Flexibility options in the distribution grid – Exchange between the US and Germany
Delegation trip to Germany (May 6 - 9, 2019)

The role of distribution grids is evolving. Regulators and distribution grid operators face an array of unprecedented responsibilities and opportunities, associated with the rapid increase of intermittent distributed energy sources, new digital technologies, and demand response.
The United States and Europe face many common questions on the road towards a smarter and more flexible distribution grid: How can we increase grid flexibility and resilience in the most economical way? What are the tradeoffs between digitalization and cybersecurity? How can the costs of grid modernization be allocated amongst stakeholders?
With the goal to better understand and navigate a new reality of grid operation needs, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) invited high level representatives to participate in a transatlantic thought leader exchange. The trip is part of a broader scale effort to strengthen the energy cooperation between our countries, encourage the exchange of ideas, and build energy transition policy expertise.
This knowledge exchange aimed to provide intelligent solutions for distribution grid architecture, rate design, the integration of distributed energy sources, electric vehicles, and demand flexibility. It offered the opportunity for multi-stakeholder executives to jointly explore avenues towards the grid of the future.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Introduction and Meeting with Government Agencies
09.00 am | Welcome and introduction to the week's program and to the energy dialogue program between Germany and USA Mr Raffaele Piria, Senior Project Manager, adelphi Mr. Albrecht Tiedemann, Head of Division, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG |
09.15 am | Welcome by the Director General Thorsten Herdan from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) Mr. Thorsten Herdan, Director General, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) |
09.45 am | Introduction to the German Energiewende with focus on the power system Ms. Stefanie Schmidt-Lübbert, Deputy Head of Unit, International Energy Cooperation, BMWi Ms. Isabelle Heitmann, Deputy Head of Unit, Special issue of conventional electricity generation, BMWi Mr. Adrian Loets, Deputy Head of Unit, Digitalisation of the Energy Transition, BMWi |
11.15 am | Coffee / tea break |
11.30 am | Role of the regulator Mr. Florian König, Economic Advisor, Energy Regulation, The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) |
12.30 pm | Lunch break |
01.30 pm | A deep dive into the German power system: Germany/EU and the US - A comparison Wholesale markets, power mix, system security Distribution grids / final consumers |
03.30 pm | Presentation of delegaton trip agenda for the week Ms. Cecilia Strandberg, Project Director, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG |
06.30 pm | Welcome Dinner |

Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Stakeholder Meetings
09.00 am | Meeting and site visit: TSO 50Hertz Dr. Dirk Biermann, CMO, 50Hertz |
11:30 am | New utility business models in the context of the Energiewende Dr. Jörg Jasper, Group Expert, Energy Economics & Policy, EnBW |
01.00 pm | Lunch break |
02.30 pm | Discussion round with DSO representatives: DSO's as system managers of the energy transition Mr. Rainer Stock, Head of Unit, German Association of Local Utilities (VKU) |
02.50 pm | Presentation by EWE Netz Mr. Tobias Kempermann, Head of Markets & Politics, EWE Netz Mr. Marcus Merkel, Senior Advisor to the Board of Management, EWE Netz |
03.10 pm | Presentation by Stromnetz Berlin Ms. Lisa Hankel, Energy Economics and Policy, Stromnetz Berlin Mr. Mario Teichmann, Energy Economics and Policy, Stromnetz Berlin |
03.30 pm | Discussion round Mr. Albrecht Tiedemann, Head of Unit, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG |
05.30 pm | Optional: Guided city tour on foot* |

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Stakeholder Meetings and Site Visits
10.00 am | Site visit: Guided tour through the EUREF Campus Mr. Jonas Schorr, Guide Mr. Robert Weyrauch, CEO, ebee Smart Technologies |
12:45 pm | Lunch break |
02.00 pm | Storage: Energy storage in the context of the Energiewende Mr. Urban Windelen, Executive Director, BVES Ms. Valeska Gottke, Senior Expert for Communications and Markets, BVES |
03.30 pm | Coffee / tea break |
04.00 pm | Flexibility study by Innogy SE Dr. Stefan Richter, Vice President Regulatory Management & Grid Economics, Innogy SE |

Thursday, May 9, 2019
Stakeholder Meetings and Concluding Workshop
09.00 am | Wholesale and retail markets for electricity in Germany/Europe Mr. Maximilian Rinck, Senior Business Developer, EPEX Spot SE |
10.30 am | Coffee / tea break |
10.45 pm | Virtual Power Plants Mr. Jan Aengenvoort, Chief Communications Officer, Next Kraftwerke |
12.30 pm | Lunch break |
02.00 pm | Concluding workshop Mr. Albrecht Tiedemann, Head of Unit, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG |
04:00 pm | End of the official program |