The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
The Project involves developing financing schemes and de-risking mechanisms for RE and EE investments, and providing capacity building support to financing institutions, RE/EE developers and consultants, and government agencies for developing and accessing these schemes and mechanisms.
The Nigerian Finance Training Programme on Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency aims to provide the background knowledge and specific skills to stakeholders from the private, public, and finance sectors to access or provide finance for RE and EE investments.
This training programme is developed and conducted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) with support of Castalia.
In its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to climate protection, China aims to reach the peak of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 at the latest and to increase its share of non-fossil energy sources in primary energy consumption to 20%. Cities account for 70% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In particular the rapidly growing urban population confronts China with immense challenges. While 54% of the Chinese population is living in cities today, this is set to rise to 70% by 2030. China therefore sees an urgent need to implement climate protection measures in cities and to promote urban energy system transformation. Many Chinese cities are keen to transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean and sustainable energy sources. As a stepping stone towards achieving this goal, a need for capacity building of municipal governments in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of green energy systems has been identified.
In its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to climate protection, China aims to reach the peak of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 at the latest and to increase its share of non-fossil energy sources in primary energy consumption to 20%. Cities account for 70% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In particular the rapidly growing urban population confronts China with immense challenges. While 54% of the Chinese population is living in cities today, this is set to rise to 70% by 2030. China therefore sees an urgent need to implement climate protection measures in cities and to promote urban energy system transformation. Many Chinese cities are keen to transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean and sustainable energy sources. As a stepping stone towards achieving this goal, a need for capacity building of municipal governments in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of green energy systems has been identified.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
The Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) have been developed into training hubs for solar PV off-grid systems and shall expand their activities toward grid-connected solar PV systems as well. To achieve this goal, a two week (12 days) train-the-trainer (TtT) programme for the trainers of Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) will be implemented to enable them to deliver effective trainings about solar PV grid-connected systems.
The project responds to a situation marked by an increasing energy demand, greater political will from the Government and accordingly higher budgets, and high economic and technical potential for off-grid-electrification from RE-sources especially on remote islands. At the same time, the RE-sector is characterised by a multitude of ministerial program that are currently uncoordinated, and by a lack of organizational capacity, skills, and standardised approaches in the public and private sector both at national and regional level. The core problem that the project addresses is that the knowledge needed to use RE for off-grid electrification is not institutionalised.
Support the main stakeholders: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Ministry of public work and housing (MOPWH), Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MOWI), Ministry of Environment (MOENV), and Greater Amman EC Amman Municipality (GAM), National Energy Research Centre (NERC), Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC), Ministry of Transport (MOT) and potential private operators in the building and transport sectors and others (according to needs) in establishing detailed plans of actions and implementing a set of policy instruments complementing what was achieved through REEE-I in policies, strategies and regulations, which will encourage energy consumers and companies suppliers to improve the efficiency of energy use and increase investment on renewable energy and energy efficiency in all sectors of Jordan's economy (such policy instruments include regulations and laws, certification, accreditation and standards, information and documentation, fiscal and financial incentives, demonstration projects and dedicated financing schemes to encourage investment and participation by private and civil societies, while promoting training and knowledge transfer).
The Project was implemented for the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Maldives. In compliance with the 2010 National Energy Policy and Strategy, the Government of Maldives has been taking measures to enable the growth of a reliable and sustainable energy sector, by focusing on of the key policies in the development and promotion of RE use within the country. Maldives is one among six pilot countries taking part in the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in low income countries (SREP). The objectives of SREP work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development and hence the project was developed to accelerate sustainable private investments in RE (ASPIRE) -under which the Workshop in Malé was organised.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is implementing the IOC-ENERGIES programme with the objective of increasing access to sustainable and affordable energy services in the IOC region, namely in the states of Mauritius, the Seychelles, Madagascar and Comoros. These states are currently at different levels of development in the fields renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) and have come up with several initiatives and activities in both fields, however, most of them have been implemented without a national RE and EE vision or strategy. Therefore, the IOC-ENERGIES programme is supporting these four countries in developing national strategies.
Institut für Projektplanung GmbH (IP Consult) (hereafter referred to as the client) has a longterm expert within the GIZ project “Programa de Energías Renovables (PEERR)“, which includes energy efficiency activities in Bolivia. The project is supporting the Bolivian partner institution in setting up a programme for energy efficiency in public buildings. One of the main topics to be covered under this project, is the conduction of energy audits. IP Consult has, therefore, requested RENAC to prepare a proposal to conduct a training program on energy auditing preferably in La Paz, Bolivia.
According to Jamaica’s National Energy Policy 2009-2030, Jamaica has proposed targets of increasing its share of renewably energy, which was approximately 6% in 2011, to 12.5% by 2015 and 20% by 2030. Having a holistic approach to capacity building and technology transfer ensures a sustained development of a renewable energy market and also ensures energy security. Wigton Wind Farm (WWF – also described as the client), a subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, would like to expand the number of locally available well trained and qualified trainers at their trainings-centre which was set up by RENAC in 2016.Therefore, RENAC offered a Train-the-Trainer teaching program to bring teaching staff to a level appropriate for effective and successful teaching specific to Photovoltaics
Under the BMZ sponsored initiative, German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), the GIZ is responsible for the project “Promotion of Solar-Hybrid Mini-Grids” (GIZ-ProSolar) the ProSolar project promotes the dissemination of technologies in emerging and developing countries with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Kenya, the ProSolar project has a broad objective: the electrification of remote areas through mini-grids with involvement of the public sector, improvement of the regulatory framework governing electricity supply, and the support of the public and private sectors to build up capacities to sustainably implement solar hybrid power systems across the country.
In order to expand the use of RE and EE, a significant improvement of the appropriate financing options in all implementing countries is necessary. The capacity needs assessment will be used for a potential future project that aims on increasing the availability of financing instruments for RE&EE projects in selected countries. RCREEE and RENAC intend to transfer the successful concept of the Green Banking Capacity Building Project to several MENA countries.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
The Project was implemented for the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Maldives. In compliance with the 2010 National Energy Policy and Strategy, the Government of Maldives has been taking measures to enable the growth of a reliable and sustainable energy sector, by focusing on of the key policies in the development and promotion of RE use within the country. Maldives is one among six pilot countries taking part in the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in low income countries (SREP). The objectives of SREP work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development and hence the project was developed to accelerate sustainable private investments in RE (ASPIRE) -under which the Workshop in Malé was organised.
Morocco was among the first countries to publish its National Determined Contribution (NDC), which represented a progression on the Intended National Determined Contribution in terms of environmental ambition.
GIZ has to date provided on going and significant support in terms of capacity building in Morocco, which inter alia has led to the establishment of the 4C organisation. The project can be considered a next step, as it involves the participation of Morocco's financial sector in a focussed and demand-driven capacity building, combined with consultation of those same stakeholders on a particular question: Would a National Climate Fund (NCF) help deliver the goals described in Morocco's NDC, and, if so, what steps must be taken to bring it about?
Morocco was among the first countries to publish its National Determined Contribution (NDC), which represented a progression on the Intended National Determined Contribution in terms of environmental ambition.
GIZ has to date provided on going and significant support in terms of capacity building in Morocco, which inter alia has led to the establishment of the 4C organisation. The project can be considered a next step, as it involves the participation of Morocco's financial sector in a focussed and demand-driven capacity building, combined with consultation of those same stakeholders on a particular question: Would a National Climate Fund (NCF) help deliver the goals described in Morocco's NDC, and, if so, what steps must be taken to bring it about?
The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has requested RENAC to conduct a training program on on-grid photovoltaics.
RENAC was assigned by Ernst & Young to conduct a training covering the topics of introduction to renewable energy and management and economics of photovoltaic projects.
According to the important role and current responsibilities of the Serbian Ministry of agriculture and environmental protection (MAEP) representatives with regard to agricultural policy a need to build up their own capacity for bioenergy technology solutions was identified. As a result a workshop on Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation was realized by RENAC from 22 – 23 February 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia.
The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent regional organization, which aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned GIZ to implement the project “Promoting Development and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE/EE) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (RE-ACTIVATE)”.
The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent regional organization, which aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned GIZ to implement the project “Promoting Development and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE/EE) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (RE-ACTIVATE)”.
RENAC was commissioned to carry out the blended learning training on energy efficiency in Muscat, Oman. Around 50 participants took part during the two-week online course and five-day Face-to-Face seminar.
Since the energy sector is also one of the key areas of the Indo-German Development Cooperation, the German Federal Foreign Office was asked to assist by preparing the Renewable Energy Act and the National Energy Policy.
The ‘Rural Study Tour’ Project was aimed to introduce 14 experts from India to the implementation of the renewables projects on photovoltaics, wind energy and biomass/biogas in Europe including a number of the site visits to the north-east of Germany.
RENAC and the Wigton Wind Farm were offering Train-the-Trainer seminars on a variety of renewable energy technologies: photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, wind power, small hydropower and bioenergy systems.
Within the Biogas3 project RENAC planned, organized and conducted train-the-trainer seminars, workshops, field trips, face-to-face and online trainings and live-webinars.
Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) is implementing the project "Supporting a greener and more energy efficient construction industry in Mongolia" in cooperation with the Construction Development Centre (CDC). The project includes the provision of technical assistance in the establishment of a system of energy declaration for buildings and to build capacity on energy auditing. CCR approached RENAC to organise a training course in Berlin on energy auditing and energy building declaration for Mongolian state auditors.
Finance in Motion, the technical assistance for the Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe (GGF), has contracted RENAC to the train local banks in the Southeast Europe on renewable energy (RE) projects and their financing. Through such capacity building, financial institutes are provided with the knowledge and skills to assess the conditions for the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in their respective countries.
The Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility was launched by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in 2012. NAMA Facility provides support for the implementation of exemplary and transformational projects fighting climate change. As part of this initiative “Housing NAMA” helps the Mexican government in the development of cost-effective and energy-efficient housing concepts.
The Federal Foreign Office, assisted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, is supporting the German missions abroad in communicating the German Energiewende internationally with the following services:
- Online Database “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany“
- Brochure “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany“
- Helpdesk
- Topic lectures in English and German
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), GIZ has commissioned RENAC to support advising the Government of Ukraine on creating a suitable national legal framework that will promote energy efficiency measures at the local level. In particular, RENAC contributed to the project by realising a training course with focus on energy efficiency in public and commercial buildings.
In October and November, 2015 RENAC assisted Morocco in capacity building on renewable energy and energy efficiency. On behalf of the GIZ, RENAC has conducted five Train-the-Trainer workshops at the Institut de Formation aux Métiers des Énergies Renouvelables et de l'Efficacité Énergétique (IFMEERE), a recently inaugurated renewable energy training centre in Oujda/Morocco.
While the renewable energy sector in Chile experiences a significant growth, most of the technical expertise comes from foreign staff. Against this backdrop, RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to support the establishment of local expertise in the field of renewable energy.
As part of a wider project to support energy-related socio-economic goals of the MENA region, GIZ Tunisia commissioned RENAC to conduct a study on international standards for trainings in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. The outcomes of the study serve to inform and support vocational and Continued Professional Development (CPD) training institutions active in the RE/EE sector, both on the national and the regional level.
In 2014, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) commissioned RENAC to develop and implement a didactical concept on how to use renewable resource maps. Those maps, which indicate for instance solar and wind potentials, are a key element in the transition towards green energy. IRENA itself provides a database on renewable resource maps, known as the Global Atlas.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Mr. Ghazi Ben Salem of the consulting firm ALCOR approached RENAC to carry out a training design and sizing of solar thermal systems (technical training). This training fell within the framework of the EU funded project "Environment Energy Project" carried out by a consortium led by Burgeap-APG-France and Germany.
Over the course of two days, RENAC conducted a workshop on photovoltaics as well as a capacity needs assessment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The programme was directed at teachers, students and affiliates at the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET).
The GIZ PAKLIM recently initiated technical cooperation with the provincial Government of East Java to support the implementation of the JATIM RAD-GRK (National Centre of National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Reduction). One of the main identified barriers to renewable energy and energy efficiency is the lack of awareness and knowledge concerning opportunities to economically mitigate GHG in individual industries.
The Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG has been asked by GIZ Morocco / MASEN to organise and conduct a business and information study tour in Germany for an academic delegation from Morocco with research affiliation to photovoltaics (PV) energy and concentrated solar power (CSP).
As assigned by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), RENAC conducted a seminar on Solar Energy System Engineering tailored to suit engineers and energy consultants. The training, which took place at RENAC’s Training Centre in Berlin, included hands-on measurements with solar panels as well as an excel-based simulation tool.
RENAC provided bank staff and NEA staff with quality and updated information on solar PV technology.
The European Energy Manager (EUREM) is a training and network program comprising the areas of engineering and management, which addresses experts and executives working in the energy sector from European and non-European countries. The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce aims to offer EUREM to the experts from India.
The information base and research in Germany regarding biogas in organic farming needs to be optimized. Compared to conventional biogas, organic biogas holds many potential advantages concerning energy efficiency, climate protection, biodiversity and area demands.
RENAC conducts a two-year training program on biogas for El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica within a PPP-Project together with the DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, called "Biogas Training in Central America".
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
Within a Public Private Partnership project with the German Investment and Development Company (DEG) and the Mexican module manufacturer ERDM, RENAC has built up training capacities on Photovoltaics in Mexico.
The project comprised training material development, translation into Spanish, assessment of training of local trainers and setting up a training centre. The seminars developed are targeted at technicians, engineers and non-technical decision makers.
On behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design for the Jordanian climate conditions including consideration of the grid connection of photovoltaic systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region of Jordan.
Commissioned by the GIZ in Egypt RENAC developed and conducted a training designed for public tendering agencies who will organize tenders on RE systems in the future.
Participants get access to RENAC’s e-learning platform for 11 weeks. They spend approximately 10-15 h per week studying online: read course content, watch video lectures, do self-assessment tests and discuss in the forum.
In 2011 Ghana’s Renewable Energy Law came into act and the country plans to generate 10% of its electricity by renewable energy sources in 2020. The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi and the Energy Centre TEC plan to support this development by providing capacity building and research opportunities.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Islamabad, Pakistan requested RENAC to conduct a Train-the-Trainer program in Berlin for a selected number of persons from Pakistan.
The GIZ requested RENAC to prepare a proposal for its services to hold a three-day technical and instructional user training for a group of 12 vocational teachers to use the solar thermal training equipment purchased by GIZ from the company Schreiner Didaktik (Model "Solaranlage-Röhrenkollektor", Artikel 572245). The focus and main aim of the training was to demonstrate the technical features of the Schreiner training system but to also introduce the vocational teachers to the didactical possibilities related with the training systems.
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) requested RENAC to prepare a proposal for a training program on on-grid photovoltaic. The planned course was to run over 5 days, with RENAC covering 4 days (about 80%) of the course. The course was to provide general knowledge on photovoltaics systems to KISR technicians, engineers, and operators. The 5th day was covered by Dr. Hassan Qasem of KISR, who was to lecture on the topic of environmental impacts of photovoltaics technologies and systems. RENAC have previously provided training courses in photovoltaics and solar thermal energy for KISR in Kuwait.
RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design of the grid connection for on-grid PV systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region on behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and the GIZ.
The Summer School blended three weeks of trainings with site visits and international networking. Participants had the choice to take one, two or three weeks according to their interest. It offered an opportunity to get an insight into the renewable energy sources and the various technologies of harnessing it. The program was geared at using the best part of the year not only for vacation but also for the study.
The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) has contracted RENAC to carry out a 2.5-week train-the-trainer seminar for PV installers as well as a training for PV installers of the same length. The seminars conform to the German training standard “Expert Craftsmen in Solar Technology (Fachkraft für Solartechnik)”. In addition to the training, RENAC consults SHRDC to equip training centers for PV.
The project "Skills Development for Green Jobs" aims to contribute to combat the shortage of skilled workers for the green economy, in particular the introduction of partial qualifications into existing qualification profiles, and supporting the development of new training profiles for which a demand from the green economy is already becoming apparent.
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
RENAC supported the EARTH University in Costa Rica to integrate renewable energy technologies into the existing study program and to build up sustainable training structures for further education by delivering Capacity Building Services.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
RENAC was commissioned by the German Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation (Centre for Environmental Communication) to organise and implement two different one-day introduction seminars on renewable energy and energy efficiency (Solar Thermal, PV, CSP, Biogas, Wind and Energy Efficiency).
Eauxwell is a leading water, waste water and renewable energy engineering company based in Nigeria. The participants received a comprehensive in-sight into solar off-grid systems and energy efficiency. They studied the technical, commercial and financial aspects of off-grid photovoltaics: from applications and principles of PV, sizing of solar energy components, production of panels to planning, designing and sizing, constructing and installing solar systems.
The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in Cape Verde, established in 2008, is a regional center dedicated to address the challenges of energy poverty, energy security and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
One of the tasks of ECREEE is to provide capacity building and training on renewable energies in the region. Therefore ECREEE commissioned RENAC to conduct a four-day training on a special economic topic: investment appraisal within the context of renewable energies. The objective of the training course was to provide the participants with first-hand knowledge about the financial assessment of different renewable energy technologies.
In collaboration with the GIZ Egypt and the Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy (JCEE), RENAC held two seminars on Photovoltaics
RENAC organised and conducted a tailor-made one-week training for GIZ staff on market development of renewable energies by focusing on the technical, legal, political, and economic aspects of the technologies.
Heliocentris commissioned RENAC to organise a two-day training on hybrid renewable energy systems with a specific focus on system design.
This seminar is part of the Export Initiative Energy efficiency of the German Government.
The Intersolar is the most important professional exhibition for solar technologies worldwide. To promote the exchange between international visitors and the exhibitors, the exhibition corporation Solar Promotion offers guided tours during the Intersolar.
KISR is also a long-time partner of RENAC, which has organized a variety of trainings for the institute since 2008.
RENAC was commissioned to conduct a one-day seminar on energy efficiency in buildings by the Korea Housing Welfare Association.
The company REpower systems, a globally operating manufacturer for on-shore and off-shore wind power plants, wanted to offer its employees a seminar to deepen their know-how regarding the financing of wind parks. RENAC designed a practice-oriented three-day course with a special focus on funding issues.
Sunrain, a top Chinese solar thermal water heater manufacturer, commissioned RENAC to conduct a training program on Solar Thermal Systems for Hot Water Provision.
RENAC was requested by the World Bank Group to organize an in-house training on wind energy and photovoltaics.
The German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers International Climate Protection Fellowships. This program enables prospective leaders to conduct a research-related project of their own choice during a one-year stay in Germany. RENAC was assigned to prepare and conduct a 1 ½ day introduction seminar on renewable energies and energy efficiency for the participants of the program. RENAC included the technologies such as Photovoltaics, Solar thermal, CSP, Wind energy, Bioenergy as well as Energy Efficiency in industry and the built environment in the seminar schedule to provide a broad overview on the technologies and economics of renewables.
RENAC designed and organized a training program with site visits to new developments in photovoltaics, wind energy, CSP, solar thermal energy and hydrogen fuel cells for South-African Delegates from all Provinces.
The Energy Sector Education and Training Authority of South-Africa (ESETA) aimed to gain information on the latest market and renewable energy technology trends in Germany.
RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to conduct a seminar on planning and design of PV systems in the Galapagos Island.
RENAC was commissioned by InWent to undertake a capacity building session on the integration of renewable electricity into the Egyptian electricity supply system.
With support of the GIZ project "ComSolar", RENAC conducted a workshop on capacity need assessment together with stakeholders from the MNRE, project developers, training providers and universities for solar thermal and photovoltaics systems.
RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a one-week training course.
Commissioned by the KfW, RENAC developed and conducted a tailor-made two-day seminar about “Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment”.
King Abdullah-CARE requested RENAC to organise a three-day training program focused on solar energy (Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics) to be held parallel to the Saudi Solar Energy Forum.
The MBA Renewables study is the first, and up to now only part-time, English, distance learning program worldwide combining the degree "Master of Business Administration" with focus on renewable energy and partly on energy efficiency.
RENAC was commissioned by the Asia Department of Misereor to design and organise a seminar for Korean decision makers from ministries and institutions on how to enhance the renewable energy development.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi (MOFA) had asked RENAC to provide two five-days training programs on the whole range of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies with an emphasis on technologies relevant for Abu Dhabi.
RENAC conducted a training program in Ghana for business people and other persons interested in renewable energies.
Masdar, as part of its Solar Roof Program, wanted to train Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) engineers to supervise installation and operate PV-systems and to assure that the PV systems on the roof tops in Abu Dhabi are connected to the grid of ADDC according to their quality and security standards.
As an initial step ADDC engineers are responsible for the supervision of PV installations needed to be trained in Photovoltaics. Therefore, RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a training for the ADDC engineers. The main focus of the four-day theoretical and practical training, using the mobile RENAC training center, was on good quality of grid-connected photovoltaic systems and system integration to the grid.
Commissioned by DIW econ, an economics consultancy, RENAC prepared a study for the Best Available Technologies in the areas of solar thermal and photovoltaics for Azerbaijan.
Since 2010 RENAC is part of the European EurObserv’ER consortium. Supported by the EU-funded Intelligent Energy Europe program and the French energy agency ADEME, the EurObserv’ER team has been reporting since 1998 on the progress made by renewable energies in each member state of the European Union.
EurObserv’ER publishes every month a "barometer", monitoring and analyzing the development of the renewable energy sector. By analyzing the attractiveness of the different EU member states regarding investments in new energy production capacities, reporting on the policy support framework and providing official statistics, EurObserv’ER successfully observes and reports on policy evolutions on the European level.
Client | |
Services | Conculting |
Topics | CSP, Hydro Energy, Energy efficiency, Bioenergy, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Economists, Engineers, Project managers, Scientists, Financial institutions, Consumers, Political decision makers of EE |
Target countries | Europe |
Year | Since 2010 |
RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ Chile to design and conduct a training course on the topic of wind power prediction in Chile.
To support its Innovation Network in Solar Thermal, GIZ Egypt assigned RENAC to prepare and carry out a training on the installation of solar thermal systems. Project activities included an on-site investigation about solar thermal market conditions in Egypt, the preparation of the course based on the findings of the investigation, and the conduction of the five-day training on solar thermal systems with a focus on installation and system design.
RENAC was commissioned to design, organise and hold a training on Solar thermal technologies in Syria.
RENAC implemented a seminar in Saigon on the basics of wind energy and on wind measurement in accordance with international standards.
PEAW assigned RENAC to design and conduct a two-week training for engineers and also administrative staff about photovoltaics, solar thermal and CSP.
Participants from eight RCREEE member states attended a five-day course for renewable energy financing in Beirut-Lebanon in October 2010.
For component producers, ensuring their customers' know their products well and also have top level installation and operation skills when using the components can be extremely important for a long-term satisfying relationship.
Commissioned by Eauxwell, Nigeria’s leading water, waste water and renewable energy engineering company, RENAC designed a tailor-made ten-day training course for off-grid photovoltaics, solar thermal applications, wind energy and hybrid systems. Eauxwell together with the Nigerian Energy Commission offered the seminar places as scholarships to engineers and technicians.
In the frame of the German Energy Efficiency Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, RENAC was commissioned to develop a concept to showcase projects on energy efficiency.
A one-day seminar on Capacity Building was held in October in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Abu Dhabi to support the newly established International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in developing its capacity building strategy.
The Regional Centre for Renewable Energy & Efficiency (RCREE) is an independent think tank for the MENA region based in Cairo which is dedicated to the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency. RENAC provided an eight-day seminar for 20 young leaders from RCREEE countries.
On behalf of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, RENAC has been working as consultant within the export initiatives "Renewables – Made in Germany" and "Energy Efficiency – made in Germany" since 2008.
In cooperation with the Technical University Berlin, RENAC is running the Master of Science degree study GPE-Solar (Global production engineering for solar technologies).
RENAC was commissioned by Schüco to support two market research study on solar thermal for South Africa and on photovoltaics in South Korea.
In cooperation with the Solar Promotion, VDMA and SEMI, the Berlin conference company Solarpraxis organized the "Solar Material, Equipment and Technology Conference“ (SMET) 2008 in Munich and San Francisco.

