Energy efficiency

Are you interested in a tailor-made training?

The following sample training courses give an overview of possible topics we cover in our tailor-made trainings. The sample trainings can be used as basis to develop a tailor-made training for your company or organisation. If you are interested in a tailor-made training, please fill out this questionnaire and send it to Rayk Albrecht.

Rayk Albrecht
Head of Division
International Business Development and Sales
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 53
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: sales[at]

Face-to-face trainings

Overview of energy efficiency in buildings

Active side of the building, passive side of the building, energy performance certificates, energy audits, legal framework

  • Basics of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
  • Architectural design principles and passive solutions for energy efficient buildings
  • Modern constructions and materials of energy efficient buildings.
  • Active side: Modern building technologies
  • Energy Management: Definition, Methodology, Instruments and Applications
  • Energy Monitoring: Meters, sensors, monitoring net structure, analysis of data
  • Energy Audits: Scope, data collection and analysis
  • Energy Certification
  • Energy performance of existing buildings
  • Energy Efficient Procurement and Contracting
  • Economics and financing
  • Legal framework and government instruments
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the potential of energy efficiency in the built environment
  • Describe energy flows within a building and their balance
  • Explain architectural design principles and passive solutions for energy efficient construction
  • Compare energy efficient active system in the built environment
  • Name international standards used for the assessment of the energy performance of buildings
  • Describe the processes of energy management, auditing and monitoring in buildings

Target group:
  • Senior management positions in real estate companies
  • Energy ministries
  • Engineers and architects who want to get an insight into energy efficiency
Duration:4 - 5 days

Energy efficiency in buildings and districts

Active side of the building, passive side of the building, district heating, legal framework, economics

  • Basics of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
  • Architectural design principles and passive solutions for energy efficient buildings
  • Modern constructions and materials of energy efficient buildings.
  • Active side: Modern building technologies
  • Energy performance of existing buildings
  • Energy Efficient Procurement and Contracting
  • Legal framework and government instruments
  • Renewable district heating technologies
  • Spatial heat planning
  • Cogeneration and trigeneration
  • Economics and financing
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the potential of energy efficiency in the built environment
  • Describe energy flows within a building and their balance
  • Explain architectural design principles and passive solutions for energy efficient construction
  • Compare energy efficient active system in the built environment
  • Discuss the technological, legal and financial framework of district heating systems

Target group:
  • Senior management positions in real estate companies
  • Energy ministries and
  • Municipalities
  • Engineers and architects who want to get an insight into energy efficiency
Duration:4 - 5 days

Overview of energy efficiency in industry

Energy management, economics, cross-sectoral technologies, procurement and contracting, legal framework

  • Introduction to energy efficiency
  • Energy Management: Definition, Methodology, Instruments and Applications
  • Energy Management Systems: ISO 50001:2011
  • Energy Monitoring: Meters, sensors, monitoring net structure, analysis of data
  • Energy Audits: Scope, data collection and analysis
  • Cross sectional technologies for heating and cooling
  • Electricity based cross sectional technologies
  • Cogeneration and trigeneration
  • Energy Efficient Procurement and Contracting
  • Economics and economic evaluation
  • Legal framework and government instruments
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the basic functions of cross-cutting technologies in industry and the respective application areas
  • Identify technical measures to enhance energy efficiency with regard to the respective cross-cutting technology
  • Classify the technical and economic saving potential of the technical measures to enhance the energy efficiency
  • Describe the processes of energy management, auditing and monitoring
  • Debate legislative instruments to support energy efficiency

Target group:
  • Senior management positions in industrial companies
  • Energy ministries
  • Engineers who want to get an insight into energy efficiency
Duration:4 - 5 days

Energy efficiency in industry: cross-sectoral technologies

Energy management, industrial heating and cooling processes, compressed air, pumping and ventilation systems, electric drives

  • Energy metering and management (planning, monitoring, tools, monitoring)
  • Energy Audits: Scope, data collection and analysis
  • Energy efficiency in the steam generation, distribution and application
  • Energy efficiency in the compressed air generation, distribution and application
  • Energy efficiency in the generation, distribution and application of industrial cooling
  • Energy efficiency in electrical machines (motor, transformers, etc.)
  • Energy efficiency in pumping and ventilation systems
  • Introduction to high-performance technologies in industrial thermal processes
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • carry out studies to improve energy performance in industry,
  • manage the implementation of energy efficiency measures in industry,
  • evaluate the energy supply and energy consumption of industrial companies,
  • develop an energy management action plan,
  • advise/assist individuals and institutions at the implementation of energy efficiency measures,
  • communicate the importance of energy efficiency,
  • assist companies with the establishment of an energy management system,
  • demonstrate the functions of cross-sectoral technologies in industry,
  • determine areas of application for cross-sectoral technologies in industry and
  • classify the saving potential of the technical measures to enhance energy efficiency.

