Renac Team


  • Corporate management
  • Business development
  • Project controlling
  • Acquisition
  • Licentiate Degree in Biology


Berthold Breid

Email:    breid[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 60

Business Development & Sales

  • Acquisition and sales
  • Business development
  • MSc in Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies
  • MSc in New Media, Information & Society

Head of Division

Manolita Wiehl

Email:    wiehl[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 63

  • Acquisition and sales
  • Academic programmes and professional trainings
  • Business development
  • MSc in Environmental Planning
  • BSc in Geographical Science


Project Director

Rayk Albrecht

Email:    albrecht[at]
Tel:        +49 (0) 30 5870870 53

Green Hydrogen / Climate Policy / Wind Power / Renewables Grid Integration

  • Grid integration of renewable energy / Power system transformation
  • Green hydrogen / Climate policy / Renewables grid integration
  • Wind power
  • Lecturer and eEditor
  • Engineer in Technical Environmental Protection

Head of Division

Albrecht Tiedemann

Email:    tiedemann[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 40

  • International climate & energy policy, green hydrogen
  • Energy partnerships USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
  • International expert delegation trips, conferences and trainings
  • Capacity building programmes in Latin America, Southeast Asia
  • M.Sc. in International Economics


Project Director

Cecilia Strandberg

Email:    strandberg[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 42

  • International climate and energy policy
  • Policy analyses and recommendations
  • Curricula development
  • Training coordination, implementation and moderation
  • Capacity building in Africa, Latinamerica, Asia and Turkey
  • M.A in Political Culture

Project Director

Charlene Rossler

Email:    rossler[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 43

Green Energy and Climate Finance

  • Bioenergy / Renewable energy and energy efficiency finance
  • Expert in energy efficiency, biogas, wind energy and financing of renewable energy systems
  • MBA, Degree in Environmental Engineering 

Head of Division

Volker Jaensch

Email:    jaensch[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 20

  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency finance
  • Project management for face-to-face seminars
  • Expert in training methodology and didactics
  • Expert in biogas technology
  • MA in Natural Resource Management

Project Director 

Katharina Hartmann

Email:    hartmann[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 24

  • Green energy finance
  • Project finance and business development
  • Planning, valuation and financial modelling
  • Diploma in International Business
  • BSc. in Engineering & Finance


Project Director

Marcelo Montes Iannini

Email:    iannini[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 21

  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency finance
  • Project manager with expertise in sustainable development, waste management, research and programme management
  • Masters in Environmental Engineering (M.Eng.)
  • Certified Environmental Conservation Officer and Environmental Manager


Project Director

Agnieszka Wörner

Email:    woerner[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 29

  • Renewable energy/ Renewable energy finance
  • Project management and moderation of face-to-face and online trainings
  • Development of learning materials for international capacity projects
  • M.Sc. Environmental Planning; B.Sc. Life Sciences (Biology)

Project Director

Gloria Gabriel

Email:    gabriel[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 48

  • Project manager international capacity building services
  • Academic programmes and professional trainings
  • LL.B.  International Law - Law in the International Context of Technology, Politics and Economy

Project Manager

Diana Dardon

Email:    dardon[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 54

  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency finance
  • Project management for capacity building services
  • Development of online courses
  • BSc Ecological Engineering
  • MSc Integrated Natural Resource Management


Project Manager

Rachel Ledig

Email:   ledig[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 71

  • Environmental management
  • Expertise in capacity building
  • Content management in online platforms
  • In depth knowledge and understanding of stakeholder engagement, communities and social environmental dynamics of project management

Project Manager

Maria Sofia Morales Guzman

Email:    morales[at]
Tel:        +49 (0) 30 5870870 23

  •  Project management and moderation of trainings
  •  Development of learning materials
  •  Diploma in Industrial Engineering and M. Sc. In Integrated Natural Resource Management




Project Manager

Hans Farias Muñoz

Email:    munoz(at)
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 47

  • Implementation and revision of online courses content
  • Seminars and study tours coordination
  • Strategic research and capacity development
  • Material translation, formatting, and standardization