EnerTracks encourages independent thought and supports institutions working in the field of energy transformation worldwide. This training programme, developed by Renewables Academy (RENAC) in cooperation with the Agora Energiewende, provides significant insights into the many facets of promoting the energy transformation: participants learn directly from German Energiewende experts, join excursions and discussions with key German energy stakeholders, and receive tailored online courses to enhance their climate and energy transformation expertise for tomorrow.
Client | International Climate Initiative (IKI) |
Services | Fellowship programme, study tours, online training |
Target groups | Think tanks, researchers and academia, NGOs, non-profit organizations, individuals working in the power sector |
Target countries | For eligible countries click here |
Year | 2018 - 2023 |

Global demand for green hydrogen and its derivatives has grown rapidly. Completing the e-learning programme, Green Hydrogen Economics and Project Development, enabled participants to understand the complex economic and project development aspects of this key element in the transition to a low-carbon future.
Client | German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) |
Services | Scholarship for the online training programme to gain basic knowledge of hydrogen electrolysis, ammonia production, fuel cell power plant, transport options, and green hydrogen markets. |
Target groups |
Target countries | Citizen of an eligible countries: ODA-country list |
Year | 2023 |

Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Vietnam (BEM)
Vietnam is facing a huge increase in energy demand. In addition to the challenge of ensuring a reliable and secure power supply, the share of renewable energies (RE) is supposed to contribute 6.5% to the national power system in 2020 and 10.7% in 2030, according to government plans. CO2 emissions are targeted to be reduced by 8% (alone) – 25% (with ODA) through increased use of RE in power and heat generation, among other measures.
Vietnam has great potential for bioenergy. The country’s abundant biomass resources, such as bagasse, rice husks, wood residues, and other agricultural/industrial byproducts, are predestined to serve as important vectors on the country’s path to a carbon-neutral future. To date, only a comparatively small portion of Vietnam’s estimated nearly 60 million tons of biomass residues are used for energy. There is, however, still a lack of capacity to increase the use of biomass energy for electricity or cogeneration.
Client | GIZ, EREA, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Business matchmaking, Customer-specific programmes, Development of curricula and training material, Short-term experts, Study & delegation tours. |
Target groups | Key stakeholders from the public and private sectors in Vietnam. |
Target countries | Vietnam |
Year | 2020 - 2023 |

Reskilling coal industry workers for the renewables energy sector
The decarbonisation of the EU27 is expected to result in the loss of ~76k workers’ jobs in coal mines & plants until 2025 (154k until 2030). Partnership countries (GR, DE, AT, RO, BG, PL) will be particularly affected, currently representing 81% of the total EU coal workforce (190k). At the same time, a surge of jobs in the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) sector is already happening and expected to continue and perhaps grow.
The main aim of the RES-SKILL project was to bolsterVocational Education and Training (VET) for former coal workers in order to increase their reemployment opportunities and to cover the RES sector’s demand for workers.
Client | PROMEA |
Services | Collection of evidence on skill complementarities, new RES sector requirements, and training opportunities for the transition of coal workforce to the RES industry, analysing collected evidence and defining RES-SKILL learning outcomes implementation and moderation of seminar, and sectoral/social validation of learning outcomes with stakeholders and experts & clustering of learning outcomes. |
Target groups | Coal workers |
Target countries | Germany, Greece, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland. |
Year | 2020 - 2023 |

Solar power market in Iraq
The market and business development for solar power (photovoltaics) in Iraq, is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH together with expertise of RENAC. The project is part of the “Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion (PSD) Project” and aims for market development in the solar sector. Therefore it provides numerous measurements in the fields of capacity building, private sector development, and market creation.
Take a look at the fruitful project outcomes: GIZ PV Success story book.
Client | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (Implementation lead), German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (Commissioner) and European Union (EU) (Co-Funder) |
Services | Capacity needs assessment, Development of curricula and training material, Train-the-trainer programmes, Turnkey training centres |
Target groups | Private institutions/individuals |
Target countries | Iraq |
Year | 2021 |

The GreenSkills4Dev project is designed to support different educational sectors in Mozambique to build their renewable energy training capacities. Through a combination of online courses, live virtual workshops, and hands-on practical training it aims to enable local people with local knowledge to develop a decentralized renewable energy infrastructure in rural regions.
Target group
The programme is tailored to suit the following audiences in Mozambique:
- students enrolled in a Master Course at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo
- investors and decision makers of the public sector
- employees of the private sector working in the solar business (PAYGo companies, PV installers, banks, etc.)
- nominated trainers from selected training institutions
Project Objectives:
Support different educational sectors in Mozambique
Project Activities:
Live virtual workshops, and hands-on practical training
Client | GIZ, Green People's Energy for Africa |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Ministry officials |
Target countries | Mozambique |
Year | 2019-2023 |

Webinar series on low-emission cooling and air conditioning
The German Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (DKV) organized a webinar series in cooperation with the project Strategic Environmental Dialogues implemented by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), which was also implemented in close coordination with the Proklima Programme and other local partners.
Client | German Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (DKV) |
Services | Free Webinar Series |
Topics | Capacity Building, Energy Efficiency, and Low-emissions Systems |
Target groups | Commercial Associations, Government Institutions, Service Suppliers, and Communitary Enterprises |
Target countries | Central and South America |
Year | 2021 |

This course provides insights into the progress and challenges faced by energy storage systems. These systems have the potential of bridging the gap between the supply and demand of energy, especially in networks using a high proportion of renewable generation. Despite significant technical improvements over the last few years, storage markets are still in their infancy, and some energy storage system (ESS) technologies face both economic and technological challenges.
Services | Online course. |
Topics | Storage applications, economics and technologies. |
Target groups | Professionals from the public sector, regulators, TSO’s and utilities. |
Target countries | Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. |
Year | 2023 |

By providing energy independence, a buffer against fossil-price volatility, and future-oriented employment, the social and economic co-benefits of the energy transition are spurring the growth of renewable energy generation across the globe.
Capacity building and vocational training programmes are essential to understanding the full socioeconomic potential of renewable energy solutions and can contribute to increasing businesses’ and government agencies’ social and economic performances.
Services | Energy transition online workshop |
Topics | Energy transition |
Target groups | Open access |
Target countries | Open access |
Year | 2022 |

Alumni Network Grüne Bürgerenergie - LET´S CONNECT FOR GREEN ENERGY IN AFRICA
ANSAP fosters market development of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency in Africa. It supports African Alumni with study experience of green energy in Germany to create a peer and expert support community to develop project or businesses in green energy in their home countries.
It offers and alumni portal for peer communication and knowledge exchange. Scholarships for online trainings on the development and bankability of project and business plans in green energy. Expert mentorship to further analyze and develop projects and virtual conferences and pitching events to showcase and exchange project and business ideas.
Client | GIZ on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Partner: Initiative Grüne Bürgerenergie für Africa |
Services | Creating an African - German Alumni Network in green energy |
Topics | Business development for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies |
Target groups | African Alumni / Alumna with study experience in Renewable Energies in Germany |
Target countries | Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Uganda and Zambia |
Year | 2021-2022 |

iRISE is part of the Indo-German Solar Partnership and supports the "Skilling India“ initiative targeting 500 million skilled workers to be placed in appropriate employment by 2022. The Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG has been awarded by GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) to successfully implement iRISE.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Virtual live/face-to-face training |
Topics | Upgrade technical and business skills, install and market the ‘PV-Port’ solar system |
Target groups | Syriamitras, master trainers |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2020-2022 |

This online/eLearning course covers topics on recovery measures rooted in the energy transition. The course is based on the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) 2020 report, THE POST-COVID RECOVERY - AN agenda for resilience, development and equality. The IRENA report is applicable to a broad range of economic and social disruptions, particularly climate change.
Client | IRENA |
Services | Energy transition online course |
Topics | Energy transition |
Target groups | Open access |
Target countries | Open access |
Year | 2022 |

TROPHI is a capacity building project that aims to accelerate the market development of rooftop photovoltaic systems in India. It targets five key stakeholders in the rooftop PV sector with tailored trainings and workshops all over the nation. Participants will be able to learn both technical and didactical skills from renowned international experts in the fields of installation, commissioning, inspection and grid-integration of grid-connected rooftop PV systems.
Client | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH |
Services | Train-the-Trainer Seminars, workshops, trainings |
Topics | Didactical skills for trainers of solar installers, engineering knowledge for system acceptance and performance inspection, commissioning and grid-integration |
Target groups | Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOM), State Nodal Agencies (SNA), Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), Skills Council of Green Jobs (SCGJ), Power Sector Skills Council (PSSC) |
Target country | India |
Year | 2018 - 2020 |

The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil. As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected reference systems. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
Client | International Climate Initiative with support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Financial Sector Capacity Building– a combination of Online Training and a Face-to-Face Workshop in each partner country |
Topics | Solar Heat for Industrial Processes |
Target groups | (Local) financial sector |
Target countries | Brazil, Mexico, India, South Africa |
Year | 2017 - 2022 |
COBENEFITS is a capacity-building programme targeting policy makers and other relevant actors in energy, climate and environmental policy in three countries: Turkey, South Africa and Mexico. The project strengthens governmental departments and agencies in charge of climate and energy issues in the target countries in their ability to advice their ministerial clients on the co-benefits of renewable power generation, to spur ambitious as well as effective NDC implementation.
Client | International Climate Initiative with support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Country reports and analyses, self-paced online training programme, country-specific virtual face-to-face trainings and cross-country mutual learning workshops. |
Topics | Renewable energy in power generation and climate policy |
Target groups | Ministries, subordinate authorities and regulators, regional or local administration, policy makers and deciders on subnational/state level, financial institutions |
Target countries | Phase 1: India, South Africa, Turkey, Vietnam (2017 – 2020) Phase 2: Turkey, South Africa, Mexico, Kenya (2020 – 2022) |
Year | 2017 - 2022 |

RENAC, in partnership with TVET Hamburg, partner to deliver this comprehensive course. It is designed for TVET managers and trainers, educators, researchers, and policy makers interested in the application of dual training features for the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.
The six-week course examines the success factors of Germany’s TVET system as well as cross-cutting issues in TVET, such as quality assurance and digitalisation. It includes interactive sessions and tasks, facilitated online forums, and live virtual discussions.
After successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. The course runs from 9 May to 17 June 2022. Register now before the 2 May 2022 deadline.
Client | GFA and RENAC |
Services | Online trainings on Green TVET |
Topics | Dual TVET features, RE and EE workforce demand, Green TVET pedagogical approaches and quality management |
Target groups | Open access |
Target countries | International |
Year | 2022 |

Punjab Reform Management Programme: Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies
The two courses offered in this programme, Introduction to Renewable energy Technologies (IRET) and Management and Economics of Photovoltaic Projects (MEPP), are designed for technical and non-technical participants wishing to enhance their career prospects. The programme achieves this by providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the various renewable energy technologies and in-depth knowledge on grid-connected and off-grid photovoltaics, energy efficiency in industries and buildings, and the grid-integration of variable renewable energy. The programme is delivered using a blend of theoretical lectures, practical exercises and field trips, providing participants with ample international networking opportunities.
Partner | Punjab Reform Management Programme |
Services |
Topics |
Target groups |
Target country | Pakistan |
Year | 7.11.2022- 18.11.2022 |
Webinar series – Solar Power for Iraq
Solar Power for Iraq – was an open webinar series in June/July 2021. Experts shared their knowledge on promising solar power applications in the Iraqi market, their economic analysis and gave impulses for policy and business development. The series ended with an outlook on the Energy Innovation Coach scholarship programme in Iraq and further activities under the “Private Sector Development & Employment Promotion Project” in Iraq. The project was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH together with expertise of RENAC.
Partner | German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH together with expertise of RENAC |
Services | Workshops Webinar series |
Topics | Photovoltaic applications in promising market niches |
Target groups | Enterprises seeking new business opportunities, potential clients from residential, commercial and/or industrial sector, representatives from educational sector, public/governmental organisations |
Target country | Iraq |
Year | 2021 |

Conference on Green Recovery for Central America
The aspect of employment opportunities will become a crucial action field for the Central American governments to mitigate the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investments in the development of RE markets can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies. Skilled professionals are a major prerequisite for a sound market development and are needed along the whole value chain of RE technology development in the public, private, and finance sector and on different levels.
Experts from all Central American countries will join the event on 24 and 25 November 2020 to discuss possible Green Recovery post COVID-19 strategies, necessary actions, best practices and further milestones for a sound market development of RE.
Target Groups
- Political decision makers,
- Ministry representatives
- Private sector
- Finance sector
- Academic sector
- International organisations
Project Activities
- Virtual conference
Client | GIZ, BMU |
Location of | Central America |
Number of | approx. 150 |
Dates | 25th and 26th November 2020 |

Nigerian Finance Training Programme on Solar and Energy Efficiency
The Project involves developing financing schemes and de-risking mechanisms for RE and EE investments, and providing capacity building support to financing institutions, RE/EE developers and consultants, and government agencies for developing and accessing these schemes and mechanisms.
The Nigerian Finance Training Programme on Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency aims to provide the background knowledge and specific skills to stakeholders from the private, public, and finance sectors to access or provide finance for RE and EE investments.
This training programme is developed and conducted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) with support of Castalia.
Project Objectives
The overarching objective of the capacity building programme is to enhance the competencies of the target group in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of clean municipal energy systems.
Target Groups
- Finance institutions
- RE/EE suppliers, consultants, developers
- Public institutions working on energy topics in the Nigerian political and administrative context.
Project Activities
- Blended learning (online, face-to-face training)
Client | BMZ GIZ Federal Ministry of Power |
Location of | Nigeria |
Number of | approx. 20 |
Dates | August - October 2020 |
German - Chinese Climate Partnership
In its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to climate protection, China aims to reach the peak of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 at the latest and to increase its share of non-fossil energy sources in primary energy consumption to 20%. Cities account for 70% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In particular the rapidly growing urban population confronts China with immense challenges. While 54% of the Chinese population is living in cities today, this is set to rise to 70% by 2030. China therefore sees an urgent need to implement climate protection measures in cities and to promote urban energy system transformation. Many Chinese cities are keen to transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean and sustainable energy sources. As a stepping stone towards achieving this goal, a need for capacity building of municipal governments in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of green energy systems has been identified.
Project Objectives
The overarching objective of the capacity building programme is to enhance the competencies of the target group in integrated, strategic planning and implementation of clean municipal energy systems.
Target Groups
- City governments
- City authorities
- Advisory bodies to the city governments
Project Activities
- 2 face to face trainings in China on low-carbon renewable energy heating
- 1 study tour in Germany on low-carbon renewable energy heating
- 3 live online trainings via Zoom on the topics Post Covid19 Green Recovery, System Integration of Renewable energies and Energy Master Planning
Client | GIZ |
Location of | Changzhi (China), Zhengzhou (China), München, Salzburg, Wien (all three for the study tour), Berlin (Online Trainings) |
Number of | approx. 250 |
Dates | 22.01.2019- 14.09.2020 |