Target group:
  • Engineers
  • Technicians
Duration:6 - 7 days

Energy auditing for buildings

Energy audit process, energy audit standards, measurement instruments, data collection and evaluation, case studies

  • Basic concepts of energy efficiency in buildings
  • Definitions and differences between different types of energy audits
  • Architectural design principles and passive solutions for energy efficient buildings
  • Modern constructions and materials of energy efficient buildings.
  • Active side: Modern building technologies
  • Energy Audit Objectives and Scope
  • Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities in the framework of energy audits
  • Planning of energy audits
  • Data collection of historical data for energy audits
  • Measurement planning and measurement plan
  • Gathering of information / data in the field
  • Data evaluation and analysis
  • The energy audit report
  • Presentation of the energy audit results
  • Measurements in the framework of energy audits
  • From energy audit to implementation of energy efficiency measures:
  • Financing energy efficiency measures in buildings
  • The path from energy audit to energy management
  • Energy audits as an element of an energy efficiency policy and in the regulatory context
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the potential of energy efficiency in the built environment
  • Describe energy flows within a building and their balance
  • Explain architectural design principles and passive solutions for energy efficient construction
  • Compare energy efficient active system in the built environment
  • Group the steps of an energy audit process
  • Classify the scope of different types of energy audits
  • List the roles and responsibilities in the framework of energy audits
  • Identify relevant data and information sources in the framework of energy audits
  • Evaluate the economic feasibility of energy efficiency measures
  • Prioritize energy efficiency measures
  • Present the results of an energy audit
  • Recognise standards for energy management processes
  • Name financial instruments to promote energy efficiency

Target group:
  • Technicians
  • Engineers
  • Architects

who want to be prepared to perform energy audits

Duration:5 days

Online trainings

Technological aspects of energy efficiency

Industrial heating, cooling processes, compressed air, pumping/ventilation systems, electric drives, lighting

  • Heating
  • Cooling
  • Electric Drives
  • Pumps
  • Compressed Air
  • Ventilation
  • Lighting
  • Sectoral approaches
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the basic functions of cross-cutting technologies in industry
  • Determine areas of application for cross-cutting technologies in industry
  • Prepare technical measures to enhance energy efficiency with regard to the respective cross-cutting technology
  • Classify the saving potential of the technical measures to enhance the energy efficiency
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are new to Energy Efficiency
  • Need a comprehensive but concise overview on cross-cutting technologies used in industry
  • Have to be aware of the technical an economic saving potential of cross-cutting technologies
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours

Energy efficiency in industry – application

Industrial heating/cooling processes, electricity-based cross-sectoral technologies, energy demand reduction measures

  • Heating and cooling
  • Electricity based cross-sectoral technology
  • Sectoral approaches
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the basic functions of cross-cutting technologies in industry
  • Determine areas of application for cross-cutting technologies in industry
  • Estimate the saving potential of cross-cutting technologies in industry
Target group:

This training suits those who

  • Are new to Energy Efficiency
  • Need a comprehensive but concise overview on the function and application areas of cross-cutting technologies used in industry
  • Have to be aware of the relevance of the technologies and energy forms used in the industrial context
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Energy efficient buildings – application

Energy consumption, -balance of buildings, energy flows, different climate zones, policies, standards, green buildings

  • Energy consumption in buildings
  • Buildings in different climate zones
  • Energy efficiency policies and buildings standards
  • Benefits of “green” buildings
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Report the relevance of buildings in the context of climate mitigation
  • Compare different energy efficiency standards for buildings
  • Explain how climate factors affect structural measures and the buildings’ energy consumption
  • Illustrate benefits of energy efficiency in buildings
  • Compare economics of green buildings with conventional type of buildings
Target group:

This training suits those who

  • Are new to Energy Efficiency
  • Need a comprehensive but concise overview on concepts of energy efficiency and the relevant energy flows in buildings have to be aware of how climate factors influence the energy consumption and the design of a building
  • Want to know international standards for the assessment of the energy performance of buildings and green buildings
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Energy efficiency in buildings – technology

Passive solar architecture, building envelope, heating ventilation, air conditioning, renewable energies, lighting

