Introduction and overview

Are you interested in a tailor-made training?

The following sample training courses give an overview of possible topics we cover in our tailor-made trainings. The sample trainings can be used as basis to develop a tailor-made training for your company or organisation. If you are interested in a tailor-made training, please fill out this questionnaire and send it to Manolita Wiehl.

Rayk Albrecht
Head of Division
International Business Development and Sales
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 53
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: sales[at]

Face-to-face training

Introduction to renewable energy

RE market development, fundamentals of solar energy, bioenergy, small hydropower, wind energy, grid integration of renewable energies

  • Renewable energy status and market development
  • Fundamentals of energy and solar radiation
  • Photovoltaics (Off-grid, grid-tied)
  • Bioenergy- solid biomass, biogas, biofuels
  • Small hydropower
  • Wind energy technology and project development
  • Concentrating solar power and solar thermal technology
  • Grid integration of renewable energy sources

Learning objectives:
  • Describe how each technology works,
  • Assess the appropriateness of each technology for different situations
  • Undertake initial system designs and sizing
  • Recognise the main renewable energy market sectors
  • Communicate effectively and knowledgably with technology suppliers and customers

Target group:
  • Any one new to the subject of RE
  • Persons who would like to start a career in this field
  • Persons who need to advise on the suitability of a RE technology
Duration:5 days

Online trainings

Introduction to energy

Energy supply and demand, RE resources, physical basics, units and conversions

  • Development of energy demand
  • Physical basics
  • Units and conversions
Learning objectives:

After completing these participants will be able to:

  • Describe the global situation of energy supply and demand
  • Differentiate forms of energy as well as energy and power
  • Name fundamental parameters, units and conversion factors related to energy topics
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in energy topics in general
  • Want to refresh their knowledge before studying renewable energy or energy efficiency courses
  • Recommended for non-engineers
Duration:Ca. 1 week
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Introduction to electricity

Electricity fundamentals, electric energy, electric power

  • Electrical basics
  • Electric energy and electric power
Learning objectives:

After completing this online course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the basic technological terms and principles governing the operation of electrical power systems
  • Give reasons for keeping grid frequency stable
  • Explain why power systems are typically built as three-phase AC systems
  • Distinguish between electric energy and electric power
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in fundamentals of electric power
  • Want to refresh their technical knowledge on electricity before continuing with other courses.

This training is also recommended for non-engineers.

Duration:Max. 1 week
Study time:Ca. 5 - 10 hours

Overview of renewable energy technologies

RE sources, global trends, electricity generation technologies, heating/cooling, biofuels

  • Overview of renewable energy sources
  • Global status and trends in Renewable Energy use
  • Renewable electricity generation technologies
  • Renewable heat / cooling
  • Renewable transport fuels
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define renewable sources of energy
  • Know the status of global energy supply (fossil, nuclear, renewable)
  • Know the status of renewable energy in global energy supply
  • Understand the different renewable energy technologies
  • Distinguish renewable power, renewable heat technologies and know types of renewable transport fuels
  • Roughly estimate global renewable energy potential
  • Name the major benefits of renewables vs. conventional energy production
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in renewable energy technologies
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours

Introduction to solar resource

Solar energy, solar radiation, measurement equipment, sun positioning

  • Physical basics of solar energy
  • Sun positioning
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the variability of the solar resource around the world and influencing factors
  • Explain the difference between irradiation and irradiance and explain components of solar radiation
  • Define important solar terms and the position of the sun in the sky
  • Discover the importance of orientation and tilt of a solar array for optimising energy yield
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in solar technologies
Duration:Ca. 1 week
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Overview of power generation technology

Conventional power generation, renewable electricity genera - tion, cost comparison, LCOE

  • Conventional power generation technology
  • Renewable electricity generation technologies
  • Cost comparison of power generation technologies
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how different thermal power generation technologies work in principle
  • Describe how different renewable energy generation technologies work in principle
  • Compare power generation technologies based on different cost aspects
  • Explain global trends of power generation technologies in terms of investments
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • are interested in renewable energy technologies
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Introduction to wind resource

Wind speed units, power density, power coefficient, Betz limit, and wind shear


  • Physical basics of solar energy
  • Wind shear
Learning objectives:

After completing this online course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how the wind is created and explain the main characteristics of wind
  • Be able to describe the factors affecting wind speed
Target group:

This course suits those who:

  • Are interested in wind technologies

This course is also recommended for non-engineers.

Duration:Max. 1 week
Study time:Ca. 5-10 hours


Introduction to electricity grids

Structure of electric grids, quality and security of energy supply, frequency range, voltage stability

  • Structure of electricity grids
  • Secure operation of electricity grids
  • Case study
Learning objectives:

After completing this online course, participants will be able to:

  • Share a common and solid basic understanding of electricity and electricity grids.
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Need to know how a power grid is structured and operated in general
  • Want to get an overview on technical aspects and functions of power grids
  • Develop RE projects, RE support mechanisms or finance RE projects with grid connection

This training is also recommended for non-engineers.