The objective of the three-year Solar Payback project: Promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across four partner countries – South Africa, India, Mexico and Brazil.
As part of the German International Climate Initiative (IKI), it is raising awareness of the technical and economic potential of SHIP technologies by clear and transparent information on the costs and benefits of SHIP applications and by helping to build selected real reference installations. Solar Payback also cooperates with financial institutions to develop models which will assist stakeholders and investors in securing access to financing.
Project Objectives
The main objective of Solar Payback is promoting the use of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) across the four partner countries by raising awareness of its technical and economic potential, and increasing willingness to invest in it. As capacity building in the partner countries is a key aspect of the project, train-the-trainer workshops are offered focussing on technical as well as economic aspects.
Target Groups
- Professionals from engineering consultants,
- commercial users,
- energy managers from industrial plants, local, national or international banks
Project Activities
- Train-the-Trainer workshops with local knowledge partners in all four target countries
Partners | BSW - German Solar Association KFW DEG Frauenhofer ISE German Federal Ministry for the Environment, BMU |
Location of | Brazil, Mexico, India, South Africa |
Dates | 2019-2020 |
Study tour to Germany targeted at Thai public and private sector delegates
Mobilizing climate finance
RENAC was requested to conduct a study tour for a Thai delegation about climate finance.
Project Objectives:
The core objective of the tour was to facilitate institutional knowledge exchange between the delegates and institutions in Germany with expertise and experience in mobilizing climate finance/businesses and RAC applications. The meeting and exchanges were to enable the delegates to:
- Reflect on the role of the Thai banking sector on climate finance, climate investment, sustainable investment and green banking
- Understand possible policy instruments that could be used to leverage climate financing,
- Take back examples of public-private cooperation models for leveraging finance,
- Understand the GCF, its approaches and the benefits of its usage to the business sector
- Identify possible instruments in the cooling and heating sector, and
- Become aware of international models in climate financing.
- Gain knowledge and understanding on federal and state budgeting policy of Germany, overview of energy and climate policy and implementation, and ministerial budgeting planning and allocation on energy and climate change
- Identify existing budgetary instruments and current main challenges on mobilizing public finance
- Discuss successful public programs and initiatives, and
- Receive an overview on state finance of climate/energy policy.
Project Activities:
- Development of the study tour concept and narrative in line with the key objectives of GIZ Thailand climate finance institutions that deploy EE/ climate finance instruments in the Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning sector (RAC NAMA part)
- On-site technical and logistic support
- Ex-post debriefing and study tour summary report
- activities
- Pre-study tour preparation of the Thai delegation in the form of a study tour guide and other technical documents
- Outreach and set-up of appointments with the institutions and entities to be visited during the study tour
- Identification and outreach to
Client | GIZ |
Services | Concept note design, narrative, study tour agenda, study tour guide, facilitation and hosting of the delegation, summary report |
Topics | Climate finance |
Target groups | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Energy |
Target countries | Thailand |
Year | 2019 |

Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Mongolia
On behalf of GIZ, RENAC was requested to conduct a 1-day training on energy efficiency in buildings. The training was held in Berlin
Project Objectives
- Learn about legal framework and government instruments for EE in industry
- Provide information about Energy standards for buildings
- Identify energy efficient solutions for buildings
Target Groups:
- Engineers
- Preparation of teaching material, practical training and exercises
- Providing training equipment and rooms
- Providing audio visual equipment: laptops, projector, flip charts, etc
- Conducting the Face-to-Face course in Berlin
- Certification of participants that complete the course
- Printouts of training materials for the participants

ECN/GEF - Train-the-Trainer programme on large-scale grid-connected PV projects in Nigeria
The Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) have been developed into training hubs for solar PV off-grid systems and shall expand their activities toward grid-connected solar PV systems as well. To achieve this goal, a two week (12 days) train-the-trainer (TtT) programme for the trainers of Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) will be implemented to enable them to deliver effective trainings about solar PV grid-connected systems.
Project Objectives
- Facilitating trainings using a participatory approach
- Evaluating the full project cycle of a large-scale grid-connected PV power plant
- Selection and sizing of grid-connected PV specific components
- Describing the effects of integrating renewable power sources into the distribution grid
- Installing a grid-connected PV system (provided training equipment is available)
Client | Energy Commision of Nigeria / Global Environmental Facility (ECN/GEF) |
Services | Capacity needs assessment, seminar design and selection of lecturers, development of two 5-day courses, evaluation and final report |
Topics | Grid-connected solar PV |
Target groups | Trainers of Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) and National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) |
Target countries | Nigeria |
Year | 2018 - 2019 |

GFA Consulting Group - Rural Electrification through Renewable Energy (ELREN)
The project responds to a situation marked by an increasing energy demand, greater political will from the Government and accordingly higher budgets, and high economic and technical potential for off-grid-electrification from RE-sources especially on remote islands. At the same time, the RE-sector is characterised by a multitude of ministerial program that are currently uncoordinated, and by a lack of organizational capacity, skills, and standardised approaches in the public and private sector both at national and regional level. The core problem that the project addresses is that the knowledge needed to use RE for off-grid electrification is not institutionalised.
Project Objectives
The objective for the technical cooperation module is defined as follows: “Knowledge about using renewable energy for off-grid electrification is institutionalized.” A number of secondary objectives are named:
- Poverty reduction
- Environmental protection and resource conservation by promoting preferential use of RE
- Mitigation of greenhouse gases
- Energy security
- Capacity needs assessment
- Certification procedures, competence matrix and other preparative work for trainings
- Development of curricula
- Planning and implementation of TtT and workshops in Indonesia
Client | GFA Consulting Group |
Services | Tailor-made training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | PV technicians and PV plant operators in Indonesia |
Target countries | Indonesia |
Year | 2017-2019 |

GIZ - Trainings on Rooftop Photovoltaics Systems in India
India has seen tremendous growth in installation of solar PV systems. India is on track to reach its ambitious goals defined in the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) and Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). However, the sector of grid-connected rooftop systems (GRTPV) lags behind its targeted 40GWp installed by 2022 with only 1.2GWp installed to date.
With "Trainings on rooftop photovoltaic systems in India - TROPHI" the German and Indian government enable the Renewables Academy (RENAC) to facilitate a sophisticated training programme in India. Renowned international and national experts and trainers will deliver high-quality trainings and workshops for key stakeholders. International best-practices combined with Indian expertise will pave the way for improving conditions for more GRTPV installations.
Project Objectives
- Qualify more Surya Mitra installer trainers to ensure good workmanship of installations.
- Qualify SECI inspectors to ensure safety, performance and acceptance of RTPV.
- Qualify trainers of distribution companies (DISCOM) engineers to teach commissioning of RTPV
- Motivate DISCOM senior management staff to actively tackle challenges and realize opportunities of integrating RTPV into their networks.
- Enable district officers of State Nodal Agencies (SNA) to create awareness for RTPV.
Client | Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) |
Services | Capacity needs assessment, development and organisation of training programme, delivery of TtT-seminars, impact evaluation of training programme |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Surya Mitra trainers, SECI inspectors, DISCOM management/engineering staff, SNA district officers |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2017-2019 |

REEE II-TA: Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency II in Jordan
Support the main stakeholders: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Ministry of public work and housing (MOPWH), Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MOWI), Ministry of Environment (MOENV), and Greater Amman EC Amman Municipality (GAM), National Energy Research Centre (NERC), Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC), Ministry of Transport (MOT) and potential private operators in the building and transport sectors and others (according to needs) in establishing detailed plans of actions and implementing a set of policy instruments complementing what was achieved through REEE-I in policies, strategies and regulations, which will encourage energy consumers and companies suppliers to improve the efficiency of energy use and increase investment on renewable energy and energy efficiency in all sectors of Jordan's economy (such policy instruments include regulations and laws, certification, accreditation and standards, information and documentation, fiscal and financial incentives, demonstration projects and dedicated financing schemes to encourage investment and participation by private and civil societies, while promoting training and knowledge transfer).
Project Objective
Contribute to the development and implementation of effective policies that would help Jordan reach its renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE) targets for 2020.
Client | European Commission |
Services | Open training |
Topics | Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Central and municipal governments such as MEMR; MoPWH; MoWI, MoEnv; EMRC; MOT; NEPCO, and GAM |
Target countries | Jordan |
Year | 2016 - 2019 |

Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) Training in the Maldives
The Project was implemented for the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Maldives. In compliance with the 2010 National Energy Policy and Strategy, the Government of Maldives has been taking measures to enable the growth of a reliable and sustainable energy sector, by focusing on of the key policies in the development and promotion of RE use within the country. Maldives is one among six pilot countries taking part in the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in low income countries (SREP). The objectives of SREP work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development and hence the project was developed to accelerate sustainable private investments in RE (ASPIRE) -under which the Workshop in Malé was organised.
Project Objectives:
The objective of the workshop is to prepare and disseminate training on the technical and policy aspects of variable renewable energy (VRE) in the Maldives.
Target Groups:
Target groups were defined by the client and the communication was also solely organized by the client.
Project Activities:
- Need assessments were carried out
- Training concepts and schedules were developed and executed
- The workshop was coordinated from RENAC
- Coordination with Key Experts from RLI
- Materials and exercises were developed
- Certificates were prepared
- Evaluation forms were given to the experts
- End Report was written by RENAC and RLI
Client | ASPIRE Project, Ministry of Environment and Energy for the Government of the Republic of Maldives |
Services | Seminar design and selection of speakers, implementation of seminar |
Dates | 27.08.2017 - 27.11.2017 |

EDAMA - PV-Financing in Jordan
EDAMA Association (EDAMA) has requested RENAC to submit a proposal to conduct a 5-day training on financing of large scale PV projects in Amman, Jordan. RENAC submitted the proposal and after some negotiation both parties agreed on a scope of work, time and budget.
Project Objectives
Train 16 participants on the topic of financing of large scale PV projects.
- RENAC designed a Face-to-Face seminar based on previous experience with the finance sector
- RENAC provided pre-questionnaires for the participants
- RENAC prepared the teaching material and conducted the Face-to-Face seminar
- Examination and certification of participants
- Evaluation and Reporting
Client | EDAMA Association Amman, Jordan |
Services | Seminar design, preparation of teaching material, conduction of the seminar, examination and certification, evaluation |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Finance |
Target groups | This training suits those who conduct economic feasibility studies for PV projects, are responsible for financing these projects, want to integrate solar projetcs into their portfolio, need to evaluate the risks and benefits of PV projects |
Target countries | Jordan |
Year | 2018 |

Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector
The capacity building and mentoring program, “Empowering Women as Managers of the Renewable Energy Sector” aims to support female participants from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies to advance their careers and become leaders in the Renewable Energy sector. It intends to develop their full personal potential and increase their confidence and skills to become effective employees, decision makers, entrepreneurs and leaders in the public or private sector.
“Empowering Women as Managers in the Renewable Energy Sector” is launched by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The project is developed by the United States and implemented by the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Nedworc Foundation (NWF) and SD Strategies.
Project Objectives
It specifically seeks to increase their knowledge of Renewable energy technologies, markets and policy though an online training and workshop. The training will enable them to develop their own business plans through targeted mentoring and assistance.
- Online trainings on renewable energy technology, markets and policies
- As well as their economic and social dimensions, concluded by an exam
- Face-to-face trainings including further training sessions and
- Interactive seminars
- Development of individual business plans with mentoring from experts
- Pitching of the business plans
- Alumni network
Client | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) |
Services | Online-training, Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Renewable Energies |
Target groups | Women holding mid-level career positions in the energy sector in the APEC economies |
Target countries | Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam |
Year | 2018 |

GIZ- Development and Implementation of Energy Policies and Strategies in Madagascar
The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is implementing the IOC-ENERGIES programme with the objective of increasing access to sustainable and affordable energy services in the IOC region, namely in the states of Mauritius, the Seychelles, Madagascar and Comoros. These states are currently at different levels of development in the fields renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) and have come up with several initiatives and activities in both fields, however, most of them have been implemented without a national RE and EE vision or strategy. Therefore, the IOC-ENERGIES programme is supporting these four countries in developing national strategies.
Project Objectives
The project objective is capacity building and training programme in renewable energy and energy efficiency for policy makers of the four countries so as to improve the skills on energy policy and strategy development and implementation. The primary objectives of this project are:
- Obtain the necessary competences for a better understanding of the planning, operation and management of the energy sector to allow policy makers of the IOC states better prepare and monitor the implementation of national sustainable energy policies and strategies
- Provide the policy makers of the IOC states with necessary skills to lead and take an active part in the development and implementation of their energy policies and strategies
- Emphasise during the trainings on the role of energy information systems in policy design, planning and implementation
Client | GIZ / Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) |
Services | Seminar design and selection of lecturers, implementation of the seminar, creation of certificates of attendance, design of an examination |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Ministries/Departments of Energy, Ministries linked with the use of fuelwood and charcoal (e.g. forestry and agriculture) and transport, Statistics Bureaus, Energy utilities, Energy regulators, Rural electrification agencies |
Target countries | Madagascar and Seychelles |
Year | 2018 |
IP Consult - Energy Efficiency Audit in Bolivia
Institut für Projektplanung GmbH (IP Consult) (hereafter referred to as the client) has a longterm expert within the GIZ project “Programa de Energías Renovables (PEERR)“, which includes energy efficiency activities in Bolivia. The project is supporting the Bolivian partner institution in setting up a programme for energy efficiency in public buildings. One of the main topics to be covered under this project, is the conduction of energy audits. IP Consult has, therefore, requested RENAC to prepare a proposal to conduct a training program on energy auditing preferably in La Paz, Bolivia.
Project Objectives
The objective of the training is to build the capacity of local actors to allow them to:
- conduct energy audits
- implement energy efficiency measures
in (public) buildings.
Client | Institut für Projektplanung GmbH (IP Consult) |
Services | Seminar design and selection of lecturers, implementation of the seminar, creation of certificates of attendance, design of an examination |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Engineers |
Target countries | Bolivia |
Year | 2018 |

responsAbility Investments AG - Webinar on Solar PV Project Finance
responsAbility Investments AG (responsAbility) has requested Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) to prepare and conduct a webinar on the topic of solar PV project finance.
The target audience were people working in financial institutions in Asia and Latin America.
Project Objectives
The overall objective was to encourage the audience to explore the topic of Project Finance for renewable energy, to see a prosperous business case and to be motivated to dive deeper into the topic.
Client | responsAbility Investments AG, Zürich |
Services | Design of the presentation, conduction of the live webinar, follow-up consultancy |
Topics | Solar PV, Finance |
Target groups | This training suits practitioners working in financial institutions (public and private) |
Target countries | Asia / Latin America |
Year | 2018 |

Wigton Windfarm Ltd. - Train-the-Trainer course on Photovoltaics for new local trainers
According to Jamaica’s National Energy Policy 2009-2030, Jamaica has proposed targets of increasing its share of renewably energy, which was approximately 6% in 2011, to 12.5% by 2015 and 20% by 2030. Having a holistic approach to capacity building and technology transfer ensures a sustained development of a renewable energy market and also ensures energy security. Wigton Wind Farm (WWF – also described as the client), a subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, would like to expand the number of locally available well trained and qualified trainers at their trainings-centre which was set up by RENAC in 2016.Therefore, RENAC offered a Train-the-Trainer teaching program to bring teaching staff to a level appropriate for effective and successful teaching specific to Photovoltaics
Project objectives
- Develop highly qualified trainers for selected issues of photovoltaics who can carry out seminars autonomously according to high standards set by accreditation bodies or professional institutions
- Create a framework within your country and its local professionals to encourage local skills development and to encourage local professionals to stay in the country and have means/skills to develop their business
- Setting-up a challenging training programme that is adapted in the best possible way to the individual needs of the candidates and that encourages potential trainers to provide their own input
- Encourage trainers to use their own initiative to develop further seminar concepts for the different markets
- Transfer not only the expertise of technical aspects but also soft skills (training methods/didactical skills)
- Offer support from experienced trainers
- Seminar design and selection of speakers
- Administration preparatory Online-Course
- Implementation of the TtT seminar
Client | Wigton Windfarm Ltd |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Local trainers |
Target countries | Jamaica |
Year | 2018 |

GIZ - Consultancy for the review of Advanced Solar Photovoltaic Training Course in Kenya
Under the BMZ sponsored initiative, German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), the GIZ is responsible for the project “Promotion of Solar-Hybrid Mini-Grids” (GIZ-ProSolar) the ProSolar project promotes the dissemination of technologies in emerging and developing countries with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Kenya, the ProSolar project has a broad objective: the electrification of remote areas through mini-grids with involvement of the public sector, improvement of the regulatory framework governing electricity supply, and the support of the public and private sectors to build up capacities to sustainably implement solar hybrid power systems across the country.
Project Objectives
According to the Terms of Reference (ToRs), the project had the following three specific objectives:
- Objective 1 – Review of T3 solar PV curriculum
- Objective 2 – Address gaps to T3 solar PV curriculum
- Objective 3 – Technical support to NITA to increase pool of trainers and assessors
The first objective is to review the existing T3 curriculum in order to assess the gaps in the content and also to tailor the curriculum closer to the national training needs. Following from this, the project aims to address the identified gaps and to provide a more comprehensive curriculum. The revised curriculum will be based on international standards and will also incorporate the national educational and skills context. The third objective is to provide NITA with technical support in order to establish a pool of skilled trainers to carry out the standardised courses and thus ensure the quality and standards in the design, installation and operation of solar systems (grid-connected, stand-alone and hybrid solar PV systems). The technical support will also include a standardized Trainer’s Package of materials for the trainers to use in the teaching of the T3 curriculum.
- Review and adaption of existing material
- Seminar design and selection of participants
- Implementation and moderation of seminar
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Solar hybrid power |
Target groups | Train trainers to train PV technicians in Kenya |
Target countries | Kenya |
Year | 2017-2018 |

GIZ - Energy Efficiency Buildings in Ukraine
The aim of the GIZ project “Energy Efficiency in Municipalities II” (EEIM II) in which this project is embedded is to improve the pre-conditions for the further build-up of municipal energy management systems in Ukraine. The project focuses on supporting the development of a service portfolio for municipal energy management by external service providers, which is used by municipalities throughout Ukraine.
Project Objective
Aim of the project is to develop and implement a basic training on quality and know-how for energy service providers (e.g. energy auditors, engineers, architects, consultants) in terms of energy efficiency modernizations of public buildings.
Project Activities
The project consists of the following three phases:
1. Phase: Development of concept and training materials
- Training approach
- Accession restrictions
- Link to KfW activities
2. Phase: Conduct trainings
- Approx. 14 days in several training sessions
- English/German with simultaneous translation into Ukrainian
3. Phase: Up-scaling
- Certification of the training
- Identification of potential cooperation partners for future trainings
- Scaling-up and sustainability of the training
Client | Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) |
Services | Capacity needs assessment, seminar design and selection of lecturers. implementation of the seminar, certificates of attendance, concept development for scaling up |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Service providers in the building sector, employees of municipalities and municipal institutions, infrastructure and building operators, public institutions, public, academic and private training providers, business associations and chambers of industry and commerce |
Target countries | Ukraine |
Year | 2017 - 2018 |
RCREEE - Capacity Needs Assessment on Green Energy Finance
In order to expand the use of RE and EE, a significant improvement of the appropriate financing options in all implementing countries is necessary. The capacity needs assessment will be used for a potential future project that aims on increasing the availability of financing instruments for RE&EE projects in selected countries. RCREEE and RENAC intend to transfer the successful concept of the Green Banking Capacity Building Project to several MENA countries.
Project Objectives
- Gain an impression on how far the private finance sector is prepared for an increased demand in green energy finance.
- Identify the main stakeholders from public, private and finance sector for a Green Banking project.
- Identify existing capacity building needs on the management and loan officer level.
- Identify the main challenges for green energy finance in the target countries.
- Build up a network of supporting public and finance institutions for a Green Banking project.
- Explore if similar projects on finance sector capacity building are already existing or planned.
- Identify risks of a Green Banking project in the target countries.
Client | Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) |
Services | Capacity needs assessment |
Topics | Green Energy Finance |
Target groups | Commercial banks, private equity, risk capital and infrastructure funds, development banks, institutional investors |
Target countries | MENA countries |
Year | 2017-2018 |

