PV fundamentals, off-grid and on-grid
Skills transfered
- Conduct current and voltage measurements and performance characteristics
- Explain fundamental relationships in solar cells
- Distinguish and explain different characteristics of poly-and mono-crystalline and amorphous solar cells
- Define the functions of all components of a solar home system
- Assess sites in relation to their suitability for solar installations
- Perform the dimensioning of PV systems by using simulation software
- Set up a simple demo-solar home system (SHS) (modules, charge controller, battery and DC load)
- Perform measurements at an existing SHS and to detect faults
- Calculate the economic viability of a site by using measured radiation data
- Detect possible errors and how to correct them
- Explain the functionality of a grid-connected PV system and introduce incentive schemes
- Perform rough plant sizing exercises using simulation software
- Explain the differences between island and grid-connected inverters
- Calculate feasibility of the site using measured radiation data
- Detect possible errors and how to correct them
Training Centre: Technologies and Skills transfered
Rayk Albrecht
Head of Division
International Business Development and Sales
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 53
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: sales[at]renac.de