Duration:Max. 1 week
Study time:Ca. 5 - 10 hours

Introduction to energy efficiency projects

Definitions and standards, benefits of energy efficiency, drivers and barriers, economics, energy efficiency financing

  • Setting the scene - energy efficiency and the global experience
  • Definitions, standards and technical terms
  • Financing of energy efficiency projects
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the character of energy efficiency projects
  • Analyse drivers and barriers for energy efficiency projects
  • Assess the relevance of energy efficiency in different economic sectors in the context of climate change
  • Demonstrate principles of energy efficiency finance options and the role of providers of finance
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Want to get an overview on energy efficiency projects
  • Develop strategies for energy efficiency finance
  • Intend to become project developer in the energy service sector
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Introduction to renewable energy projects

Characteristics of RE projects, life cycle, financial aspects, non- financial aspects, externalities

  • Renewable energy projects
  • Financial aspects of RE projects
  • Non-financial aspects of RE projects
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Illustrate the steps and tasks of a project life-cycle of RE projects
  • Compare different public and private perspectives onto RE projects
  • Assess project attractiveness with standard methods
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Aim to develop renewable energy projects
  • Want to understand the life-cycle and development steps of renewable energy projects

This training is also recommended for non-engineers.

Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Market overview of global RE and EE financing

RE & EE finance market: volumes, regional markets, technolo - gy-based markets, asset classes, league tables

  • Renewable energy finance market overview
  • Global RE financing volume, major market trends, major asset classes, major investors, investment strategies, global RE financing market
  • Energy efficiency finance market overview
  • Global EE financing market, market trends, classification of EE financing, major issuers of green bonds
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the global investment situation and major trends in renewable energy and energy efficiency finance
  • Classify and define renewable energy and energy efficiency finance as well as asset classes
  • Distinguish different types of investors
  • Analyse current development in Asian markets
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Need to have a global overview on market trends and volumes in RE and EE finance
  • Want to learn about the stakeholders of RE and EE investments and their respective interests
  • Want to analyse the market potential of RE and EE investments
Duration:Ca. 1 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Introduction to power systems and markets

  • Key elements of the electricity system
  • Current structures of the power sector model
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the elements of a power system
  • Distinguish and characterise the five models of power system design
  • Explain what role competition plays in each of the five models
  • Identify principles of power market design, architecture and respective rules
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Want to explain models of power system and market design
This training is also recommended for non-engineers.
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours


Co-benefits from artificial intelligence (AI) in Renewable Energy


  • Artificial intelligence and its co-benefits
  • AI terminology, concepts and algorithms
  • Assessments of AI in the literature
  • AI use cases in renewable energy
  • Use case identification & employment
Learning objectives:

After completing this online course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the place of artificial intelligence (AI), especially with regard to renewable energy. 
  • Assess current AI applications around renewable energies and climate protection in the electricity sector.
Target group:

This course suits those who:

  • Are executives, officials, directors and regulators working in the energy sector working in the field of energy policy & renewable energy
  • Are climate project developers and investors, professionals working in financing institutions, consultancies, and public organisations
  • Need to know the relevant terminology, technologies, applications and types of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and opportunities to generate climate and related co-benefits through the rapidly broadening spectrum of AI applications.
Duration:Ca. 1-2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours

Synergies of energy efficiency and renewable energy

Framing link, leverage of joint, high impact measures, indicators, advantages/disadvantages

  • Framing the link between EE and RE
  • Synergies from implementing EE and RE measures at the same time
  • A methodology to measure synergies between EE and RE
  • Examples of synergy between EE and RE
  • Indicators to track synergy between EE and RE
  • Interpretation of various graphs
  • Decomposition analysis for EE
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the relationship between energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE)
  • Name technologies that promote synergy between EE and RE
  • Describe the methodology to identify valuable measures for creating synergy
  • Name indicators to trace the linkage between EE and RE
  • Explain the meaning of different graphs showing concepts related to EE and RE
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Would like to understand the relation between renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Need to develop and apply synergy-strategies in power system modelling and planning
  • Want to communicate the advantages of a strategy that considers synergies between energy efficiency and renewable energy
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Social and gender aspects of energy projects

Gender and Energy Nexus, gender concepts, considerations in project cycle/energy interventions


  • The Gender and Energy Nexus
  • Introduction to Gender Concepts
  • Addressing Gender Considerations in the Project Cycle
  • Gender considerations in energy interventions: notes on strategies
Learning objectives:

After completing this online course, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss how gender considerations have been addressed in the energy sector and identify elements that are applicable to their own project
  • Define different gender concepts as well as identify gender analytical tools
  • Identify entry points and opportunities for addressing gender in renewable energy projects
  • Recognize strategies designed for addressing gender in thematic clusters within the renewable energy sector
Target group:

This course suits those who:

  • Are interested in renewable energy technologies
Duration:Ca. 1-2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours


E-mobility for private transport and charging infrastructure - an introduction

  • Transport and sustainability
  • Electric vehicles for private transport
  • Private EV charging infrastructure
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Justify why transport sector must contribute to climate protection
  • Name different types of electric cars and their efficiencies
  • Explain elements of the charging infrastructure
Target group:The course is designed for people who would like to get a short overview on eMobility for private transport
Duration:Max. 1 week
Study time:Ca. 5 hours

Introduction to hydrogen

Application, production pathways, fuel cells, transport, storage and roadmaps

  • The element hydrogen (H2)
  • Types of hydrogen applications
  • Hydrogen generation and fuel cells
  • Hydrogen infrastructure
  • System integration / sector coupling
  • The cost of hydrogen
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the basic components of a hydrogen-based energy system and its respective infrastructure
  • Describe the current uses of hydrogen, its production methods, and infrastructure requirements
  • Describe the opportunities and limits of hydrogen as future energy carrier and technology and for a sustainable energy future
  • Understand the current status of hydrogen policies in international arena
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Of the current use of hydrogen, its production technologies, infrastructure and storage as well as
  • How to include hydrogen in roadmaps and strategies for a sustainable energy supply.
Duration:Ca. 2-3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 15 hours