Capacity Building for the development of the Tunisian solar market
In its project „Développement du Marché Solaire en Tunisie“ the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) works with Tunisian stakeholders to establish conditions that foster the development of the Tunisian solar market. One of the measures is to support local experts to develop own solar training programmes which are suitable to prepare local workforce for the requirements of the growing solar industry. In this context, RENAC provides capacity building assistance to Tunisian experts during the development of standard industry-relevant vocational solar training programmes.
Project Objective
The main objective of this project is to support Tunisian solar experts in developing high quality PV training programs for installers and system operators, including their required learning resources, which will enable local workforce to perform tasks in the growing solar industry.
- Seminar design
- Evaluation and feedback on newly developed solar curricula and in-class teaching material
- Implementation and moderation of seminar
- Coaching of individuals and working groups
- Evaluation of pilot trainings
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Solar |
Target groups | Tunisian solar trainers and vocational training experts |
Target countries | Tunisia |
Year | 2016 - 2018 |

Green Banking
Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Project Objectives:
Participants will gain specific know-how in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, as well as appropriate risk evaluation and mitigation schemes. The development of private sector finance instruments for climate change mitigation will be fostered and the readiness to leverage national credit lines with international climate change mitigation schemes will be increased. Knowledge about existing international climate change mitigation funds and the available access opportunities will be disseminated.
Client | German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Face-to-face and online training |
Topics | Finance |
Target groups | Commercial/Development banks, private equity, institutional investors |
Target countries | India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam |
Year | 2015 - 2018 |

CapREG - Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration
CapREG "Capacity Development on Renewable Energy and Grid Integration" is a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). Within this framework the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building program for renewable energy and grid integration trainings.
The three-year program will provide comprehensive know-how on renewable energy technologies and assist in increasing their use. By creating suitable framework conditions for the development of renewable energy and by overcoming obstacles about the grid integration of renewable energy it will be possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to encourage the financing of renewables and contribute to energy security.
Client | German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Capacity Assessment |
Topics | Grid Integration, Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Governmental bodies |
Target countries | Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador |
Year | 2014 - 2016 |

Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) Training in the Maldives
The Project was implemented for the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Maldives. In compliance with the 2010 National Energy Policy and Strategy, the Government of Maldives has been taking measures to enable the growth of a reliable and sustainable energy sector, by focusing on of the key policies in the development and promotion of RE use within the country. Maldives is one among six pilot countries taking part in the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in low income countries (SREP). The objectives of SREP work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development and hence the project was developed to accelerate sustainable private investments in RE (ASPIRE) -under which the Workshop in Malé was organised.
Project Objectives:
The objective of the workshop is to prepare and disseminate training on the technical and policy aspects of variable renewable energy (VRE) in the Maldives.
Target Groups:
Target groups were defined by the client and the communication was also solely organized by the client.
Project Activities:
- Need assessments were carried out
- Training concepts and schedules were developed and executed
- The workshop was coordinated from RENAC
- Coordination with Key Experts from RLI
- Materials and exercises were developed
- Certificates were prepared
- Evaluation forms were given to the experts
- End Report was written by RENAC and RLI
Client | ASPIRE Project, Ministry of Environment and Energy for the Government of the Republic of Maldives |
Services | Seminar design and selection of speakers, implementation of seminar |
Dates | 27.08.2017 - 27.11.2017 |
Capacity Building on Climate Finance and Feasibility Study of a National Climate Fund in Morocco
Morocco was among the first countries to publish its National Determined Contribution (NDC), which represented a progression on the Intended National Determined Contribution in terms of environmental ambition.
GIZ has to date provided on going and significant support in terms of capacity building in Morocco, which inter alia has led to the establishment of the 4C organisation. The project can be considered a next step, as it involves the participation of Morocco's financial sector in a focussed and demand-driven capacity building, combined with consultation of those same stakeholders on a particular question: Would a National Climate Fund (NCF) help deliver the goals described in Morocco's NDC, and, if so, what steps must be taken to bring it about?
Project Objectives:
- Objective 1: Enhancing the know-how and capacities of the Moroccan financial sector on climate finance
- Objective 2: Assessing the possibility of establishing a National Climate Fund (NFC) in Morocco.
Project Activities:
- Work package 1: Support to capacity building of Moroccan financial sector on Climate Change. This work package aimed to support the Moroccan financial sector in its efforts to strengthen know-how and capacities on climate finance: international landscape, instruments and services, etc reflected in its roadmap. It should lead to building an independent and reliable pool of competencies within national financial institutions, in charge of environmental services, risk assessment portfolios, investment planning, etc.
- Work package 2: Feasibility study of a National Climate Fund in Morocco
The study in subject explored the possibility of establishing a National Climate Fund (NFC) to manage climate finance in Morocco. The following tasks was executed in close coordination with the Moroccan Ministry of Environment/ Climate Change Division and 4C project/GIZ
- Planning and conducting Capacity Needs Assessment as well as conducting summary report and feasibility study for a National Climate Fund in Morocco including detailed work plan, interim report, intermediary national meeting programme, final report, presentation of results
- Seminar design and implementation; selection of speakers for Face-to-Face trainings was implemented by subcontractor Greenwerk
- Running of Online Training “Climate Finance”
Client | GIZ |
Topics | Climate finance |
Target groups | Banks and Financial Institutions, public bodies in Morocco |
Target countries | Morocco |
Year | 2017 |

DEWA - Technical-commercial assessment and modelling of grid-connected PV projects
The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has requested RENAC to conduct a training program on on-grid photovoltaics.
Project Objectives
- Get an overview of how grid-connected PV systems work
- Understand the technical and non-technical aspects related to the successful implementation
- Learn the basics of planning and design, installation, maintenance, quality management and economics of PV systems
- Online courses: PV application and PV technology
- 4 days face-to-face course for 14 participants
Client | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Staff from the technical and regulations departments at DEWA |
Target countries | United Arab Emirates |
Year | 2017 |

Ernst & Young - Introduction to renewable energy & management and economics of PV projects
RENAC was assigned by Ernst & Young to conduct a training covering the topics of introduction to renewable energy and management and economics of photovoltaic projects.
Project Objectives
According the training contents after passing the courses each participant should be able to:
- Assess the appropriateness of each technology for di?erent situations
- Undertake initial system designs
- Communicate with both technology suppliers and customers
- Understand the latest renewable energy market trends
- Evaluate the bankability of PV projects
- Discuss technical, commercial, legal and political risks and risk mitigation schemes
- Determine CAPEX/OPEX, assess key financial indicators and set up the financial structure of PV projects
- Debate the advantages and challenges of PV power plant economics
- Preparation and implementation of the 2-week seminar
- Elaboration of Questionnaires for the Client
- Photo Documentation during the seminar for the client
- Certificates of attendance
- Evaluation of the seminar and elaboration of the final project report
Client | Ernst & Young |
Services | Tailor-made training |
Topics | Wind Energy, Photovoltaics, Concentrated Solar Power |
Target groups | Employees with a background in engineering from the Ministry of Electricity and Water Kuwait (MEW) |
Target countries | Kuwait |
Year | 2017 |

GIZ Serbia - Workshop on Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation
According to the important role and current responsibilities of the Serbian Ministry of agriculture and environmental protection (MAEP) representatives with regard to agricultural policy a need to build up their own capacity for bioenergy technology solutions was identified. As a result a workshop on Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation was realized by RENAC from 22 – 23 February 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia.
Project Objective
The overall objective of the DKTI project “Development of a Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Serbia” is to strengthen capacities and to create an enabling environment for the sustainable use of bioenergy in Serbia. The concrete objective of the particular workshop on Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation for representatives of the Directorate for Agrarian Payments was to increase their capacities in regard to bioenergy technology solutions. Participants of the workshop shall enlarge their basic knowledge on bioenergy technologies and the opportunities for bioenergy application in the agricultural sector. Due to national incentives for small-scale bioenergy solutions (IPARD programme), the workshop focused in particular on small-scale bioenergy systems for energy self-sufficiency of the respective farm or agricultural company.
- Workshop design and selection of speaker
- Development of content of the workshop with regard to the topic
- Implementation and moderation of workshop
- Evaluation and project reporting of the workshop
Client | GIZ Serbia |
Services | Tailor-made training |
Topics | Bioenergy |
Target groups | Participants came from the Directorate for Agrarian Pyments |
Target countries | Serbia |
Year | 2017 |

RCREEE - Implement the certificationof sustainable energy trainings in Morocco and Tunisia
The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent regional organization, which aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned GIZ to implement the project “Promoting Development and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE/EE) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (RE-ACTIVATE)”.
RE-ACTIVATE helps identifying and exploiting complementarities and synergies across national and/or sectorial borders in promoting sustainable energy technologies and sustainable local development.
The analysis of current capacity development context conducted by RCREEE highlighted the pressing need for high-quality training programs that requires well-qualified instructors and training centers with appropriate equipment, based on that RCREEE initiates and proposes credentialing and certification programs to ensure the efficiency and reliability of capacity development programs for sustainable energy market in the Arab Region.
In that respect, RCREEE and RE-ACTIVATE entered into a cooperation agreement to support national and regional cross-border cooperation and to establish certified training activities and develop quality and competency standards for clean energy educators, training centers, trainers and programs at regional level. Based on the market investigation study.
Project Objective
The Credentialing initiative goal is to ensure the efficiency and reliability of capacity development programs (CD) in the MENA Countries and to raise performance, coherence and quality of skills training provision.
In these regards, the present assignment aims to design a regional credentialing program based on quality and competency norms, standards and certification programs for clean energy educators, trainees, training centers and programs, and assist MENA countries to build a quality-trained sustainable energy workforce adapted to their local context.
The mission also includes the support and assistance of Morocco and Tunisia to develop and introduce certification processes for training offers.
- Support Morocco and IFMEREE in the conception and implementation of a national certification process in close cooperation with the concerned national partners and GIZ projects.
- Support Tunisia in the implementation of a certification process based on international standards for training programs in the PV and EE sectors in close cooperation with the concerned GIZ projects (namely RCH-DMS and RE-ACTIVATE) and their national partners.
- Develop a comprehensive concept of a Regional Credentialing program (Certification and accreditation procedure for vocational training) and development of training standards and quality assurance mechanisms adapted to MENA countries context for clean energy trainees, training centers, trainers and sustainable energy programs.
- Evaluation and improvement and impact assessment.
Client | Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) |
Services | Conception and implementation of a national certification process |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Training institutions, programmes and trainers of PV and EE |
Target countries | MENA Countries |
Year | 2017 |

EARTH University, Costa Rica together with RENAC, organized a 2 day workshop for public and private stakeholders in Central America on green economy and climate policy in order to support the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) goal 7 – “Affordable and Clean Energy”. This workshop was planned to be the start of following workshops with the objective to mainstream the discussion on NDC and SDG implementation and the creation of ownership in the public and private sector and citizens.
Project Objectives
To implement climate policies in Central America and to reach the SDG 7 goal, one of the most important instruments is the capacity-building of key public and private stakeholders and the creation of a broad ownership of citizens. As such, the proposed workshop aims to:
- Raise awareness on the NDC and SDG7 implementation within key public and private stakeholders.
- Provide a platform for exchange of strategies and experiences within Central American countries.
- Strengthen the capacity of key decision makers from government institutions of the region to develop strategies for sustainable climate policies and regulations.
- Include the private sector in the development of green economy strategies in line with the NDC and SDG-7.
- Promote networking and discussion between different government institutions and private sector to facilitate mainstreaming of climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives into sectorial policies.
- Raise awareness and strengthen ownership of multipliers to encourage the development of policies and measures that meet the EU 2030 climate and energy objectives, particularly the SDG7, and the UN framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Build capacities through online training offers on renewable energy technologies.
Target Groups
The workshop was intended to have a regional outreach and regional participation. Invited countries are Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
- Political decision makers related to the energy sector (ministries and governmental agencies) from 6 Central American governments.
- Representatives of the private sector (commerce/industry chambers) from 6 Central American
- Media representatives
- International representatives supporting Central American countries in their development towards green economy and sustainable energy supply.
- High-level participants (Director General and/or Head of Division level) from interested states, like Colombia
Client | GIZ |
Services | Workshop |
Topics | Hybrid Systems, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Wind Energy, Grid Integration, Biogas, Small Hydropower |
Target groups | Political decision makers, Private Sector, Media representatives, International representativs |
Target countries | Central America |
Year | 2017 |

Green Energy Summer School: Grid Integration of Renewable Energy
The markets for grid-connected variable renewable energies (wind power and photovoltaics) are growing. According to the International Energy Agency, wind and solar energy will account for more than 80% of global capacity growth from renewable energies over the next five years. The share of electricity generation from wind and PV is steadily increasing worldwide. System integration of variable renewable energies is becoming increasingly important. Today, tools and methods are available to enable secure and reliable operation of an energy supply system and its sustainable planning.
With this training you will be able to identify strategic solutions to plan and operate power supply systems with large amounts of variable wind and PV. This training is a must for all those who want to prepare for current and future tasks and for those who want to become or remain leading experts in the energy sector.
Project Objectives
- Set-up a grid and/or system integration study for VRE
- Apply short-term wind and PV forecasts for grid and energy market operation
- Calculate the reliable VRE power contribution and balancing power needs for system planning
- Explain frequency and voltage control with PV inverters and wind turbines
Target Groups
- people who are responsible for grid integration as regulators, energy service companies, energy ministries, advisors
- people who plan and operate electricity grids and/or develop grid integration strategies
Project Activities
Lectures, hand-on practical exercises, field trips
- Seminar design and selection of speakers
- Marketing and administration of participants
- Implementation and moderation of seminar
Location of | Berlin, Germany |
Dates | 04.09.2017 - 08.09.2017 |

Introduction to renewable energy technology
The "Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies " course is designed for persons to get to know the various renewable energy technologies and their economic potentials– in both urban and rural setting. This five days course gives the participants a structured overview of the different renewable energy sources, how they can be harnessed and used for the provision of energy in the form of electricity, heat and cold. It is perfect for those who are new to renewable energies and need a quick entry to its technical, commercial, legal or administrative aspects. Through a blended mix of instructor-led training, hands-on practical exercises and site visits, participants get a comprehensive overview of the main, commercially-viable renewable technologies, and come to understand how they work and how the different systems are designed. At the end of the five days, they are able to assess the appropriateness of different technologies for different situations and undertake their own initial designs for renewable energy systems. Additionally the course presents an overview of the renewable energy markets and latest market trend.
Project Objectives
The overall objective of the course is for participants to have a comprehensive overview of the main commercially viable renewable technologies.
Additionally they are to:
- acquire an understanding of how they work, how systems are designed and sized,
- do initial designs for renewable energy systems, be able to assess the appropriateness of different technologies for different situations,
- have an overview of the main renewable energy market sectors
- be able to communicate effectively and knowledgably with technology suppliers and customers.
- have the opportunity to discuss their own projects
Target Groups
The course is designed for persons working in the industry-, non-profit-, public- and academic sectors who wish to get a comprehensive introduction to renewable energy technologies, as well as those wishing to install renewable energy systems in both urban and rural settings. It is ideal for newcomers to the industry.
Project Activities
Lectures, hand-on practical exercises, field trips
- Seminar design and selection of speakers
- Marketing and administration of participants
- Implementation and moderation of seminar
Location of | Berlin, Germany |
Dates | 06.11.2017- 10.11.2017 |

Sustainable Energy for All initiative – Technical Assistance Facility
Since 2014, RENAC supports the Sustainable Energy for All initiative (SE4All) - Technical Assistance Facility (SE4ALL- TAF) for the Western and Central Africa as well as for the Eastern and Southern Africa. RENAC is part of a consortium which was formed by the EU Commission within the framework of the United Nations, and includes partners such MWH, WS Atkins International, Ecofys Germany, GFA Consulting Group, ADETEF, EPTISA, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, HCL Consultants, and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
Project objectives
SE4All aims to achieve three objectives by 2030:
- ensure universal access to modern energy services,
- double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency and
- double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Project Activities
As part of the SE4all initiative, RENAC was commissioned to support the creation of policy frameworks for Energy Efficiency (EE) and the review of structures to promote EE in COMESA and SADC countries. In detail, RENAC conducted the following activities:
- Design, preparation and implementation of a seminar on Energy Efficiency in lighting, cooking, buildings, industry, and the power sector from 15th to19th June in Lusaka (Zambia)
- Preparation and implementation of a site visit to of the Kariba North Bank Hydropower Station for the third seminar day
Client | Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) |
Services | Creation of policy frameworks for Energy Efficiency (EE) and the review of structures to promote EE |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Political decision makers |
Target countries | Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Africa |
Year | 2014 - 2017 |

Blended Learning Training on Energy Efficiency in Oman
RENAC was commissioned to carry out the blended learning training on energy efficiency in Muscat, Oman. Around 50 participants took part during the two-week online course and five-day Face-to-Face seminar.
Project Background:
The Omani Authority for Electricity Regulation is the national authority responsible for regulating the electricity and related water sector in Oman. To introduce the policy makers to the topics such as energy usage and management systems, the Authority has assigned RENAC to conduct a blended learning training on energy efficiency in buildings. The program has included two-week online course and five-day Face-to-Face seminar in Muscat, Oman.
Project Objectives:
The project’s objective was to train policy makers and regulators in order to provide them with the necessary basic knowledge (technical, legal, and economic) to develop and monitor policies concerning energy efficiency in the built environment.
Target groups:
Regulators, Administrators, Policy makers
Project Activities: During the project the participants had a chance to study both online and in the classroom covering such topics as energy efficiency in the built environment, integration of renewable energy, and international standards. Additionally, architectural design principles and modern technologies for ecological buildings were examined. On completion of the course the participants were granted the certificates of attendance.
Client | Oman Authority for Electricity Regulation |
Services | Face-to-face training, Online training |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Energy advisors and building inspectors, Political decision makers, Project developers |
Target countries | Oman |
Year | 2016 |

Legislator's Capacity Building on German Climate and Energy Policies and Indo-German Cooperation
Since the energy sector is also one of the key areas of the Indo-German Development Cooperation, the German Federal Foreign Office was asked to assist by preparing the Renewable Energy Act and the National Energy Policy.
Project Background:
Holding the 3rd place among the largest energy consumers in the world, India is currently paying much attention to the climate change mitigation strategy. The Indian government has given a strong push to develop renewable energy in the country to meet the growing energy needs and also to combat climate change. Since the energy sector is also one of the key areas of the Indo-German Development Cooperation, the German Federal Foreign Office was asked to assist by preparing the Renewable Energy Act and the National Energy Policy. Therefore, RENAC was commissioned to help with capacity building and policy development training.
Project Objectives:
The objectives of Indian Parliamentarians' visit to Germany are to develop their knowledge and capacity about the energy transition in Germany as a response to climate change mitigation and energy security, especially in the area of renewable energy use and energy efficiency and also to strengthen Indo-German energy cooperation through the active involvement of legislators.
Target Groups:
Members of Parliament (MPs) from India from different parties interested in climate mitigation policies
Project Activities:
- Development of the concept and agenda; identification of adequate stakeholders and sites in Germany
- Dissemination of one policy brief before the start of the delegation; organization of the delegation of at least six MPs to Germany including briefing
- Organization of the meetings and site visit with the kick-off event at RENAC as introduction to the delegation visit
Client | German Federal Foreign Office |
Services | Capacity building and policy development training |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Political decision makers |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2016 |