Project Assistant

Ngoc Ho

Email:    ho[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 26

  • Experienced professional in renewable energy and energy efficiency finance
  • Development and realisation of international trainings
  • MA in International Economics
  • Undergraduate degree in Finance

Green Energy Finance Specialist

Alexander Boensch

Email:    boensch[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 22

  • Green energy finance
  • Experienced professional in MSME, agricultural and green finance
  • Senior management experience from managing credit operations in Africa
  • Many years of consulting and training experience in Africa, Asia, MENA and the Caribbean
  • MA in International Economics


Green Energy Finance Specialist (Parental leave)

Anne Gossner

Email:    gossner[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 25

Solar Energy / Rural Electrification / Energy Efficiency

  • Project management for capacity building services
  • Management of interdisciplinary and international project teams
  • MBA in Business Management, Bachelor in Agricultural Management

Head of Division

Gérald Lamusse

Email:    lamusse[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 08

  • Solar energy
  • Development of capacity building concepts and programmes
  • Expert (business development) in utility scale solar projects and BES solutions
  • Bachelor in Law and Political Science; MBA + Speciality Energy Management

Project Director

Rafael Juan Martí

Email:    juan[at]
Tel:        +49 (0) 30 58 70870 39

  • Solar energy / Rural electrification
  • Development of capacity building concepts and programmes
  • Expert and trainer for solar off-grid and solar home systems
  • M.Sc. Sustainable Energy Studies


Project Director

Jens Brand

Email:    brand[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 38

  • Trainings and academic programmes
  • Development and realization of capacity building services
  • Expert in steering interdisciplinary and international project teams
  • Master of Science in Sustainability Science and Policy; Diploma in International Business

Project Director

Silke Jenssen

Email:    jenssen[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 36

  • Development of capacity building concepts and programmes
  • Moderation of consortium building processes within the German Energy Solution Initiative
  • Project management
  • Expert in participatory planning methods
  • MEng in Urban and Regional Planning


Project Director

Christiane Vaneker

Email:    vaneker[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 14

  • Development & implementation of capacity building & training programs
  • Expert in renewable energy, energy efficiency & green hydrogen
  • Mechanical engineering degree
  • Master in information & communication technology for training & education
  • PhD in renewable energy

Renewable Energy Expert

Fouzi Tabet

Email:    ftabet(at)
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 08

  • Solar energy
  • Development of international trainings
  • Expert for photovoltaic systems
  • Ph.D. in Photovoltaics, B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering

Senior Technical Advisor (external)

Dr. Hasan Albusairi

Email:    albusairi[at]
Tel:        +49 (0) 160 242 4040

  • Academic Programmes and Professional Trainings
  • Project director for open trainings
  • Expert in training methodology and didactics
  • Expert in quality assurance in the renewable energy and energy efficiency training sector
  • PhD in Environmental Science

Project Director

Dr. Emilienne Tingwey

Email:    tingwey[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 52

  • Solar energy / Rural electrification
  • Capacity building and train-the-trainer programmes in renewable energy
  • Expert and trainer in photovoltaic systems and rural electrification
  • Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Solar Energy Expert (external)

Salem Kadi

Email:    kadi[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 00

  • Project management for capacity building and training services
  • Curricula development
  • Expertise on learning management tools and methodologies
  • M.A. in Urban Design and Intercultural Conflict Management

Project Manager

Ernesto Villalobos Portilla

Email:    villalobos[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 02

  • Solar energy / Rural electrification
  • Trainings and Train-the-Trainer programmes for photovoltaics
  • Expert and trainer for rural electrification with photovoltaic systems
  • B.Sc. Photovoltaics and Certified Electrical Installer

Solar Electrical Engineer (external)

Frank Jackson

Email:    jackson[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 00

  • Development and implementation of capacity building and training programmes
  • Expert in electricity supplying systems, energy efficiency in buildings
  • Master in electrical engineering systems of energy consumption

Energy Efficiency Expert

Marta Stetsiv

Email:    stetsiv[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 32

  • Solar energy
  • Trainings and Train-the-Trainer programmes for solar thermal technologies
  • Expert and trainer for solar thermal systems
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Solar Thermal Engineer (external)

