Wind energy

For individuals

RENAC offers various wind power trainings. These training suits those who would like to apply wind power technology and assess project economics or become a trainer about fundamentals of wind power and use training center equipment are offered by RENAC.

Content of trainings can cover wind resource measurement and assessment, identification of areas most suitable for wind power development, environmental aspects (noise, shadow, landscape), wind farm planning steps, onshore wind power technology (grid-connected / off-grid applications, aerodynamics and the control of a wind turbine), choosing the right wind turbine for your site, economics (CAPEX, OPEX and LCOE), risk assessment, cash flow analysis and energy yield calculation.

RENAC uses its training center equipment with 15 meter wind measuring mast and measuring equipment, laboratory wind turbines for individual use and simulators for grid connected multi megawatt wind power generator, three phase 50 Hz mini grid and long distance transmission lines.

All ready-made training courses on wind energy

Seminar Type of training Next Date  
Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies Face - to - face tbd Details & Dates
Applying Renewable Energy: Market Leaders Online 01.04.25 Details & Dates
Applying Renewable Energy: Large-scale systems Online 01.04.25 Details & Dates
Applying Renewable Energy: Complete Overview Online 01.04.25 Details & Dates
Certified Renewable Energy Project Developer: Wind Power Online 01.04.25 Details & Dates
Synergies between Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Online 01.07.25 Details & Dates



"The technical expertise of the instructors and varied experiences/ backgrounds of the other course participants led to interesting questions, discussions and knowledge that would not have been possible in my normal professional setting."
Matthew Wise, USA, Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies, 2018

"The professionalism of the trainer and the combination of theory and practice were important in my learning. It was more than a certificate"
Constanza Correa, Colombia, 2022

"The professionalism of the trainer and the combination of theory and practice were important in my learning. It was more than a certificate"
Constanza Correa, Colombia, 2022

"It has been a wonderful experience for me [...] with exclusive trainers and staff, and with a great audience of multi-national business professionals."
Adnan Göçhan, Turkey, 2018

"Visiting the wind farm and seeing the wind turbines up close was an eye-opening experience. It brought the acquired theoretical knowledge to life."
Tahani Nasser Khalfan Al-Shukri, 2024

"I participated in the GEFS program to expand my knowledge of Green Energy Finance, specifically renewable energy financing. Overall, the GEFS program has allowed me to gain a better appreciation of renewable energy financing, from the technology and process to operations, contracting, financing, and eventual decommissioning. I believe the GEFS program is highly comprehensive and has a broad industry scope that applies to renewable energy practitioners worldwide."
Paulo Esmaquel, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2023

"Having recently developed a keen interest in Renewables and Green Energy, along with a plan to begin investing in the sector, I discovered that the RENAC GEFS course outline adequately covered my areas of interest. The material was presented in an organized and cohesive manner, and my favorite module was the one on RE project financing.
The learning experience has had an immediate impact on my daily professional activities. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in this sector."
Eshiet Solomon, Commodity Trade Finance, Methana Energy, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2023

"I had an overall great experience on the programme. The role play is definitely the highlight since it's quite a new method that i experienced. Well put together."
Melati, Indonesia, Overview of Energy Efficiency in Industry and Buildings, 2017