Rural Study Tour on Wind, Photovoltaics, Biomass
The ‘Rural Study Tour’ Project was aimed to introduce 14 experts from India to the implementation of the renewables projects on photovoltaics, wind energy and biomass/biogas in Europe including a number of the site visits to the north-east of Germany.
Project Objectives:
- Learn from the European experience of the project implementation in the field of renewable energy
- Receive advanced theoretical and practical training on the respective technologies (wind, bioenergy and photovoltaics)
- Get the chance to visit the modern plants, parks, and energy forum.
Project Activities:
- Introductory training, practical lab and software exercises at RENAC Office covering photovoltaics, wind energy and biomass/biogas
- B2B meetings with the wind and PV industrialists, associations and regulators, manufacturers and project developers
- Organisation of the site visits to the RENAC rooftop system, power plants and solar parks, institutes, and energy forums.
Client | GFA Consulting Group |
Services | Study tour |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Wind Energy, Bioenergy |
Target groups | Financial institutions, Project managers |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2016 |
Train-the-Trainer program on Solar Thermal Energy in Tunisia
As part of the partnership programme between GIZ and Biome Solar Industry (BSI), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Tunisia (also known as the client) has requested RENAC to implement a Train-the-Trainer program on solar thermal energy.
Project Objectives:
- Planning and implementation of a Train-the-trainer programme on solar thermal, more specifically on the 5 identified modules in 2 separate 5 day sessions
- Ensuring the training equipment of the training recipient’s training centre is adapted to the planned practical exercises
- Trainer assessment and ranking the trainers according to predetermined criteria
- Developing a qualification report for the trainers
- Providing the qualified trainers (maximum of 10) all necessary documentation for the implementation of trainings on the 5 modules, as well as documents for their future participants (a trainer’s folder and one for participants)
- Evaluation of the training programme
Project Activities:
- Phase I: Evaluation of trainer candidates in the country and pre-selection
- Phase II: Preparation of the TtT-seminars
- Phase III: Conduction of TtT seminars
- Phase IV: Assessment of trainers and final selection
- Phase V: Evaluation of TtT seminars and recommendations
Client | GIZ Tunisia |
Topics | Solar thermal |
Target groups | Engineers and technicians of BSI, as well as a selection of academics (from ENIT, Tunisia’s leading engineering school), the head of a design office, and official representatives of the ANME (national energy management agency of Tunisia). |
Target countries | Tunisia |
Year | 2016 |

Upscaling Wind Power Training in Vietnam
As Vietnamese fast growing economy focuses more and more on sustainable energy supply and sets its goals primarily on renewable energy development, additional trainings and capacity building are needed. Therefore, Lahmeyer International (LI) together with RENAC and the BZEE Academy GmbH, was commissioned to design and provide a training on project development, implementation and financing in the wind power sector. A course covers basics of wind power project execution and financing fundamentals.
Project Objectives:
The broad objective of "Upscaling Wind Power Vietnam" Project is to enhance capacities of various stakeholders involved in the wind power industry, covering areas of expertise from project development to financing in the wind power sector.
Project Activities:
RENAC is responsible for the financing trainings (finance fundamentals and due diligence) and capacity needs assessment.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Development of Curricula and Training Material |
Topics | Wind Energy |
Target groups | Project developers, Governmental bodies, Financial institutions |
Target countries | Vietnam |
Year | 2017 |

Wigton - Train-the-Trainer seminars in Jamaica for the Caribbean region
RENAC and the Wigton Wind Farm were offering Train-the-Trainer seminars on a variety of renewable energy technologies: photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, wind power, small hydropower and bioenergy systems.
Target groups were professionals of the Caribbean region with the basic knowledge of the technologies or with a degree in engineering and some years of professional experience.
The Trainers had to participate in the full two-week Train-the-Trainer seminars. Additionally, conducting at least 2 courses per year for a minimum of 2 years after their initial training was required.
- Photovoltaics (on-grid and off-grid)
- Solar thermal (+ small hydro power)
- Wind power
- Bioenergy
Client | Wigton Windfarm Ltd |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Engineers, Technicians, Training professionals |
Target countries | Caribbean region |
Year | 2016 |

Biogas3 - Sustainable Small-scale Biogas and Biomethane from Agro-food Waste
Within the Biogas3 project RENAC planned, organized and conducted train-the-trainer seminars, workshops, field trips, face-to-face and online trainings and live-webinars.
Project background
The main objective of "Biogas3", a project within Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), is to enhance the biogas generation in the food production sector. By promoting the usage of organic waste, which could be agricultural residues but also food and beverage industry waste, the project focuses on small-scale concepts for energy self-sufficiency. "Biogas3" lasted from 2014 until 2016.
The project contributed to secure, sustainable and competitively priced energy for Europe by promoting renewable energy sources and supporting energy diversification.
Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) is a research programme, launched in 2003, that offers help to organisations willing to improve energy sustainability. Europe wants to create better conditions for a more sustainable energy future in areas as varied as renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings, industry, consumer products and transport.
To read the project overview and results in German, please click here.
Client | Biogas3 |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Bioenergy |
Target groups | Farmers, Project developers, Project managers, Technicians |
Target countries | Europe |
Year | 2015 - 2016 |

Supporting a greener and more energy efficient construction industry in Mongolia
Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) is implementing the project "Supporting a greener and more energy efficient construction industry in Mongolia" in cooperation with the Construction Development Centre (CDC). The project includes the provision of technical assistance in the establishment of a system of energy declaration for buildings and to build capacity on energy auditing. CCR approached RENAC to organise a training course in Berlin on energy auditing and energy building declaration for Mongolian state auditors.
Project objectives:
The training on energy auditing and energy building declaration is tailored to suit future energy auditors from the Construction Development Centre (CDC) in Mongolia. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the energy auditing process. After completion, participants are enabled to calculate and assess the energy uses and losses in a building as well as its key energy processes. The training further transfers knowledge on how to perform practical analysis of buildings in order to deliver energy audits to an international standard. In addition, participants are taught to understand energy audit legislation and related processes in a comparative European country context.
- Seminar design and selection of speakers
- Material development
- Implementation and moderation of a five-day seminar in Berlin
Client | Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) |
Services | Five-day seminar |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Energy auditors from the Construction Development Centre (CDC) |
Target countries | Mongolia |
Year | 2015 - 2016 |

Renewable Energy Project Finance Workshop Series with Finance in Motion
Finance in Motion, the technical assistance for the Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe (GGF), has contracted RENAC to the train local banks in the Southeast Europe on renewable energy (RE) projects and their financing. Through such capacity building, financial institutes are provided with the knowledge and skills to assess the conditions for the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in their respective countries.
Project Objectives:
The project aims to assist financial institutions in better understanding the benefits of renewable energy lending. It further provides them with the basic information on the scope of RE project finance, including potential risks and opportunities. After the completion of the training, participants will learn about the renewable energy technologies and regulatory frameworks in general, as well as related to the specific environment of their respective institution.
Project Activities:
RENAC conducted a series of workshops in Zagreb (Croatia) and Skopje (Macedonia), covering part or all of the following topics:
- General introduction to renewable energy projects
- Regulatory framework for renewable energy projects
- Technical aspects of hydro energy, biomass/biogas, wind energy and photovoltaics
- Financial aspects of renewable energy projects
Client | Finance in Motion |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Hydro Energy, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Financial institution |
Target countries | Southeast Europe |
Year | 2012 - 2016 |
3 day training on Introduction to Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Mini-Grids
The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) (hereafter referred to as the client) is the development finance institution established by the Member States of OPEC in 1976 as a collective channel of aid to the developing countries. Energy is one of the core focus areas of the fund. As part of the energy focus area of its operations, OFID is a supporter of the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Initiative, with aims of promoting universal energy access by 2030. OFID has a portfolio of projects that considers both traditional and renewable energy sources. OFID has requested RENAC to prepare a short course that introduces the various renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures. The course intends to familiarize the staff and grants officers of OFID with the various key renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE) technologies and mini-grid systems that might be useful in their day-to-day operations.
Project Objectives:
- To provide OFID employees with an overview of renewable energy technologies (photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, wind energy, bioenergy and small hydro ) and their different applications, with an additional dedicated focus on mini-grids
- To provide OFID employees with a basic understanding of energy efficiency measures in industry and commerce, and in buildings
- To provide training via RENAC online learning platform as well as via face-to-face training
Project Activities:
- Delivering a 3-day face-to-face training course at OFID headquarters in VIENNA.
- Providing access to introductory modules of RENAC online learning platform.
- To carry out and evaluate a pre-course questionnaire to establish participants’ needs.
- To prepare training material to match participants’ needs.
- To set up online learning platform for interested OFID participants.
- To deliver training course at OFID headquarters in Vienna.
- To provide technical and administrative support to OFID participants on online learning platform.
- To facilitate an online exam 3 months after completion of face-to-face course.
- To carry out a post-course evaluation.
Client | OFID (OPEC Fund for International Development) |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Mini-Grids |
Target groups | OFID employees |
Target countries | Austria |
Year | 2015 |

Capacity Building on EE in the residential sector for energy advisors and building inspectors
The Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility was launched by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in 2012. NAMA Facility provides support for the implementation of exemplary and transformational projects fighting climate change. As part of this initiative “Housing NAMA” helps the Mexican government in the development of cost-effective and energy-efficient housing concepts.
GIZ, as one implementer of the NAMA Facility, commissioned RENAC to assist in the transformation of the Mexican housing sector. RENAC was asked to design an educational concept that offers training for energy advisors and building inspectors on sustainable construction of new social housing and on energy renovation of existing social housing.
Project objectives:
The concept and methodology, as developed by RENAC, were created to serve large-scale trainings directed at energy advisors and building inspectors. Overall, the objective of this project is to provide training and certification to a sufficient amount of trainers who will be able to act as multipliers in the process of replicating the training measures throughout the country.
- Training material development
- Implementation of two Train-the-Trainer courses (5 days each)
- Development of course material
- Seminar design
- Implementation and moderation of courses
- Development of online exam and evaluation of participants
- Reporting
Client | GIZ |
Services | Capacity Building |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Energy advisors and building inspectors |
Target countries | Mexico |
Year | 2015 |

Communicating the Energiewende Worldwide
The Federal Foreign Office, assisted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, is supporting the German missions abroad in communicating the German Energiewende internationally with the following services:
- Online Database “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany“
- Brochure “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany“
- Helpdesk
- Topic lectures in English and German
Project Objectives:
RENAC assists the German Foreign Office and the German Embassies in reaching out to a variety of stakeholders: representatives of ministries and subordinate authorities, MPs and their staff, business associations and companies in the energy sector, consultants, energy utilities and grid operators, national and regional energy agencies, financial institutions, national think tanks, universities, and interested media representatives.
"Communication of the Energiewende" thereby aims to impartially inform and give advice on energy transition policies and concepts. Likewise, public coverage and debates about the "Energiewende" are meant to be rationalised, including addressing common myths and misunderstandings. Overall, the project promotes international cooperation and shares some of the lessons learnt in the transition process in Germany.
Project Activities:
- Creation of four sample presentations on various aspects of the "Energiewende"
- Production and update of the information brochure "WHO'S WHO of the Energiewende - Contacts in politics, economy and society" (English and German) on "Energiewende"
- Helpdesk and technical support for presentations and speeches abroad
- Provision of a pool of experts, and conduct lectures abroad on demand of the German Foreign Office
- Prepare and adapt slides and speeches for German Foreign Office staff
Client | Federal Foreign Office (AA) |
Services | Communicating the German Energiewende: Online database, Brochure “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany, Helpdesk, Topic lectures |
Topics | German Energiewende |
Target groups | Ambassadors, Ministries |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | since 2015 |

Energy Efficiency in Public and Commercial Buildings
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), GIZ has commissioned RENAC to support advising the Government of Ukraine on creating a suitable national legal framework that will promote energy efficiency measures at the local level. In particular, RENAC contributed to the project by realising a training course with focus on energy efficiency in public and commercial buildings.
- Seminar design, selection of lecturers, and production of training materials
- Implementation of the seminar
- Organisation of field trips to energy efficient objects
- Realisation of practical activities in RENAC’s training centre
- Organisation of a networking event at the end of the seminar
Client | GIZ |
Services | Face-to-face training |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Political decision makers |
Target countries | Ukraine |
Year | 2015 |

IFMEERE - Train-the-Trainer workshops in Morocco
In October and November, 2015 RENAC assisted Morocco in capacity building on renewable energy and energy efficiency. On behalf of the GIZ, RENAC has conducted five Train-the-Trainer workshops at the Institut de Formation aux Métiers des Énergies Renouvelables et de l'Efficacité Énergétique (IFMEERE), a recently inaugurated renewable energy training centre in Oujda/Morocco.
Ten future lecturers were being trained in PV, solar thermal, biogas and energy efficiency in intensive five-day courses by the renowned renewable energy experts. Further, a didactic seminar was held to make future trainers familiar with innovative teaching methods.
Project Objectives
The main objective of this project is to teach the institution's key staff and trainers both didactic as well as technological know-how. Participants were trained in four crucial fields of RE and EE: solar thermal, photovoltaics, biogas and energy efficiency.
Project Activities
As part of this project RENAC conducted the following activities:
- Training material development and adaptation
- Preparatory online introduction course on RE and EE
- Train-the-Trainer seminar on methodology and didactics
- Train-the-Trainer seminars on PV, solar thermal, bioenergy and energy efficiency
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Engineers |
Target countries | Morocco |
Year | 2015 |

Promoting Solar Energy in Chile / Deutsche Klima- und Technologieinitiative
While the renewable energy sector in Chile experiences a significant growth, most of the technical expertise comes from foreign staff. Against this backdrop, RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to support the establishment of local expertise in the field of renewable energy.
Project Objectives: The main objective in this project was to prepare and implement a Train-the-Trainer (TtT) course for solar technicians on the installation and maintenance of ground-mounted PV systems. The participants of the seminar were thereby enabled to pass on their knowledge to site managers, electricians and mechanics.
Project Activities:
As part of this project RENAC delivered the following services:
- Material development and selection of lecturers
- Seminar design
- Implementation and moderation of seminar in Antofagasta, Chile
- Exam development and evaluation of participants
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Solar |
Target groups | Solar technicians |
Target countries | Chile |
Year | 2015 |

GIZ Tunesia - Study on international standards for trainings
As part of a wider project to support energy-related socio-economic goals of the MENA region, GIZ Tunisia commissioned RENAC to conduct a study on international standards for trainings in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. The outcomes of the study serve to inform and support vocational and Continued Professional Development (CPD) training institutions active in the RE/EE sector, both on the national and the regional level.
- Conduction of study on main international standards and certification schemes for RE/EE vocational and Continued Professional Development training
- Assessment of their transferability and applicability to the MENA countries
- Presentation of study at stakeholder workshop in Egypt
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Development organisations, Associations, Project developers, Training professionals |
Target countries | MENA region |
Year | 2014 - 2015 |

Spatial Planning Techniques for solar and wind power projects
In 2014, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) commissioned RENAC to develop and implement a didactical concept on how to use renewable resource maps. Those maps, which indicate for instance solar and wind potentials, are a key element in the transition towards green energy. IRENA itself provides a database on renewable resource maps, known as the Global Atlas.
Project Objectives:
Focussed on South America, MENA, Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia, the main objective of this project is to train representatives of energy authorities and energy agencies in these regions on best practices for using maps of solar and wind potentials. The training provides the necessary competences in order to develop policies, propose tariff structures, initiate tendering processes and stimulate public awareness of renewable energies.
Project Activities:
In the context of this project, RENAC supported IRENA by developing a didactic concept, seminar materials and workshop content, and through the conduction of four two-day seminars in Tanzania, Egypt, Peru and the Philippines.
Client | International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
Services | Face-to-face training |
Topics | Renewable Resource Maps |
Target groups | Representatives of energy authorities and energy agencies |
Target countries | South America, MENA, Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia |
Year | 2014 - 2015 |

Within the SUSTAINGAS project RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
EU Sustaingas is a project within the Intelligent Energy Europe Program aiming to promote sustainable biogas production in organic farming. Participating countries are Poland, Bulgaria, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Denmark and Germany. Within the project, RENAC offers online training courses, and organises workshops in the various countries for organic farmers and producers of sustainable electricity.
Download the brochure "Sustainable biogas production in organic farming: Project results and impact"
Client | Sustaingas |
Services | Consulting, Tailor-made Training, Open Training, Development of Curricula and Training Material |
Topics | Bioenergy |
Target groups | Consumers, Farmers, Associations, Project developers, Business economists, Students, Utilities of energy sector, Companies |
Target countries | Poland, Bulgaria, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Denmark and Germany |
Year | 2012 - 2015 |

Alcor - Design and sizing of solar thermal systems
Mr. Ghazi Ben Salem of the consulting firm ALCOR approached RENAC to carry out a training design and sizing of solar thermal systems (technical training). This training fell within the framework of the EU funded project "Environment Energy Project" carried out by a consortium led by Burgeap-APG-France and Germany.
Project Objectives
- Mastering of equipments for design and sizing of solar thermal installations
- The introduction to the concept of solar thermal systems
- Improving the credibility of consultants
Client | ALCOR |
Services | Development of Curricula and Training Material, Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers |
Target countries | Tunisia |
Year | 2017 |

GIZ Brazil - Photovoltaics and Capacity Needs Assessment - Workshop in Rio de Janeiro
Over the course of two days, RENAC conducted a workshop on photovoltaics as well as a capacity needs assessment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The programme was directed at teachers, students and affiliates at the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET).
Project objectives
The PV training was designed to transfer essential knowledge on:
- fundamentals of solar photovoltaic technologies, including latest market and technology trends
- physical background of PV, applications, performance and geographical preconditions
- key implementation steps and the key success factors for PV
- successful implementation of small and large-scale
- feasibility of different applications and the preconditions and frameworks necessary
- financial aspects of PV projects
As part of the Capacity Needs Assessment, RENAC identified training needs on photovoltaics among the staff of the CEFET. Based on that, a structure for the new training modules on photovoltaics together with different partners (CEFET, GIZ, SEDEIS etc.) was created.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Capacity Assessment |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Students, Scientists |
Target countries | Brazil |
Year | 2014 |

