Knowledge-exchange between US and German power system operators
Delegation trip to Germany (June 25 - 28, 2018)

Some of the many common questions the United States and Europe face on the road towards a cleaner and more flexible power supply system are: How should we deal with higher penetration of renewables? What is the impact on the incumbent utilities? What will be the long-term role of coal and gas in the energy mix?
With the goal to better understand and navigate the newly emerging power systems, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) invited high level representatives from power grid operators and grid-related organizations in the US to participate in a in a transatlantic thought leader exchange taking place from June 25 - 28, 2018.
The trip is part of a broader scale effort to strengthen the energy cooperation between the US and Germany, encourage the exchange of ideas, and build energy transition policy expertise. This knowledge exchange aims to provide solutions for long-term strategic power system planning, improved market design that can increase power system flexibility and reliability and reduce costs, enhanced distribution and transmission planning, and better cross-regional operations coordination. It offers the opportunity for multi-stakeholders to identify, track, and enable new market and planning models and technologies for grid management and operation.
The trip was organized by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG in Berlin and supported by its local partner, the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest (GACC Midwest).
Please find below the program and presentations of the delegation trip of US Power System Operators to Berlin from June 25 - 28, 2017
Monday, June 25, 2018
Introduction and Meeting with Government
08.30 am | Welcome and introduction to the week's program and to the energy dialogue program between Germany and USA Mr Raffaele Piria, Senior Project Manager, adelphi Mr. Albrecht Tiedemann, Head of Unit, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG |
09.00 am | Welcome by Director General Thorsten Herdan from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) Mr. Thorsten Herdan, Director General, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) |
09.30 am | Introduction to the German Energiewende, the power system and the grid Dr. Falk Bömeke, Deputy Head of Division International Energy Cooperation, BMWi Mr. Max Rathmann, Deputy Head of Division General issues of electricity, power-sector integration, power plants, BMWi Dr. Arne Genz, Deputy Head of Division, National and European electricity grids and electricity grid planning, BMWi Germany's energy system and the status of the energy transition Electricity Grid Planning in Germany |
10.30 am | Coffee / tea break |
11.00 am | Electricity system design in Germany - understanding the current situation Wholesale and retail markets for electricity in Germany/Europe Key Challenges for the Energy Transition in the future Q&A, moderated open discussion Mr. Albrecht Tiedemann, Head of Unit, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG Dr. Fabian Joas, Senior Associate EU Electricity Market / Industrial Policy and the Energiewende, Agora Energiewende Mr. Giorgio Corbetta, Advisor - EU Energy Policy Strategy, European Energy Exchange (EEX) Mr. Andreas Jahn, Senior Associate, The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) Electricity system in Germany Key Challenges for the German Energy Transition and its Market Design |
01.00 pm | Lunch break |
02.30 pm | Role of the Regulator Dr. Jan Peter Sasse, Division Economic Policy Issues, The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) The role of the Bundesnetzagentur for the energy sector in Germany |
04.30 pm | Meeting with the U.S. Embassy Mr. Dan Froats, Economic Counselor Mr. Joel Wiegert, First Secretary |
07.30 pm | Welcome Dinner |

Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Meetings and Site visits
09.30 am | Meeting with the German Association of Local Utilities (VKU) Mr. Rainer Stock, Head of Unit, VKU DSOs as system managers of the energy transition |
12.00 pm | Lunch break |
01.15 pm | Meeting with the German Energy Agency (dena) Mr. Christoph Jugel, Director Energy Systems, dena |
03.00 pm | Meeting and site visit: Transmission Grid Operator (TSO) 50Hertz Mr. Dr. Dirk Biermann, CMO, 50Hertz |

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Meetings and Site visits
09.00 am | Meeting with utility EnBW Dr. Jörg Jasper, Group Expert Energy Economics & Policy, EnBW |
09.45 am | Meeting with DSO Netze BW Mr. Bartholomäus Wasowicz, Head of Technology & Innovation, Netze BW GmbH |
10.30 am | Coffee / tea break |
11.00 am | Meeting with utility Innogy SE Dr. Stefan Richter, Vice President Regulatory Management & Grid Economics, Innogy SE Mr. Stefan Petermann, Senior Expert Strategy Development, Strategy & Technology Renewables, Innogy SE |
12.45 pm | Lunch break |
03.00 pm | Site visit: Combined Power-to-Heat (P2H) / Power-to-Cool (P2C) at EUREF Campus Mr. Andreas Jarfe |
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Meetings and concluding workshop
08.30 am | Meeting with the German Energy Storage Association (BVES) Mr. Urban Windelen, Executive Director, BVES Ms. Valeska Gottke, Senior Expert for Communications and Markets, BVES |
11.00 am | Public acceptance of new grids for the Energy Transition Ms. Theresa Schneider, Senior Manager Communications, Renewables Grid Initiative Grid development: how to constructively engage stakeholders |
01.00 pm | Lunch break |
02.30 pm | Concluding workshop Mr. Albrecht Tiedemann, Head of Unit, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG |
04.00 pm | End of the official program |
04.30 pm | Guided city tour |