Martin Schnauss

Email:    schnauss[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 00

International Business Promotion

  • German Energy Solutions Initiative
  • Consultant for renewable energy and energy efficiency export promotion
  • Project management
  • Diploma in Communication Management

Head of Division

Laura Scharlach

Email:    scharlach[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 10

  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • MA in International Public Management
  • MA in Political Science
  • International climate change mitigation cooperation
  • Climate change and energy policy MENA
  • Interational conferences and delegations
  • Project management

Project Director

Dr. Sofia Karimi

Email:    karimi[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 28

  • German Energy Solutions Initiative
  • Account/distribution management, communication, online marketing
  • Intercultural competences, working with worldwide partners, customers, and stakeholders
  • Diploma in Business Communication Expert

Project Director

Lida E. Weisheit

Email:    weisheit[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 15

  • Renewable energy
  • Senior consultant for German export promotion programme
  • Senior management for face-to-face and virtual seminars in MENA, LatAm, Africa
  • Project director capacity building programmes
  • MA in Political Science


Project Manager

Céline Kittel

Email:    kittel[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 13

Academic Programmes and Professional Trainings

  • Coordination of academic programmes
  • Support mechanism for renewable energy
  • MA in Economics and East European Studies
  • MSc Renewable Energies

Head of Division

Uta Zähringer

Email:    zaehringer[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 50

  • Academic Programmes and Professional Trainings
  • Support division management in academic programmes
  • Conceptualise trainings on energy and climate topics
  • Expert in capacity building of projects in the education sector
  • Master in Public Policy with a focus on management organisation


Project Manager

Tarini Lamba

Email:    lamba[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 19

E-Learning and Multimedia

  • E-Learning and blended learning development
  • Online course design and administration

Head of Division

Raquel Cascales

Email:    cascales[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 46

  • BAC in Communication + Speciality in Journalism
  • MA in Culture and Literature
  • Project management for capacity building services
  • Online course and training developments
  • E-learning assistance

Project Director

Romhy Cubas

Email:    cubas[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 44

  • E-Learning text and video editing
  • Online course development coordination
  • MA in Journalism

E-learning Manager

Kira Romashko

Email:    romashko[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 45

Marketing & Communication

  • German Energy Solutions Initiative
  • Consultant for renewable energy and energy efficiency export promotion
  • Project management
  • PR and marketing
  • Expert in biogas
  • MSc in Renewable Energy; MA in Communication Science

Head of Division

Anja Haupt

Email:    haupt[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 64

  • Conceptualisation and design of marketing and teaching material
  • Graphic and video production
  • Website design and management
  • Qualification as specialist editor
  • PhD in Natural Science


Creative Director

Dr. Susanne Oehlschlaeger

Email:    oehlschlaeger[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 65

  • Expertise in digital marketing
  • Website design
  • Content management
  • Search engine optimization

Marketing Manager

Jessica Solorzano

Email:    solorzano(at)
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 07

Controlling and Finance

  • Controlling

Head of Division

Gerfried Niggemeyer

Email:    niggemeyer[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 96

  • Technical assistance
  • Administrative assistance

Administration Assistance

Kirill Berschadski

Email:    berschadski[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 92

  • Accounting and controlling
  • 25 years experience in national and international accountancy
  • BA (hons) Politics and Management



Christiaan Hofman

Email:    hofman[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 93

  • Office organisation

Office Manager

Aneta Orlowska

Email:    orlowska[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 00

  • Administrative assistance

Administration Assistance

Maria Londoño

Email:    londono[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 91

People and Organisation

  • Organisational development
  • Quality management
  • Human resources
  • Change management
  • Health and safety
  • MA in International Human Resource Management

Head of Division

Sylvia Lüdecke

Email:    luedecke[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 66

  • Infrastructure manager
  • IT In-house trainings

Senior IT Manager

Sandro Schau

Email:    schau[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 95

  • Lecturer and speaker management 
  • Teaching material management
  • Resource management

Senior Knowledge Manager

Julia Heithecker

Email:    heithecker[at]
Tel:        +49 (0)30 58 70870 62