GIZ Indonesia - Organisational Concept for a Green Energy Center for Mitigation Technologies
The GIZ PAKLIM recently initiated technical cooperation with the provincial Government of East Java to support the implementation of the JATIM RAD-GRK (National Centre of National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Reduction). One of the main identified barriers to renewable energy and energy efficiency is the lack of awareness and knowledge concerning opportunities to economically mitigate GHG in individual industries.
In this context, the provincial government emphasised the need for an institution to provide knowledge about renewable energies and energy efficiency to related industrial entities in order to enhance their knowledge on the design and implementation of GHG mitigation measures. In regard to this, GIZ and East Java Province came up with the idea to establish a Green Energy Centre (GEC) to support the provincial government in mainstreaming the local action plan and to promote EE and RE in buildings, industries, and small and medium enterprises (SME) in addition to the research in the energy sector. The Institute of Technology BPPT at the university “Sepuluh Nopember” in Surabaya is considered to be the potential institution for the implementation of the GEC.
Project Activities
- Elaboration of an interview guideline to gather the needed information from potential stakeholders and clients
- Compilation, assessment and analysis of experiences and approaches of ongoing projects and former related initiatives such as the "Sustainable Consumption and Cleaner Production Program"
- Interviews with potential stakeholders (provincial government, universities/faculties, industries in the province)
- Use of GIZ’s management model for sustainable development “Capacity Works” to structure the analysis
- Exchange of information and insights with the GIZ PAKLIM advisory team
- Production and delivery of the concept report
Client | GIZ |
Services | Consulting, Turnkey Training Center |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Hybrid Systems, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Companies |
Target countries | Indonesia |
Year | 2014 |

GIZ MASEN - Study Tour PV and CSP research
The Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG has been asked by GIZ Morocco / MASEN to organise and conduct a business and information study tour in Germany for an academic delegation from Morocco with research affiliation to photovoltaics (PV) energy and concentrated solar power (CSP).
Project Objectives
The ultimate aim of the trip is the in-depth exploration of the applied research landscape in Germany for the abovementioned technologies (PV and CSP). The trip also serves the purpose of establishing contact between dedicated research institutions in Germany and Morocco and to initiate possible cooperations between German and Moroccan research institutions in the field of applied research, photovoltaics and concentrating solar power (CSP).
- Participants should be familiar with the German research landscape on CSP and PV
- Participants receive information about the research activities and on the functioning of institutions
- Participants gain a better understanding of how such an institution can be managed and how the project institutions acquire third-party funding and how resources are managed
- Participants get a better understanding of technology transfer
- Participants can transfer and adapt the gained knowledge to the country-specific contexts in Morocco
Client | GIZ |
Services | Study tour |
Topics | Concentrated solar power, Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Scientists |
Target countries | Morocco |
Year | 2014 |

Solar Energy System Engineering
As assigned by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), RENAC conducted a seminar on Solar Energy System Engineering tailored to suit engineers and energy consultants. The training, which took place at RENAC’s Training Centre in Berlin, included hands-on measurements with solar panels as well as an excel-based simulation tool.
The training was designed to give a comprehensive overview of off-grid technologies. Over the course of five days, participants gained essential knowledge on system sizing, planning, maintenance and management of PV-Diesel-Hybrid systems.
Client | United Nations Development Program (UNDP) |
Services | Face-to-face training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers and energy consultants |
Target countries | United Nations |
Year | 2014 |

World Bank - Large scale solar PV Training in Nepal
RENAC provided bank staff and NEA staff with quality and updated information on solar PV technology.
Nepal has been falling in energy crisis situation and facing acute load shedding of almost 16-17 hours in dry season (December to May). In order to mitigate the energy shortage situation in short term, the World Bank planned to support the government of Nepal (GoN) for installing a 20 MW grid connected solar PV by June 2014. As this was to be the first grid connected solar PV system in the country, they saw the need of transferring knowledge and experience to train the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) staff on fundamentals of different types of PV technologies, PV industry and its markets. RENAC was requested by the World Bank to conduct a training that covers one session of the training module “Solar Energy Generation Training Program”.
Project Objectives
- Provide bank staff and NEA staff with quality and updated information on solar PV technology
- Cover the following necessary for the deployment of RE on a large scale
Client | World Bank |
Services | Capacity Assessment, Development of Curricula and Training Material |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Financial institutions |
Target countries | Nepal |
Year | 2014 |

EUREM - European Energy Manager - licensed for India
The European Energy Manager (EUREM) is a training and network program comprising the areas of engineering and management, which addresses experts and executives working in the energy sector from European and non-European countries. The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce aims to offer EUREM to the experts from India.
Project Objectives
RENAC is in charge of adapting the learning material to the local Indian conditions. Adaptation implies different elements: case studies, exercises, data related to industrial technologies, used fuels, local climate zones, typical building solutions, realised pilot projects and local prices, among others. During the courses, participants acquire the theoretical knowledge to be put in practice on the creation of an energy concept.
Target Groups
Experts and executives who are self-responsible part of companies (e.g. operating managers, production managers, energy officers, maintenance engineers, process engineers, and factory technicians) as well as energy service provider.
Project Activities
- Adaptation of the EUREM training material to the Indian conditions: legal framework, climate conditions, energy prices and available technologies
- Research of case studies from India for the different technologies
- Development of new contents: energy efficiency in buildings, hybrid systems, biogas or biomass, domestic hot water, heat pumps, off-grid photovoltaic systems, cogeneration and trigeneration, solar thermal and cooling
- Third part evaluation of the contents developed by the trainers
- New layout (graphs, tables, etc.): more quality and readability
Client | European Energy Manager (EUREM) |
Services | Development of Curricula and Training Material |
Topics | Energy efficiency, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy, Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Operating managers, production managers, energy officers, maintenance engineers, process engineers, and factory technicians |
Target countries | European and non-European countries |
Year | 2013 - 2014 |

Biogas Plants in Organic Farming
The information base and research in Germany regarding biogas in organic farming needs to be optimized. Compared to conventional biogas, organic biogas holds many potential advantages concerning energy efficiency, climate protection, biodiversity and area demands.
Project Objectives
- To monitor systematically the German-specific relevant and actual state of knowledge for organic biogas
- Conduct targeted additional research to close gaps through reliable information
- Identify the need for action
- Show possible solutions to fulfill set objectives
- To communicate the results to the public
- To inform of the potential and benefit of biogas plants in organic farming, to optimise and promote the implementation of exploitation of bioenergy in organic farming
Project activities
- Investigation of system-conditioned boundaries as well as economic and ecologic potentials
- Specification of substrates
- Technological requirements
- Implementation of collectively run biogas plants
- Economic and ecologic analysis
- Restriction analysis and recommendation
- Knowledge transfer
DURATION:2 years
TRAINING SERVICES:Online Training, Tailor-made Training
TARGET GROUPS:Farmers, Political decision makers, Scientists, Educational institutions

Biogas Training in Central America
RENAC conducts a two-year training program on biogas for El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica within a PPP-Project together with the DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, called "Biogas Training in Central America".
While these countries have large amounts of feedstock for biogas generation available because of the important role of agriculture, this renewable energy technology is not yet common in the region. Through a blended mix of online training and classroom seminars in each country, directed towards governmental bodies, the financing sector and economic decision makers, RENAC aims to encourage relevant stake holders to expand into biogas technology by providing the necessary technical and economic know-how. The biogas training projects works closely together with the GIZ initiative "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E)" in Central America.
Client | KFW DEG |
Services | Online Training, Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Bioenergy |
Target groups | Political decision makers, Financial institutions, Project managers, Technicians, Engineers, Farmers, Students, Governmental bodies |
Target countries | El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica |
Year | 2012 - 2014 |

ReGrid - Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy in Electricity Grids
ReGrid "Capacity Building on Integration of Large Amounts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grids” was a capacity building program within the German International Climate Initiative (ICI) during 2011-2014. The Renewables Academy AG was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety to facilitate the ReGrid program.
The program offered different kinds of trainings, networking and exchange of experiences for professionals in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Libya and Tunisia.
ReGrid demonstrates how a high amount of renewable energy can be safely integrated into the electricity supply and which steps are essential for implementation. To achieve a maximum of effectiveness, the capacity building program combined seminars in Berlin, basic and advanced online trainings, a mobile exhibition and a final workshop.
Client | Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buillding and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Tailor-made Training, Online Training |
Topics | Grid Integration |
Target groups | Political decision makers, Engineers, Financial institutions, Project developers, Business economists, Governmental bodies, Utilities of energy sector, Companies |
Target countries | Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Libya and Tunisia |
Year | 2011 - 2014 |

DEG - RENAC Mexico Training Center
Within a Public Private Partnership project with the German Investment and Development Company (DEG) and the Mexican module manufacturer ERDM, RENAC has built up training capacities on Photovoltaics in Mexico.
The project comprised training material development, translation into Spanish, assessment of training of local trainers and setting up a training centre. The seminars developed are targeted at technicians, engineers and non-technical decision makers.
Client | German Investment and Development Company (DEG) |
Services | Tailor-made Training, Train-the-Trainer, Turnkey Training Center |
Topics | Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Political decision makers, Technicians, Students, Engineers, Governmental bodies |
Target countries | Mexico |
Year | 2010 - 2014 |

Energy Farming Study in Jordan
On behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design for the Jordanian climate conditions including consideration of the grid connection of photovoltaic systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region of Jordan.
One of the potential measures identified by the local Jordan initiative “Highland Water Forum” is to establish solar energy based energy farming as an alternative to water-intensive agricultural activities.
Project Objectives
The main objectives were to describe a typical decentralized grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system and to illustrate technical issues about connecting and synchronization to a public grid. Furthermore, the study estimated the investment costs for a PV plant using some local manufactured parts and costs for evacuation lines. Finally a draft of a tender document with specifications for procurement of PV plants was prepared.
Project Activities
- Conduct a study and write the report
- Investigate local and regulatory conditions
- On-site visit with local partners
Services provided
- Designing a small scalable PV plant
- Illustrate grid connection issues
- Investigate investment costs in Jordan
- Preparation of a rough tender document Projects results
- Raise local authorities´ awareness for grid integration of medium- and large PV systems
- Initiate further regional cooperation (on-site visit)
- Investment costs including local equipment were updated
Client | GIZ |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Political decision makers, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | MENA region |
Year | 2013 |

GIZ Egypt - Tendering and evaluation of Renewable Energy projects for public tendering agencies
Commissioned by the GIZ in Egypt RENAC developed and conducted a training designed for public tendering agencies who will organize tenders on RE systems in the future.
The training on tendering and evaluation included the development of Request for Proposals (RfP), the tendering process and the evaluation of proposals. The emphasis of the training for participants from the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) and Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI) was on large-scale grid connected PV systems.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Utilities of energy sector, Business economists, Project developers |
Target countries | Egypt |
Year | 2013 |

GIZ India - Advanced Online Training for IGEN-GEC
Participants get access to RENAC’s e-learning platform for 11 weeks. They spend approximately 10-15 h per week studying online: read course content, watch video lectures, do self-assessment tests and discuss in the forum.
The eight courses of the training are:
- Tools and methods for developing temporal and spatial highly resolved scenarios for electricity generation from wind, PV and CSP
- Generator concepts for renewable generation
- Short term prediction of wind and solar power
- Balancing power
- Grid codes for renewables
- Generation expansion planning
- Grid integration studies and system integration studies
- Storage
Two sessions in the Virtual Classroom are included in the training:
- Introduction
- Frequency control in electricity grids, residual load and conflict between renewables/base load power stations
- Configuration of the online platform and administration of participants
- Implementation and provision of online content
- Moderation of two Virtual Classroom sessions
- Moderation of discussion forum and e-mail support
Client | GIZ |
Services | Online training |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy, Grid Integration, Concentrated solar power, Hybrid Systems |
Target groups | Companies |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2013 |

GIZ - Moderating the University Cooperation between Ghana and North Rhine-Westfalia
In 2011 Ghana’s Renewable Energy Law came into act and the country plans to generate 10% of its electricity by renewable energy sources in 2020. The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi and the Energy Centre TEC plan to support this development by providing capacity building and research opportunities.
To foster this development, the Government of North Rhine-Westfalia aims to support KNUST to change its energy supply from fossil fuels to renewable energy and also to facilitate an ongoing cooperation between KNUST and universities from the German federal state. For this reason, RENAC was assigned by the GIZ North Rhine-Westfalia to moderate a workshop for the universities and arrange a study tour for representatives from KNUST to relevant institutions in Germany.
Project Background
The Energy Center (TEC) at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana and the Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) took the initiative to explore possible fields of cooperation with the intention to:
- support KNUST to change its energy supply from fossil fuels to renewable energy and explore energy efficiency potentials
- facilitate an ongoing cooperation between the university KNUST/TEC and universities from North Rhine-Westphalia
Project Objectives
Building up a cooperation between the KNUST University in Ghana, Kumasi and Universities from North Rhine-Westphalia (Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen; TU Dortmund).
- Identification of common research topics and cooperation models
- Showcase different renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies to the study group from Ghana
Services provided
- Workshop preparation
- Workshop moderation in Kumasi at KNUST
- Organisation of study tour
- Accompanied study tour
- Moderation of final workshop in Dortmund
Client | GIZ |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Educational institutions, Training professionals |
Target countries | Ghana |
Year | 2012 - 2013 |

GIZ Pakistan - Train-the-Trainer
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Islamabad, Pakistan requested RENAC to conduct a Train-the-Trainer program in Berlin for a selected number of persons from Pakistan.
One of the key areas of the GIZ project implementation is capacity development of its local partners in the way of focused trainings among other things. In this regard, the client wanted to build a core group of trainers with expertise in solar PV (primarily off-grid applications as well as basic understanding of hybrid systems). RENAC therefore developed a customised program and carried out a Train-the-Trainer seminar on "Small-scale applications of solar PV". Project objectives are to design and implement a Train-the-Trainer program to develop competent trainers, who subsequently conduct quality trainings on design and installation of small-scale Solar PV system.
Project Activities
- Develop the training concept
- Prepare teaching material, practical training and exercises
- Conduct the seminar, which comprise planning a PV course, communication, rhetoric, teaching methods, moderation, interaction, group dynamics as well as an oral examination
Services provided
- Seminar design and selection of speakers
- Marketing and administration of participants
- Implementation and moderation of seminar
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Technicians |
Target countries | Pakistan |
Year | 2013 |

GIZ ZA - Solar Thermal Training Systems for Vocational Education in South Africa
The GIZ requested RENAC to prepare a proposal for its services to hold a three-day technical and instructional user training for a group of 12 vocational teachers to use the solar thermal training equipment purchased by GIZ from the company Schreiner Didaktik (Model "Solaranlage-Röhrenkollektor", Artikel 572245). The focus and main aim of the training was to demonstrate the technical features of the Schreiner training system but to also introduce the vocational teachers to the didactical possibilities related with the training systems.
Project Objectives
- Inform a group of 12 vocational school teachers about the technical features of the Schreiner training system
- Familiarise teachers with the didactical concept of the Schreiner training system and support them to know how to use the system
- Enable teachers to use the relevant functions of the training systems in practice
- Encourage teachers to discover the systems’ full spectrum of potential tasks and enable them to select appropriate tasks for the right target groups in relation to their educational level
Client | GIZ |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Solar thermal |
Target groups | Training professionals |
Target countries | South Africa |
Year | 2013 |

KISR - Introduction to On-grid Photovoltaic Systems in Kuwait
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) requested RENAC to prepare a proposal for a training program on on-grid photovoltaic. The planned course was to run over 5 days, with RENAC covering 4 days (about 80%) of the course. The course was to provide general knowledge on photovoltaics systems to KISR technicians, engineers, and operators. The 5th day was covered by Dr. Hassan Qasem of KISR, who was to lecture on the topic of environmental impacts of photovoltaics technologies and systems. RENAC have previously provided training courses in photovoltaics and solar thermal energy for KISR in Kuwait.
Project Activities
- 4 half- days training carried out by one lecturer
- Organise the lecturers for the seminar
- Organise the international flights and visas for the lecturers
- Develop a list of required equipment and software for the training
- General administration, reporting, and financial issues
Services provided
- Designing the seminar
- Develop an equipment list
- Assessment of participants knowledge for training
- Preparation of teaching materials, practical training and exercises
- Conduction of training
- Certification
Client | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Technicians |
Target countries | Kuwait |
Year | 2013 |

MWI Jordan - Photovoltaic based energy farming in Jordan
RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design of the grid connection for on-grid PV systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region on behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and the GIZ.
The agricultural sector in Jordan plays an important role in the country’s economy ensuring a regular income for a big part of the population. At the same time, Jordan is challenged with the water shortages. The existing 12 groundwater basins are all heavily over-subscribed. For this reason, the “Highland Water Forum” is currently researching for a water-friendly alternative activity to agriculture and is considering PV based electricity generation as a possible cost-effective source of income for farmers.
Against this background, RENAC prepared a study on a sample plant and system design of the grid connection for on-grid PV systems in the Al Mafraq and Al Zaqra region on behalf of the Initiative of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region and the GIZ. The study illustrates technical issues about the connection and synchronization of a PV system to a public grid, estimates the investment costs and local content. As part of the project, RENAC also prepared a draft of a tender document with specifications for procurement of PV plants.
Project Objectives
The main objectives were to describe a typical decentralized grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system and to illustrate technical issues about connecting and synchronization to a public grid. Furthermore, the study estimated the investment costs for a PV plant using some local manufactured parts and costs for evacuation lines. Finally a draft of a tender document with specifications for procurement of PV plants was prepared.
Project Activities
- Conduct a study and write the report
- Investigate local and regulatory conditions
- On-site visit with local partners
Services provided
- Designing a small scalable PV plant
- Illustrate grid connection issues
- Investigate investment costs in Jordan
- Preparation of a rough tender document Projects results
- Raise local authorities´ awareness for grid integration of medium- and large PV systems
- Initiate further regional cooperation (on-site visit)
- Investment costs including local equipment were updated
Client | GIZ |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Political decision makers, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Jordan |
Year | 2013 |

Renewable Energy Summer School
The Summer School blended three weeks of trainings with site visits and international networking. Participants had the choice to take one, two or three weeks according to their interest. It offered an opportunity to get an insight into the renewable energy sources and the various technologies of harnessing it. The program was geared at using the best part of the year not only for vacation but also for the study.
Project Objectives
- To get an overview of renewable energies
- Develop engineering skills for photovoltaics, wind power and bioenergy
- Get to know the essential steps for a plant design along with the financial, legal and economic aspects
- Technicians and non-technicians who want to enhance their career prospects by getting a comprehensive overview of the various available technologies
Project Activities
- One week introduction seminar to the renewable energy technology
- One week in-depth focussed seminar about wind power and bioenergy or photovoltaics
- Theoretical lectures, state-of-the-art practical exercises and field excursions
- Seminar design and selection of speakers
- Marketing and administration of participants
- Implementation and moderation of seminar
Client | Renewables Academy AG |
Services | Open training |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Technicians, Students, Project managers, Project developers, Engineers, Educational institutions, Companies |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | 2013 |

SHRDC - Expert Craftsmen in Solar Technology – Train-the-Trainer and installation seminars
The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) has contracted RENAC to carry out a 2.5-week train-the-trainer seminar for PV installers as well as a training for PV installers of the same length. The seminars conform to the German training standard “Expert Craftsmen in Solar Technology (Fachkraft für Solartechnik)”. In addition to the training, RENAC consults SHRDC to equip training centers for PV.
Project Objectives
- Train trainers-to-be on PV
- Evaluate trainers-to-be
- Enable SHRDC to equip training centers for PV
- Train PV installers
Project Activities
RENAC consults SHRDC to equip training centers for PV, which are to be used during the trainings. RENAC defines preconditions for participants and designs and develops the train-the-trainer seminar in cooperation with the Chamber of Skilled Crafts (Handwerkskammer) Aachen. During the TtT seminar, participants are trained on PV as well as on planning and conducting seminars. Many practical exercises are part of the curriculum and also part of the exam. At the end of the seminar, the knowledge, practical skills and abilities to teach of participants are evaluated.
Client | Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Technicians |
Target countries | Malaysia |
Year | 2013 |

