
Off-Grid Photovoltaics Train-the-Trainer Programme

What is the Train-the-trainer Programme?

The GIZ and Green People’s Energy (GBE) are committed to supporting local training institutions who wish to expand their renewable energy training offers. Within the GreenSkills4Dev project, the Renewables Academy (RENAC) is implementing a Train-the-Trainer programme with its expert trainers in off-grid photovoltaics. If you have experience as an electrician and a trainer at a vocational training institution in Mozambique, and if you are keen to become a photovoltaics trainer, you are invited to apply.

Who is participating?

The programme is tailored to suit the following audiences in Mozambique:

  • students enrolled in a Master Course at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo
  • investors and decision makers of the public sector
  • employees of the private sector working in the solar business (PAYGo companies, PV installers, banks, etc.)
  • nominated trainers from selected training institutions


Structure of the programme

  1. 12-16 weeks online training made up of self-study and interactive virtual classrooms, to give you a good theoretical foundation in off-grid photovoltaic systems, as well as an opportunity to get to know your fellow participating trainers. The online training phase will include an assignment and an online exam.
  2. Two 10-day in-person Train-the-Trainer workshops to take place at a training institution in Mozambique with a maximum of 16 participants per workshop. This will give you practical hands-on experience installing and working with off-grid photovoltaic systems, as well as the pedagogical skills to develop and deliver high quality training to your future students. This in-person workshop will include a practical assessment of each trainee’s competencies in teaching off-grid photovoltaics.
  3. Mentoring phase where participating trainers will be supported by an expert trainer in developing and delivering their own off-grid photovoltaics training.

Fees and course material

The GreenSkills4Dev project will cover 100% of the training fees for the programme. This includes all course materials, all training equipment as well as the cost of travel and accommodation for the duration of the in-person workshop.

Further information

If you want to know more about this programme, please refer to our flyer (in portuguese).


Jens Brand
Project Director
RENAC energy & climate gGmbH
Tel: +49 (0)30-587087038


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