Business Matchmaking

RENAC offers business matchmaking activities in Germany and abroad bringing together product and service providers with potential clients.

The transfer of energy expertise, the promotion of foreign trade and the facilitation of international development cooperation are part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative coordinated and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

Offered modules: 

  • Webinars and information days in Germany and abroad provide an overview on international markets for German companies
  • Networking and business opportunities abroad and in Germany
  • Together with the international German Chambers of Commerce (AHK), RENAC organises business trips abroad for German units
  • RENAC offers delegation tours for interested international stakeholders

Services available:

  • Research and compilation of RE and EE markets abroad
  • Business-to-business (B2B) meetings and networking in Germany and abroad
  • Lecturers on renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Travel organisation and support services
  • Site visits and field trips to reference projects
  • Preparatory readings or online trainings
  • Website:


Rayk Albrecht
Head of Division
International Business Development and Sales
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 53
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: sales[at]