Skills Development for Green Jobs
The project "Skills Development for Green Jobs" aims to contribute to combat the shortage of skilled workers for the green economy, in particular the introduction of partial qualifications into existing qualification profiles, and supporting the development of new training profiles for which a demand from the green economy is already becoming apparent.
Training systems of the type “Solartrainer Profi” and “Solartrainer Junior” manufactured by the company IKS Photovoltaik were purchased for use in South-African Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges in 2012. IKS was requested to conduct an application-oriented training in which the uses of these systems were taught.
Project Objectives
- Inform 12 vocational school teachers about the technical features of the IKS training systems
- Familiarise teachers with the didactical concept of the Solartrainers and support them starting up the systems
- Enable teachers to use all relevant functions of the two training systems in practice
- Encourage teachers to discover the systems’ full spectrum of potential tasks and enable them to select appropriate tasks for the right target groups in dependence of their educational level
Services provided
- Designing the Seminar
- Assessment of participants knowledge for the training
- Preparation of teaching material, practical training and exercises
- Conduction of training
- Organisation
DURATION:26-28 September 2013
TECHNOLOGIES:Renewable Energy
TARGET GROUPS:Educational institutions

TrEff - International Capacity Building Program
RENAC has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to conduct the project “TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency” as a part of the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
TrEff is a further education program and addresses especially to participants from the public sector, financing institutions and energy supply companies in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. It offers seminars on technical, legal and economic aspects of energy efficiency measures, programs and technologies. Its aim is the creation of a policy environment that supports the development of programs and market mechanisms for improving energy efficiency in the target countries.
Services provided
- Design and implementation of three five-day trainings in the target countries and four technology specific trainings at RENAC Berlin
- Online trainings
- Administration and evaluation
Project Activities
Introductory Seminars in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine:
- Seminar on Energy efficiency in buildings
- Seminar on Energy efficiency for industry and commerce
- Seminar on Efficient energy supplies (generation and distribution)
In-depth Seminars in Berlin
- Energy Efficiency in Industry
- Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings
- Energy Efficiency in Commerce
- Efficient Supply of Energy
Client | Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) |
Services | Capacity Assessment, Tailor-made Training, Online Training |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Project developers, Engineers, Business economists, Scientists, Associations, Governmental bodies, Development organisations, Insurance companies |
Target countries | Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine |
Year | 2012 - 2013 |

REN@EARTH - Capacity building on renewable energy with a focus on the humid tropics
RENAC supported the EARTH University in Costa Rica to integrate renewable energy technologies into the existing study program and to build up sustainable training structures for further education by delivering Capacity Building Services.
This project was financed by the German International Climate Initiative. The overall objective was to enable the EARTH University to provide high quality capacity building on renewable energy for the region of Central America. Strong focus was on the practical oriented training like design, installation, operation and maintenance of renewable energy systems.
REN@EARTH offered a comprehensive educational approach by facilitating know-how transfer to students, lecturers, and the renewable energy private sector. In a first step, RENAC delivered trainings on renewable energy technologies to students of the EARTH University. The next step was the design and implementation of a training centre for solar, wind, hydro and bioenergy at the EARTH University. In a third step, local lecturers participated in Train-the-Trainer seminars on solar thermal, photovoltaics and small wind energy in Berlin, enabling them to conduct future seminars in the new training center.
Client | Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Tailor-made Training, Train-the-Trainer, Turnkey Training Centre |
Topics | Hybrid Systems, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Engineers, Technicians, Business economists, Project developers, Project managers, Training professionals, Farmers, Associations, Development organisations |
Target countries | Central America |
Year | 2011 - 2013 |

TREE - Transfer Renewables Energy and Efficiency
TREE (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency) was a capacity building and know-how transfer project, realised in several project phases. TREE was a further education project especially for participants from the public sector and financing institutions. It offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies. Participants from each of the target countries were offered a range of training opportunities, combining training seminar in their home country, and technical seminars at the RENAC training centre in Berlin.
TREE also provided access to online training materials and courses, activities and opportunities to network among the students and German companies. In all phases of the project a capacity assessment was made, identifying the training needs of different stakeholders from the public and private sector in the target countries. Based on this assessment, country-specific training measures were designed.
TREE was funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) and by the Federal German Ministry of Economics and Technology and the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) in later project stages. The TREE II project was a continuation of the TREE I project and concentrated on the training of participants from ministries and other public bodies, NGOs, associations involved in the renewable and energy efficiency sectors. TREE II also offered a comprehensive educational approach which brought participants with a non-technical background into contact with renewable energy and energy efficiency technology and examined these from a legal, technical and economic perspective.
782 participants from ministries, companies and financiers coming from 59 countries have been trained since 2008 within TREE I. TREE II included 26 seminars conducted worldwide, with 664 participants from 60 countries. TREE CNAP (Capacity Needs Assessment and Promotion) targeted stakeholders from ministries, economy, finance sector and training institutions, in Angola, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Mozambique, Russian Federation, South Africa, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine. A final round of TREE Seminars, funded by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology targeted another 200 employees of governmental entities, responsible for strategy planning and implementation of renewable energy technologies as well as financing institutions and industry associations from the sector in the Eastern European and African countries: Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, and Mongolia.
Since the inception of TREE in 2008, the project has thus trained around 1500 participants from 90 countries in the course of the various programs. The TREE project was recognised by UNESCO as an official project of the "UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development“ program.
Client | German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
Services | Capacity Assessment, Online Training, Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Energy efficiency, Concentrated solar power |
Target groups | Business economists, Project managers, Political decision makers, Engineers, Project developers, Development organisations, Educational institutions, Financial institutions, Governmental bodies, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | 2008 - 2013 |

DBU 2012 - Seminars for fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
RENAC was commissioned by the German Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation (Centre for Environmental Communication) to organise and implement two different one-day introduction seminars on renewable energy and energy efficiency (Solar Thermal, PV, CSP, Biogas, Wind and Energy Efficiency).
Client | German Centre for Environmental Communication |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Energy efficiency, Renewable Energy, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Foundations, Students |
Target countries | Germany |
Year | 2012 |

Eauxwell - Design and Installation of Off-grid Photovoltaic Systems
Eauxwell is a leading water, waste water and renewable energy engineering company based in Nigeria. The participants received a comprehensive in-sight into solar off-grid systems and energy efficiency. They studied the technical, commercial and financial aspects of off-grid photovoltaics: from applications and principles of PV, sizing of solar energy components, production of panels to planning, designing and sizing, constructing and installing solar systems.
For the participant to gain the essential information to successfully implement solar PV off-grid projects. Gain the skills for system design and installation for home system, solar streetlights and water pumping. Learn about energy efficiency in the context of solar off-grid projects.
Conduction and organisation of training course
Client | Eauxwell |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers |
Target countries | Nigeria |
Year | 2012 |

ECREEE - Investment Appraisal Training in Cape Verde
The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in Cape Verde, established in 2008, is a regional center dedicated to address the challenges of energy poverty, energy security and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
One of the tasks of ECREEE is to provide capacity building and training on renewable energies in the region. Therefore ECREEE commissioned RENAC to conduct a four-day training on a special economic topic: investment appraisal within the context of renewable energies. The objective of the training course was to provide the participants with first-hand knowledge about the financial assessment of different renewable energy technologies.
The objective of the training course was to provide the participants with the first-hand knowledge about investment appraisal for renewable energy.
- Preparation and conduction of workshop in the country
- Provision of training materials and certificates for the participants
- "Personally this has been one of the most productive four days I have had. The instructor was able to make concepts I have found difficult in past easy to understand."
- "Was a very useful training. Should be multiplied and repeated more frequent."
Client | ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Financial institutions, Governmental bodies |
Target countries | Cape Verde |
Year | 2012 |

GIZ Egypt - Engineering trainings on large scale Photovoltaic systems in Egypt
In collaboration with the GIZ Egypt and the Egyptian German High Level Joint Committee for Renewable Energy (JCEE), RENAC held two seminars on Photovoltaics
A six-day training in 2012 on large-scale Photovoltaics and a eight-day follow-up training in 2013. All trainings took place in Cairo. The PV training courses focused on the detailed engineering aspects of large-scale photovoltaic systems and also covered the simulation of on-grid systems with specialized software. The objective of the seminars was to enhance the capacities of the staff members at the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) and the Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI)responsible in the field of photovoltaics.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Project developers, Project managers, Utilities of energy sector, Associations |
Target countries | Egypt |
Year | 2012 |

GIZ Seminar - Renewable Energy: Technology-Frameworks-Economics
RENAC organised and conducted a tailor-made one-week training for GIZ staff on market development of renewable energies by focusing on the technical, legal, political, and economic aspects of the technologies.
The objective of this seminar was to enable the participants to identify options for implementing renewable energy technologies in developing countries. Participants were equipped with knowledge on various renewable energy technologies, natural preconditions, necessary frameworks and economic viability.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Project developers, Project managers |
Target countries | Germany |
Year | 2012 |

Heliocentris - Seminar on Capacity Building on Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Heliocentris commissioned RENAC to organise a two-day training on hybrid renewable energy systems with a specific focus on system design.
The company Heliocentris specialises in autonomous energy supply and energy efficiency solutions with the aim of replacing diesel generators with “zero-emission” products. To provide its project managers with the latest know-how on technological development, Heliocentris commissioned RENAC to organise a two-day training on hybrid renewable energy systems (photovoltaics, wind energy and hydro energy), with a specific focus on system design.
Client | Heliocentris |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Hydro Energy, Hybrid Systems, Wind Energy, Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Companies, Project managers |
Target countries | Germany |
Year | 2012 |

Information Event – Energy Efficiency in Industry in Brazil
This seminar is part of the Export Initiative Energy efficiency of the German Government.
Project Objectives
Providing information on current issues of energy efficiency in industry and commerce in Brazil – with respect to policy developments, frameworks, technology, legal and financial aspects.
Client | German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) |
Services | Export Initiatives |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Companies |
Target countries | Brasil |
Year | 2012 |

Intersolar Europe - Conception, organisation and support of international delegations
The Intersolar is the most important professional exhibition for solar technologies worldwide. To promote the exchange between international visitors and the exhibitors, the exhibition corporation Solar Promotion offers guided tours during the Intersolar.
As part of a consortium with Eclareon GmbH, RENAC organized a variety of tours for delegations from countries like Argentinia, Mexico, Taiwan, UAE and many others. In order to ensure an effective match-making between the participants and the visited exhibition booths, the tours were designed according to different subjects along the solar energy value chains. RENAC was responsible for the preparation, the promotion and the conduction of the tours.
YEAR:2008, 2010, 2011, 2012
TARGET GROUPS:Delegation Management

KISR - Capacity Building on Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaics
KISR is also a long-time partner of RENAC, which has organized a variety of trainings for the institute since 2008.
The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) is an important player in the country that promotes RE technologies. RENAC conducted several trainings in Germany and Kuwait on photovoltaics, solar thermal (from small to utility scale) and wind energy.
For photovoltaics, RENAC conducted two training programs (5 and 3 weeks) in 2008 covering the whole PV value chain. The combination of one-to-one training and industry visits, gave the participants a deep insight into the structure of the German photovoltaic industry, new technologies, research, quality control and working practice. Another training, which took place at KISR in 2009, focused on large-scale solar thermal systems, with emphasis on commercial and utility ground-installations. During a special Wind Energy Software Training, topics such as wind farm design, visual impact and standard noise-propagation were discussed.
Client | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Engineers, Scientists, Educational institutions |
Target countries | Kuwait |
Year | 2012 |

Korea Housing Welfare Association
RENAC was commissioned to conduct a one-day seminar on energy efficiency in buildings by the Korea Housing Welfare Association.
The participants were given an overview of topics such as energy saving materials, evaluation methods on before- and after-energy renovation, insulation and building energy certificates.
Client | Korea Housing Welfare Association |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Associations, Governmental bodies |
Target countries | Korea |
Year | 2012 |

Repower - Training for employees of Repower on the financing of wind farms
The company REpower systems, a globally operating manufacturer for on-shore and off-shore wind power plants, wanted to offer its employees a seminar to deepen their know-how regarding the financing of wind parks. RENAC designed a practice-oriented three-day course with a special focus on funding issues.
Client | REpower Systems |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Wind Energy |
Target groups | Business economists, Project developers, Project managers |
Target countries | Germany |
Year | 2012 |

SEDA - Train-the-Trainer Seminar and Consultancy on Training Center for PV
The Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA) team approached RENAC to support them to train and qualify instructors for photovoltaics.
The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) of Malaysia is a statutory body responsible for the development of sustainable energy in the country. RENAC was assigned to develop and conduct a Train-the-Trainer seminar for photovoltaic trainers and to assess training facilities for further training on the technology. To realise the project, RENAC developed an assessment procedure for testing the most promising trainer candidates. The participants with the best results took part in a ten-day training program which was specially designed for SEDA. RENAC also assessed the proposed training facilities in Malaysia and developed a concept for improving the technical equipment, training exercises and study concepts.
- To train the participants for future trainer roles in the solar sector.
- To train the participants in relevant aspects like technology, economics, quality management, sizing, installation, operation, and maintenance.
- To train with a methodology mix of theory, practice, and case studies adopted to the conditions and frameworks in Malaysia.
- To establish a group of trainers with potential for the replicability and sustainability of skills training in Malaysia.
- To assess the existing training facilities and make recommendations for expanding training centres at UiTM & SHRDC.
- Designing, preparing and conducting training-of-trainers course
- Assessment of existing local training materials, training centre and equipment
Client | Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA) |
Services | Quality Assurance, Capacity Assessment, Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Development organisations, Governmental bodies, Educational institutions |
Target countries | Malaysia |
Year | 2012 |

SERC Nigeria - Training on Renewable Energies and a Study Tour
RENAC organised a two-week training combined with a study tour for academics from Sokoto.
The Nigerian Sokoto Energy Research Centre (SERC) aimed to explore partnerships with German renewable energy companies and to gain information on the latest market and technology trends. For this reason, RENAC organised a two-week training combined with a study tour for academics from Sokoto. The seminar was a mixture of theoretical and practical hands-on training, including various case studies and an additional software training. During the site visits, the participants had the opportunity to explore the renewable energy companies and research centres. They gained information on the latest market and technology trends and learnt about the sustainability and policy thrusts of such centres.
- To visit and meet existing renewable energy firms and research centres.
- To have the opportunity to explore partnerships and collaborative opportunities and gain information on the latest market and technology trends.
- Acquire up-to-date information on various states-of-the-art in renewable energy technologies.
- Understand sustainability and policy thrusts of such centres.
- Develop an understanding of planning and implementation issues of establishing the centre.
- Gain skills and update knowledge.
- Get an overview of the latest Renewable Energy research topics.
- Conducting need assessment
- Designing, preparing and conducting the training at RENAC Training Centre in Berlin
- Administration and evaluation of the training
Client | Sokoto Energy Research Centre (SERC) |
Services | Tailor-made Training, Study Tour |
Topics | Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Engineers, Scientists, Technicians, Utilities of energy sector, Companies |
Target countries | Nigeria |
Year | 2012 |

Sunrain - Solar Thermal Systems for Hot Water Provision
Sunrain, a top Chinese solar thermal water heater manufacturer, commissioned RENAC to conduct a training program on Solar Thermal Systems for Hot Water Provision.
RENAC organised a tailor-made three-days seminar with a focus on theoretical and practical planning & installation of solar thermal systems and developing practical installation skills.
Get the theoretical and practical know-how to plan and install solar thermal systems. Develop practical installation and commissioning skills. Develop practical skills with a high proportion of hands-on training.
Designing and conducting the seminar. Preparation of teaching material, practical training and exercises.
Client | Sunrain |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Solar thermal |
Target groups | Engineers, Project managers, Technicians, Companies |
Target countries | China |
Year | 2012 |

World Bank - Training on photovoltaics and wind energy for ESMAP, WBG
RENAC was requested by the World Bank Group to organize an in-house training on wind energy and photovoltaics.
The goal of the training was to provide the World Bank staff with a comprehensive overview on wind energy and photovoltaics, covering technical aspects but also competitive analysis, environmental impact, political aspects and project development issues. The trainings took place at the World Bank offices in Washington D.C.
The goal of the training was to provide the World Bank staff with quality and updated information on renewable energy. In particular, the training modules covered technical aspects of photovoltaics and wind power, competitive analysis, environmental impact, political aspects and project development necessary for the deployment of renewable energy on a larger scale.
- Designing, preparing and conducting training modules
- Organisation, administration and evaluation of the training
Client | World Bank |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Wind Energy, Photovoltaic |
Target groups | Business economists, Financial institutions, Project developers, Project managers, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | United States of America |
Year | 2012 |

DBU 2011 - Seminars for fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
The German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers International Climate Protection Fellowships. This program enables prospective leaders to conduct a research-related project of their own choice during a one-year stay in Germany. RENAC was assigned to prepare and conduct a 1 ½ day introduction seminar on renewable energies and energy efficiency for the participants of the program. RENAC included the technologies such as Photovoltaics, Solar thermal, CSP, Wind energy, Bioenergy as well as Energy Efficiency in industry and the built environment in the seminar schedule to provide a broad overview on the technologies and economics of renewables.
Assess the existing training facilities and make recommendations for expanding training centers at UiTM & SHRDC.
Client | DBU |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Concentrated solar power, Energy efficiency, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Foundations, Students |
Target countries | Germany |
Year | 2011 |

ESETA South Africa - Study Tour on Renewable Energies for South-African Delegates
RENAC designed and organized a training program with site visits to new developments in photovoltaics, wind energy, CSP, solar thermal energy and hydrogen fuel cells for South-African Delegates from all Provinces.
The Energy Sector Education and Training Authority of South-Africa (ESETA) aimed to gain information on the latest market and renewable energy technology trends in Germany.
- To visit existing renewable energy sites in German
- To have the opportunity to gain information on the latest market and technology trends
- Acquire an overview of the various renewable energy technologies (wind, photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, solar thermal energy, hydrogen fuel cells)
- Designing the Seminar
- Preparation of teaching material, practical training and exercises
- Conduction of training
- Evaluation, organisation and administration
- Site visits and tours
Client | Energy Sector Education and Training Authority of South-Africa (ESETA) |
Services | Tailor-made Training, Study Tour |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Concentrated solar power, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Governmental bodies |
Target countries | South Africa |
Year | 2011 |

Galapagos - Layout of PV Systems
RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to conduct a seminar on planning and design of PV systems in the Galapagos Island.
In 2007, the government of Ecuador launched the ERGAL renewable energy project in the Galapagos Islands "100% Renewable Energy – Santa Curz Island – Galapagos". It aimes to completely replace the mineral oil currently consumed on the island with renewable energy by 2015. Within this project, RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ to conduct a seminar on planning and design of grid-connected PV systems and PV stand-alone systems. The seminar was directed towards decision makers from Ecuador’s energy sector, such as the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy and National Committee for Energy CONELEC, employees from electricity companies, and representatives from local communities. Participants of the training got to know different concepts of PV plants, of planning steps and of measures for quality assurance.
Be part of a growing international network of experts. Participants will broaden their network to experts who have practical experiences in operating a distribution grid and/or a transmission grid with high amounts of wind, PV or CSP.
Course preparation, organisation of training hardware and software. Conducting the five-day training. Administration and evaluation of the Seminar.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Political decision makers, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Galapagos Island |
Year | 2011 |

GIZ Egypt - Capacity Building on grid-integration of renewable electricity
RENAC was commissioned by InWent to undertake a capacity building session on the integration of renewable electricity into the Egyptian electricity supply system.
Ten-day courses focused on solutions to integrate high volumes of electricity from wind energy, grid connected photovoltaics, and concentrating solar power (CSP) into the Egyptian electricity supply system.
Client | GIZ |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Grid Integration |
Target groups | |
Target countries | Egypt |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |

