Webinar 1 

Solar Power for Residential and Commercial Customers


How solar power can be a cost-saving alternative to electricity from diesel generators in your homes.

  • In this webinar Hussien Nassir, an Iraqi expert for solar power technologies, explains how you can benefit in you home from using photovoltaics (PV) as a substitute to private or neighbourhood gensets. He will also demonstrate how you can benefit from solar power to keep your home cool with PV run air-conditioning.
  • Ulf Lohse, a German expert of Renewable Energy Finance, will give you an introduction into the business case of PV technology for residential and commercial customers.
  • Up to 30 minutes of the webinar will be dedicated for questions and discussions on the presentations and in addition on the topic of policy frameworks. The experts as well as representatives from GIZ and RENAC will be present.


Meet the speakers:

Hussien Nassir

  • Solar energy and IoT specialist, CTO at KESK Green Building Consulting, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Responsible for helping government, private sector, and individuals in design, construction and management of green buildings for better indoor air quality, lower energy and water costs, improved environmental performance and enhanced asset value.
  • Enhanced asset value using edge energy efficiency technique.
  • Expertise in hands-on electrical engineering experience focused on Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy with hundreds of hours of high end quality content videos on social media.
  • Graduate of electrical engineering (electronic and communication) (BSc).


Ulf Lohse

  • Senior Consultant for the Business Consulting department of eclareon, Berlin, Germany
  • Responsible of consulting projects including the financial analysis of different solar PV
  • business models in different photovoltaic markets, for instance in Russia, Iraq, Tunisia and Algeria
  • Certified Expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance
  • Graduate of European Business School (ESCP


Webinar 2

Solar Power for Neighbourhood Generator Operators


How solar power can help you to save fuel, improve your service and save cost at the same time.

  • Lars Koerner, a German expert on solar power and rural electrification, gives an introduction into the integration of photovoltaics into diesel powered neighbourhood generators.
  • Ulf Lohse, a German expert of Renewable Energy Finance, will give you an introduction into the business case of PV technology for neighbourhood generator operators.
  • Up to 30 minutes of the webinar will be dedicated for questions and discussions on the presentations. The experts as well as representatives from GIZ and RENAC will be present.


Meet the speakers

Lars Koerner

  • Head of Division Solar Energy, Rural Electrification and Energy Efficiency at Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin, Germany
  • Responsible for project management for capacity building services
  • Expert in rural electrification using photovoltaic systems
  • Graduate of Engineering (Diploma) in Renewable Energy

Ulf Lohse

  • Senior Consultant for the Business Consulting department of eclareon, Berlin, Germany
  • Responsible of consulting projects including the financial analysis of different solar PV
  • business models in different photovoltaic markets, for instance in Russia, Iraq, Tunisia and Algeria
  • Certified Expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance
  • Graduate of European Business School (ESCP)


Webinar 3

Solar Power for Agriculture


How solar power can be applied as cost-saving alternative to a generator to pump water in your fields.

  • Salem Kadi, an expert on photovoltaic systems and rural electrification from Germany, gives an introduction into solar water pumping systems without storage: Types of solar water pumping systems, solar water pumping applications, system configurations, system design fundamentals.
  • Ulf Lohse, a German expert of Renewable Energy Finance, will give you an introduction into the business case of solar power for agriculture.
  • Up to 30 minutes of the webinar will be dedicated for questions and discussions on the presentations. The experts as well as representatives from GIZ and RENAC will be present.


Meet the speakers

Salem Kadi

  • Project Director at Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin, Germany
  • Responsible for capacity building and train-the-trainer programmes in renewable energy
  • Expert and trainer in photovoltaic systems and rural electrification
  • Graduate of Engineering (Diploma) in Electrical Engineering

Ulf Lohse

  • Senior Consultant for the Business Consulting department of eclareon, Berlin, Germany
  • Responsible of consulting projects including the financial analysis of different solar PV
  • Business models in different photovoltaic markets, for instance in Russia, Iraq, Tunisia and Algeria
  • Certified Expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance
  • Graduate of European Business School (ESCP)

Webinar 4

Energy Innovation Coaches - preparation seminar


In an interactive workshop the idea of EICs will be shared and the possible structure, content, and different training skills of the programme will be explained. Potential EICs will be invited to share their feedback and expertise. The application process off the programme will be explained and the timeline and procedure of the follow up clearly outlined.

Meet the speakers:

Berthold Breid

  • CEO of Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin, Germany
  • Corporate management
  • Business development
  • Project controlling
  • Acquisition
  • Licentiate Degree in Biology

Bernhard Hartleitner

  • Technical Expert and Projectmanager at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
  • Responsible for the Private Sector Development & Employment Promotion (PSD) Project in Iraq. The project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


Planned activities

Planned capacity building and mentoring activities:

  • capacity needs assessment of preselected participants,
  • development of training programme for EICs,
  • online training programme with exam on RE and EE topis (technology and economics),
  • Face-to-Face training on PV and EE,
  • evaluation of energy monitoring and consultancy exercises,
  • mentoring of first consultancies with companies.