainably improving knowledge and skills capacities in Algeria in view of financing options for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. To create awareness about the important cross cutting topics of female inclusion, environmental and social aspects they will be integrated horizontally into the trainings for the finance sector, project developers and decision makers.

This mission is implemented within the "Shaping economic prosperity through renewable energies and green hydrogen" project, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. For more information about this project click here. The factsheet of the project can be found here (in French).




Project partners

  • The Algerian Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (Implementation partner)
  • RENAC (Implementation Lead)


Project objectives

This mission supports the Market Development of Photovoltaics and Green Hydrogen in Algeria through comprehensive educational training programmes for important actors from public and private sector. This mission works towards:

  • acceleration of the development of PV and GH2 market development in Algeria;
  • creation of a hands-on training for all relevant target groups; and
  • creation of the awareness about the topics of female inclusion, environmental and social aspects and integrate them horizontally into the trainings for finance sector, project developers and decision makers.


Diverse activities tailored to the specific target groups will be implemented to support the three major goals of this mission: capacity building, private sector development, and market creation for renewable energies. Activities will include:

  • capacity building through online training programmes, F2F courses, and workshops; as well as
  • private sector development through mentoring programmes.

Target groups

This training is created for:

  • individuals and professionals currently working in private sector companies covering the entire value chain of solar PV projects, 
  • financial experts, 
  • individuals from project development, 
  • private sector entrepreneurs,
  • research & development centres, 
  • decision makers, and 
  • experts in and for PtX and GH2.

Trainings for PV project developers

  • Goals: development of capacity building for PV project development sector in Algeria.
  • Target groups: PV project development and private sector entrepreneurs. 
  • Activities: 
    • three months of E-learning trainings
    • in-person training in Algeria

Green Hydrogen (GH2)

  • Goals: development of capacity building strategy for main actors in the green hydrogen sector in Algeria.
  • Target groups: decision makers from the public sector, finance institutions, project developers and technical professionals like engineers and installers.
  • Activities:
    • six months of E-learning trainings followed by in-person training for project developers
    • half a day in-person training in Algeria on GH2 for public sector decision-makers (in French)
    • four days in-person training in AlgeriaGH2 training for decision makers from the public and private sector (with simultaneous translation into French)

Finance sector training program

  • Goals: development of capacity building strategy for financial sector in Algeria.
  • Target groups: financial experts that have completed the online e-learning training program.
  • Activities:
    • two-day kick-off workshop and training in Algiers
    • twelve weeks of online trainings
    • five days Train-the-Trainer seminar
    • three days in-person training for the best online participants in Algiers

Energy Efficiency in Buildings

  • Goals: enhancing existing University master programs and strengthening the capacities of professors and faculty members in the field of energy efficiency in buildings.
  • Target groups: master students with engineering and architectural background, professors and University faculty members.
  • Activities:
    • practical in-person training in Algeria on energy performance audit and energy rehabilitation in buildings
    • online training in introduction and application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) with practicals in simulations and modelling
    • master thesis mentorship
    • Train-the-Trainer program in energy efficiency and BIM with didactic elements.

Project Partners




Agnieszka Wörner

Project Director
RENAC energy & climate gGmbH
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 29 
Email: woerner(at)