GIZ India - High Level Capacity Building in India
With support of the GIZ project "ComSolar", RENAC conducted a workshop on capacity need assessment together with stakeholders from the MNRE, project developers, training providers and universities for solar thermal and photovoltaics systems.
ComSolar’s objective is to develop and demonstrate innovative business models for the commercialization of solar energy in urban and industrial areas in India. In collaboration with two Indian IITs, RENAC conducted two trainings, one on photovoltaic plants of utility size and the other one on solar thermal process heat. The photovoltaic training took place at the IIT Madras and dealt with all relevant aspects necessary for the design and engineering of large scale solar photovoltaic plants. The course on solar thermal process heat had a strong technical focus and was held at the IIT Bombay.
- Workshop to identify the capacity building needs in two critical areas of the ComSolar project in India: a. On grid-connected photovoltaics and project development; b. Solar thermal process heat for applications in commercial and industry and other services.
- Develop training materials for the training courses.
- Conduct two trainings for 5 days each: a. Training on solar thermal applications in the industry (solar process heat) b. Training on Grid-connected Photovoltaics
- Conducting need assessment workshop
- Conducting two trainings in India in collaboration with the IITs (Solar thermal process heat with IIT-Bombay; Large scale photovoltaics with IIT-Madras)
Client | GIZ |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Project developers, Technicians, Engineers |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2011 |

GPCCI - Grid-connected photovoltaic Training, Philippines
RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a one-week training course.
Because of the implementation of a feed-in-tariff for photovoltaics in the Philippines, the German Philippine Chamber of Commerce (GPCCI) intended to conduct comprehensive training measures for persons, who were expected to be involved in the implementation of large-scale photovoltaic projects. For this reason, RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a one-week training course. Focus points of the seminar, directed to engineers and project planners, were the preliminary plant design and layout, detailed engineering design, as well as economic assessment and financial modeling of photovoltaic plants.
Client | German Philippine Chamber of Commerce (GPCCI) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Project developers, Business economists |
Target countries | Philippines |
Year | 2011 |

KfW India - Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment
Commissioned by the KfW, RENAC developed and conducted a tailor-made two-day seminar about “Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment”.
The seminar was directed towards managers and employees from the National Housing Bank (NHB) India who are responsible for giving housing development loans. The aim of the course was to provide the participants with know-how on possible applications, promotion mechanisms, project management and evaluation of energy efficiency in buildings. Part of this course, which took place in RENAC’s Training Center, was also a field trip to a low energy building complex.
Participants will be familiar with the various aspects of grid integration of renewables in order to successfully put their gained knowledge to practical use
2-day seminar on energy efficiency in buildings with the specific topics:
- Energy Analysis
- Energy efficiency measures
- Policies to promote EE in buildings
- Government mechanisms on EE in buildings
Client | KFW |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Financial institutions, Business economists |
Target countries | India |
Year | 2011 |

King Abdullah CARE - Solar Energy conversion in Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah-CARE requested RENAC to organise a three-day training program focused on solar energy (Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics) to be held parallel to the Saudi Solar Energy Forum.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently using 15% of its oil output to generate electricity and for desalinisation. At the same time, solar power presents itself as a viable alternative energy source to meet the power demand of the country. The radiation in Saudi Arabia is among the highest in the world. Furthermore, solar energy production matches the daily load profile in the country, with the peak energy requirement in the middle of the day.
King Abdullah-CARE requested RENAC to organise a three-day training program focused on solar energy to be held parallel to the Saudi Solar Energy Forum. The course provided conference participants, government officials and King Abdullah-CARE staff a well informed background on solar energy conversion – both CSP and PV – and their applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The objectives of the training were to transfer a deep understanding of the technical principles governing the fields of Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics and of the crucial points and challenges on implementing solar energy conversion projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The participants also learned about the design process of solar power plants and gained information on the latest market and technology trends in solar technology.
Client | King Abdullah-Care |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Political decision makers, Project developers, Business economists, Project managers |
Target countries | Saudi Arabia |
Year | 2011 |

MBA Renewables Master Study: Distance Learning Degree Program
The MBA Renewables study is the first, and up to now only part-time, English, distance learning program worldwide combining the degree "Master of Business Administration" with focus on renewable energy and partly on energy efficiency.
RENAC offers the MBA Renewables in cooperation with the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin. It covers economic, technical, legal, political and organizational knowledge, tailored to the specific needs of the green energy sectors. Participants of the online master course are students and professionals from all over the world with technical and non-technical backgrounds who aim to hold a management position in the green energy sector.
Client | |
Services | Master Degree |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Students |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | Since 2011 |

Misereor - Training on Wind Energy for North Korea
RENAC was commissioned by the Asia Department of Misereor to design and organise a seminar for Korean decision makers from ministries and institutions on how to enhance the renewable energy development.
The seminar focused on wind energy strategy development and imparted know-how on both technical backgrounds and the preparation of necessary frameworks.
Client | Asia Department of Misereor |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Political decision makers |
Target countries | Korea |
Year | 2011 |

Mofa - Capacity Building on Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency in UAE
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi (MOFA) had asked RENAC to provide two five-days training programs on the whole range of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies with an emphasis on technologies relevant for Abu Dhabi.
The trainings were customized for two different target groups (beginners and seniors) and gave the participants a background in technical aspects of various renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and the variety of applications, costs, economics, market development and mayor players.
Client | Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi (MOFA) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy, Energy efficiency |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Companies, Political decision makers |
Target countries | United Arab Emirates |
Year | 2011 |

OGS - Introduction to Renewable Energy for the ECOWAS region
RENAC conducted a training program in Ghana for business people and other persons interested in renewable energies.
To design and prepare the seminar, RENAC prepared research on local country-specific information, e.g. local electrical standards, codes for grid-connection and regional regulations. It also assessed the know-how of the participants beforehand in order to offer a tailor-made seminar according to the specific know-how needs. RENAC provided a four-day-seminar on renewable energy technologies, policy and business strategy with 15 participants in April 2011.
Client | Oil & Gas Soft Skills (OGS) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Business economists, Project managers, Project developers, Companies |
Target countries | ECOWAS |
Year | 2011 |

ADDC Masdar UAE 2010 - PV-Training on Photovoltaics for Engineers from ADDC in UAE
Masdar, as part of its Solar Roof Program, wanted to train Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) engineers to supervise installation and operate PV-systems and to assure that the PV systems on the roof tops in Abu Dhabi are connected to the grid of ADDC according to their quality and security standards.
As an initial step ADDC engineers are responsible for the supervision of PV installations needed to be trained in Photovoltaics. Therefore, RENAC was commissioned to design and conduct a training for the ADDC engineers. The main focus of the four-day theoretical and practical training, using the mobile RENAC training center, was on good quality of grid-connected photovoltaic systems and system integration to the grid.
Client | Abu Dhabi Distribution Co. |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Political decision makers, Engineers, Technicians |
Target countries | United Arab Emirates |
Year | 2010 |

DIW econ - Identification for Best Available Technologies (BAT) in Azerbaijan
Commissioned by DIW econ, an economics consultancy, RENAC prepared a study for the Best Available Technologies in the areas of solar thermal and photovoltaics for Azerbaijan.
The study included relevant technical parameters and natural conditions for potential applications in the country. Furthermore, the implementation of solar thermal in office buildings and the potential application of photovoltaics in the field of operation of compressors for natural gas pipelines were discussed in the paper.
Client | DIW econ |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Companies, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Azerbaijan |
Year | 2010 |

EurObserv’ER - Barometer of Renewable Energies
Since 2010 RENAC is part of the European EurObserv’ER consortium. Supported by the EU-funded Intelligent Energy Europe program and the French energy agency ADEME, the EurObserv’ER team has been reporting since 1998 on the progress made by renewable energies in each member state of the European Union.
EurObserv’ER publishes every month a "barometer", monitoring and analyzing the development of the renewable energy sector. By analyzing the attractiveness of the different EU member states regarding investments in new energy production capacities, reporting on the policy support framework and providing official statistics, EurObserv’ER successfully observes and reports on policy evolutions on the European level.
Client | |
Services | Conculting |
Topics | CSP, Hydro Energy, Energy efficiency, Bioenergy, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Economists, Engineers, Project managers, Scientists, Financial institutions, Consumers, Political decision makers of EE |
Target countries | Europe |
Year | Since 2010 |

GIZ Chile - Wind Power Production Forecast for Chile
RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ Chile to design and conduct a training course on the topic of wind power prediction in Chile.
Because of the very good meteorologic conditions, Chile is expecting a rapic development of its wind energy market. This will pose a special challenge for the Chilean grid and system operators. Because of the fluctuating feed-in of wind power in the grid, it will be required to use wind power forecasting to optimize the power station resource planning. RENAC was commissioned by the GIZ Chile to design and conduct a training course on the topic of wind power prediction in Chile. The objective was to provide the participants know-how about the state-of-the-art of wind power prediction systems and to impart the competences for a solid decision-making on suitable systems. The seminar, which RENAC conducted in cooperation with energy & meteo systems GmbH Oldenburg, was directed towards meteorologists at the University of Chile.
Client | GIZ Chile |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Wind Energy |
Target groups | Scientists, Educational institutions |
Target countries | Chile |
Year | 2010 |

GIZ Egypt - Seminar on Solar Water Heating System Design for Engineers from Egypt
To support its Innovation Network in Solar Thermal, GIZ Egypt assigned RENAC to prepare and carry out a training on the installation of solar thermal systems. Project activities included an on-site investigation about solar thermal market conditions in Egypt, the preparation of the course based on the findings of the investigation, and the conduction of the five-day training on solar thermal systems with a focus on installation and system design.
The objective of the seminar was to provide practically-oriented training for those installing systems, which incorporated the requirements and possibilities of the local market conditions and which responded to the actual state of knowledge of the participants.
- On-site investigation about solar thermal market conditions in Egypt and preparation of the course concept
- Designing, preparing, and conducting the training
- Administration and evaluation of the training
Client | GIZ Egypt |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Project developers, Associations, Governmental bodies, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Egypt |
Year | 2010 |

GIZ Syria - Seminar on Design & Installation of Large-Scale Solar Thermal Systems
RENAC was commissioned to design, organise and hold a training on Solar thermal technologies in Syria.
The GIZ office in Damascus joined forces with the National Energy Research Center (NERC) in Syria in order to support deployment of solar thermal technology in the country. One element of this effort was an advanced training on the design and installation of large-scale solar thermal systems with RENAC. RENAC was commissioned to design, organise and hold the training. Based on research RENAC conducted in Syria about solar thermal market conditions, it then developed a six-day training for engineers and scientists on solar thermal systems in Syria, with a special focus on installation and system design.
The objective of the course was to transfer know-how about the design and installation of solar thermal to engineers and scientists in Syria, engaged in the field of solar thermal.
- Conducting need assessment based on research about solar thermal market conditions in Syria
- Designing, preparing and conducting of training in Syria
- Administration and evaluation of the training
Client | GIZ Syria |
Services | Train-the-Trainer |
Topics | Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Project developers, Project managers, Engineers, Technicians |
Target countries | Syria |
Year | 2010 |

GIZ Vietnam - Wind Energy Basics, Fundamentals and Measurements
RENAC implemented a seminar in Saigon on the basics of wind energy and on wind measurement in accordance with international standards.
With its long costal regions and optimal wind regimes, Vietnam offers very good conditions for the usage of wind energy. Currently there is a high interest in the country to train professionals on wind energy. RENAC implemented, on behalf of GIZ-Vietnam, a three-day seminar in Saigon on the basics of wind energy (meteorology, engineering, environmental protection, grid integration, planning and financing of wind farms) and a two-day seminar on the challenging task of wind measurement in accordance with international standards and the evaluation of measurement data for a bankable report.
The goal of the workshop was to provide basic knowledge on wind energy and especially on the challenging task of wind measurement.
- Conducting need assessment
- Designing, preparing and conducting of training Vietnam
- Administration and evaluation of the training
Client | GIZ Vietnam |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Wind Energy |
Target groups | Engineers |
Target countries | Vietnam |
Year | 2010 |

PAEW - Capacity Building in Oman on Solar Technologies
PEAW assigned RENAC to design and conduct a two-week training for engineers and also administrative staff about photovoltaics, solar thermal and CSP.
Although in Oman, currently all of the countrie’s domestic energy consumption is supplied by natural gas and oil, the rising electricity demand and dwindling local sources of fossil fuels are pushing the Sultanate to start exploiting its resources of solar and wind energy. The level of solar energy density in Oman provides optimal conditions for the use of all solar technologies, and especially those adapted to hot climates.
The Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PEAW) is planning to implement photovoltaics, solar thermal and CSP projects, and hence have launched a competition for proposals for pilot projects from solar energy system providers. A precondition for the future success of these projects is that local engineers obtain the know-how to design, install and maintain the systems. PEAW assigned RENAC to design and conduct a two-week training for engineers and also administrative staff about photovoltaics, solar thermal and CSP. A large part of the seminar consisted of practical training, facilitated by RENAC’s fully equipped Mobile Training Center for system assembly, different kinds of module testing and measurement.
Client | Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PEAW) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Solar Thermal, Concentrated solar power, Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Engineers, Project developers, Business economists, Technicians, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Oman |
Year | 2010 |

RCREEE - Training on financing Renewable Energy Technologies in Beirut for RCREEE Members
Participants from eight RCREEE member states attended a five-day course for renewable energy financing in Beirut-Lebanon in October 2010.
The training provided the participants a comprehensive and deep insight about financing alternatives as well as the sources of finance available to project developers.
Client | Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) |
Services | Tailor-made training |
Topics | Finance |
Target groups | Political decision makers |
Target countries | Libanon |
Year | 2010 |

Aleo Solar - PV Engineering Training - Grid-Connected Applications
For component producers, ensuring their customers' know their products well and also have top level installation and operation skills when using the components can be extremely important for a long-term satisfying relationship.
Commissioned by Aleo Solar, RENAC developed and conducted a seminar for potential Aleo Solar customers and partners in the Czech Republic. The seminar offered a win-win situation for all involved parties: the participants could gain an overview of the current support system for Photovoltaic systems in the Czech Republic and learn about PV technology basics, components and system design, installation and operation of on-grid systems. Aleo Solar could consolidate its customer relations and support them to improve or ensure the quality of their PV installations.
Client | Aleo Solar |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Technicians |
Target countries | Czech Republic |
Year | 2009 |

Eauxwell - Renewable Energy and Technology
Commissioned by Eauxwell, Nigeria’s leading water, waste water and renewable energy engineering company, RENAC designed a tailor-made ten-day training course for off-grid photovoltaics, solar thermal applications, wind energy and hybrid systems. Eauxwell together with the Nigerian Energy Commission offered the seminar places as scholarships to engineers and technicians.
Client | Eauxwell |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal |
Target groups | Engineers, Technicians |
Target countries | Nigeria |
Year | 2009 |

Export Initiative - Concept development for Energy Efficiency Lighthouse Projects
In the frame of the German Energy Efficiency Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, RENAC was commissioned to develop a concept to showcase projects on energy efficiency.
RENAC compiled German energy efficiency technologies, which provide particular high potentials for energy savings and developed a concept on how to raise awareness of these technologies and technology providers abroad.
Client | German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Energy Efficiency |
Target groups | Governmental bodies, Project developers |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | 2009 |

IRENA - Workshop on Capacity Building to support IRENA in Abu Dhabi
A one-day seminar on Capacity Building was held in October in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Abu Dhabi to support the newly established International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in developing its capacity building strategy.
RENAC designed and moderated the workshop with around 100 participants on capacity building for industry, financing sector and public decision makers on suitable frameworks.
Client | International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
Services | Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Associations |
Target countries | United Arab Emirates |
Year | 2009 |

RCREEE - Training for Decision Makers from MENA Countries on RE and EE
The Regional Centre for Renewable Energy & Efficiency (RCREE) is an independent think tank for the MENA region based in Cairo which is dedicated to the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency. RENAC provided an eight-day seminar for 20 young leaders from RCREEE countries.
The seminar delivered an overview on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, financing and frameworks. Participants gave the presentations of support for RE and EE in their countries, thus had the opportunity to benefit from the experience of their fellow students. In addition to theory and practice in the RENAC Training Centre, the field trips to the renewable plants in operation were undertaken.
Client | Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) |
Services | Study Tour, Tailor-made Training |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Business economists, Political decision makers, Project managers |
Target countries | MENA region |
Year | 2009 |

German Energy Efficiency Export Initiatives
On behalf of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, RENAC has been working as consultant within the export initiatives "Renewables – Made in Germany" and "Energy Efficiency – made in Germany" since 2008.
RENAC has been accepting responsibilities within the AHK Business Trip Program, the Information Trip Program, the Information Session Program and as Representative at Foreign Trade Fairs.
Client | German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Energy efficiency, Bioenergy, Renewable Energy, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy |
Target groups | Business economists, Utilities of energy sector, Project developers, Companies |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | Since 2008 |

GPE - Global Production Engineering
In cooperation with the Technical University Berlin, RENAC is running the Master of Science degree study GPE-Solar (Global production engineering for solar technologies).
The study is a unique combination of production technology with solar technologies, both photovoltaics and solar thermal. To optimally prepare the students for the challenges of leading job positions in the solar energy industry, the curriculum covers manufacturing, engineering, business development and marketing of solar technologies.
RENAC is responsible for the solar-specific curriculum and maintains a close relationship between the university and the solar industry. In addition, RENAC takes care on the arrangement of placements during the work-experience semester and is responsible for international marketing of the course.
Client | Global Production Engineering (GPE) |
Services | Master Degree |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Students |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | Since 2008 |

Inwent - Delegations Program for Companies from Madagascar
On behalf of InWEnt, RENAC designed a program for, and accompanied a delegation of business representatives from Madagascar.
The 18 participants from private companies and public entities visited German companies and took part in lectures about renewable energy technologies with particular relevance for electrical power supply in Madagascar.
Client | Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH (inWEnt) |
Services | Study Tour |
Topics | Renewable Energy |
Target groups | Business economists, Project developers |
Target countries | Madagascar |
Year | 2008 |

Schüco - Market Analysis
RENAC was commissioned by Schüco to support two market research study on solar thermal for South Africa and on photovoltaics in South Korea.
As one of the internationally leading companies offering solar energy solutions, it was crucial for Schüco to continually monitor worldwide market developments. RENAC was commissioned by Schüco to support this process by means of two market research studies. Therefore, RENAC investigated the extent of potential markets, assessed potential competition, analyzed price trends, and researched support and incentive programs on solar thermal for South Africa and on photovoltaics in South Korea.
Client | Schüco |
Services | Consulting |
Topics | Photovoltaics, SOlar Thermal |
Target groups | |
Target countries | South Africa, South Korea |
Year | 2008 |

SMET - Conference organization in Munich and San Francisco
In cooperation with the Solar Promotion, VDMA and SEMI, the Berlin conference company Solarpraxis organized the "Solar Material, Equipment and Technology Conference“ (SMET) 2008 in Munich and San Francisco.
On behalf of Solarpraxis, RENAC was commisioned to design the conference program, the list of speakers and guidelines for the content of this Photovoltaics expert conference. Focus points were current topics for the photovoltaics production and the supplying industry, market trends, standardisation, quality assurance and financing of technological developments.
Client | Solarpraxis |
Services | Conference Programs |
Topics | Photovoltaics |
Target groups | Project developers, Engineers, Business economists, Technicians, Scientists, Utilities of energy sector |
Target countries | Worldwide |
Year | 2008 |