Certified PV Professional
The Certified PV Professional online training programme equips participants with knowledge on how to plan and operate different PV systems. The first three courses in the programme cover the basics on components, configuration and sizing as well as on the economics of various types of PV systems. The following four courses further explain these topics and show how PV power plants and PV-diesel systems are planned and operated. These courses give technology specific details as well as tips for the planning and operation process.
Mandatory courses in the programme:
The mandatory courses that must be taken in order to be eligible to sit the final exam and that make up its content are the following:
- PV - application
- PV - technology
- PV-diesel hybrid systems
- PV off-grid systems
- Small-scale PV grid-connected systems
- Planning of large-scale PV grid-connected systems
- Planning of PV-diesel hybrid systems
To supplement the learning experience, participants will have access to optional introductory courses on energy and electricity topics. These courses are not mandatory, do not contain assignments, and will not be covered in the exam. Participants new to these topics would benefit from reviewing the content in these courses.
Optional courses in the programme:
- Introduction to electricity
- Introduction to energy
- Introduction to the solar resource
- Introduction to electric grids
Receive a reminder one week before the registration deadline.
Learning objectives
After completing this programme, participants should be able to:
- determine optimal PV system sizes and estimate their corresponding energy yield;
- categorise PV-diesel hybrid systems and evaluate their viability;
- identify the system type (off-grid, grid-connected or hybrid) best suited to any given setting; and
- define the planning and implementation steps to ensure the success of a PV project.
Participants who successfully pass the exam at the end of programme will receive a RENAC certificate. All other participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance if they have completed all the self-tests contained in the mandatory courses.