Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment
- Gain an understanding of the structure of the building envelope in a lightweight construction (pitched roof, floor, walls, windows)
- Gain an understanding of the structure of the building envelope in a massive construction (pitched roof, floor, walls, windows)
- Identify thermal bridges in an existing construction
- Be able to integrate renewable energy systems into buildings
Energy Efficiency in Industry & Commerce
- Calculate the technical and economic savings which result from energy efficiency measures
- Assess the energy losses caused by leakages in a compressed air system.
- Evaluate the energy savings through an improved insulation of a piping network.
- Estimate the energy savings which can be achieved in a lighting system by a daylight dependent dimmer.
- Classify the energy efficiency of different control strategies of pumps.
Training Centre: Technologies and Skills transfered
Rayk Albrecht
Head of Division
International Business Development and Sales
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 53
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: sales[at]