  • Principles of energy efficient buildings
  • Building structure – passive side
  • Building structure – active side
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Assess building materials in terms of their physical properties with regard to thermal insulation
  • Explain the principles of heat transfer and the related physical properties of building materials
  • Explain passive measure to enhance the energy efficiency in buildings
  • Demonstrate active measures to enhance energy efficiency in buildings
Target group:

This training suits those who

  • Need a comprehensive but concise overview on measures to enhance energy efficiency in the built environment
  • Have to be aware of the technical and economic saving potential of energy efficiency in the built environment
  • Need to evaluate active and passive energy efficiency measures.
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours

Systematic approaches to energy savings

Energy management systems, energy audits, qualification of energy auditors, energy efficiency networks, financing

  • Energy management
  • Energy audits
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the principles and scope of energy management systems
  • Explain the principles and scope of energy audits
  • Demonstrate the benefits that energy management systems and audits provide for companies to realise their energy saving potential
  • Illustrate the barriers that exist towards energy management systems and audits
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Need a comprehensive but concise overview on energy management systems and energy audits
  • Will have to reliably evaluate how implementation of energy efficiency measures can be organized at their work
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours

Financing of energy efficiency projects and ESCOs

Appraisal of the client/ESCOs, technical/financial appraisal, environmental, social, climate performance assessment

  • Energy efficiency vs. traditional investment finance
  • Appraisal of client/investor
  • Technical appraisal
  • Financial appraisal
  • Environmental appraisal
  • Monitoring
  • Energy service companies
  • Appraisal of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
Learning objectives:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish the nature of energy efficiency projects from conventional investments,
  • Organise an energy efficiency project assessment from the perspective of a bank
  • Analyse different concepts of ESCOs as a new innovative business model in the energy sector
  • Determine the special aspects of ESCO financing
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Develop energy efficiency as a new business line in a financial organisation
  • Assess loan applications for energy efficiency projects
  • Develop energy efficiency projects and need financing
  • Want to establish an Energy Service Company (ESCO)
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours

Support mechanisms for energy efficiency projects

Barriers of energy efficiency, regulation policy, information policy, economic incentive, bundling of policies

  • Necessity for energy efficiency policies
  • Benefits of support mechanisms
  • Types of energy efficiency policy measures: regulatory, informational, economic, voluntary
  • Combining and assessment of different measures
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Name different barriers to energy efficiency deployment
  • Identify the roles and competencies of political stakeholders in energy efficiency
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the most common support mechanisms
  • Explain the bundling of different support mechanisms to achieve governmental goals
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are responsible for developing support mechanisms for energy efficiency projects
  • Want to make use of support mechanisms in their energy efficiency project
  • Evaluate, compare and assess support mechanisms for energy efficiency
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours

Heat pumps

Coefficient of performance, environmental parameters, application in climate zones, refrigerant fluids

  • Definition of a heat pump, its components and its working cycle
  • Introduction to the parameters related to environmental and financial performance
  • Existing heat pump technologies and their applications
  • Heat pumps and their application in their climate zones
  • Refrigerant fluids
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe a heat pump, including its components and working cycle,
  • Classify different heat pump working modes,
  • Evaluate efficiencies, to compare technologies and use cases,
  • Explain and evaluate economic and environmental parameters,
  • Describe different heat pump technologies, and their applications in terms of their performance and use in different climate zones and
  • Classify refrigeration fluids according to their application, global warming potential, and method of disposal.
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Need a comprehensive overview of the operating principles for heat pumps used for cooling and heating,
  • Would like to get an overview on heat pump applications and costs
  • Want to get information about the environmental impact of heat pumps
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours


Synergies of energy efficiency and renewable energy – methodology and applications

Framing link, leverage of joint, high impact measures, indicators, advantages/disadvantages

  • Framing the link between EE and RE
  • Synergies from implementing EE and RE measures at the same time
  • A methodology to measure synergies between EE and RE
  • Examples of synergy between EE and RE
  • Indicators to track synergy between EE and RE
  • Interpretation of various graphs
  • Decomposition analysis for EE
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the relationship between energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE)
  • Name technologies that promote synergy between EE and RE
  • Describe the methodology to identify valuable measures for creating synergy
  • Name indicators to trace the linkage between EE and RE
  • Explain the meaning of different graphs showing concepts related to EE and RE
Target group:

This training suits those who

  • Would like to understand the relation between renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Need to develop and apply synergy-strategies in power system modelling and planning
  • Want to communicate the advantages of a strategy that considers synergies between energy efficiency and renewable energy
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours