Political and Legal

Are you interested in a tailor-made training?

The following sample training courses give an overview of possible topics we cover in our tailor-made trainings. The sample trainings can be used as basis to develop a tailor-made training for your company or organisation. If you are interested in a tailor-made training, please fill out this questionnaire and send it to Rayk Albrecht.

Rayk Albrecht
Head of Division
International Business Development and Sales
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 53
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: sales[at]renac.de

Face-to-face trainings

Policy framework and energy planning

Energy market concepts, energy planning, policy instruments, financing mechanisms, sustainable energy transition


Energy sectors and markets

  • Overview of energy sectors and analysis of energy markets

Energy planning

  • Overview of key energy planning tools
  • Analysis of strategies to model national energy supply and long-term energy demand
  • Planning of generation, installed capacity, transmission and distribution networks
  • Design and implementation of appropriate monitoring protocols
  • Establishment of an Energy Information System (EIS)

Financing mechanisms in the energy markets

  • Net Metering, feed-in tariffs, and auction mechanisms
  • PPP models
  • Strategies for attracting private sector investment
  • Government support and involvement in energy finance
  • Mobilising local and international capital to scale-up energy efficiency and renewable energy use

Energy policies

  • Overview of policy instruments
  • Energy targets, target setting and approaches to develop a national energy policy
  • Design of policy instruments and policy implementation
  • Multisectoral inclusion in policy planning, governance structure, stakeholder management and engagement
  • Environmental considerations of energy generation and consumption

Climate change and energy

  • International compromises and coherent policy frameworks for fighting climate change and promoting a sustainable energy transition

Learning objectives:
  • Talk about the importance of energy planning
  • Discuss the planification of national energy supply and demand
  • Contribute to the design and implementation strategies of different adopted policies

Target group:
  • Policy makers
  • Decision makers
  • Consultants
Duration:5 days

Decarbonisation roadmap development

Power system modelling, design thinking, role play, decarbonisation roadmap

  • Decarbonisation roadmap development for a fictional country
  • Electricity system modeling (numerical modeling of power markets and electricity systems in Excel, merit order construction, Market value and communication of model result).
  • Design Thinking Process (Create multidisciplinary teams, identify user groups and understand their needs and problems, development of creative ideas and solutions, creative reframing energy case study)
Learning objectives:

After the seminar you will be able to:

  • create a decarbonisation roadmap
  • discuss typical stakeholder roles and play a role in the “the energy summit”
  • apply the Design Thinking Process
  • understand what is going on inside an electricity system model black box
  • present and evaluate a decarbonisation roadmap

Target group:
  • Persons who like to understand and lead climate and energy dialogs and policy development.
  • This course targets beginners in electricity modeling and developers or roadmaps as well as readers of studies.
Duration:10 days

Sustainable cities: energy planning for municipalities

RE, EE, power, heating, cooling, transport, political instruments, governance, multi-stakeholder participation, roadmap

  • Assessing the status quo
  • Data collection
  • Target setting
  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy technologies for Heating, Cooling and Electricity
  • Sector coupling
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Energy transition and grid integration
  • Multi-level governance
  • Political instruments
  • Administrative process innovation
  • Economics and Financing
Learning objectives:

After the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Classify the importance of urban areas with regard to the goal of a decarbonisation
  • Explain how an inventory of baseline emissions is developed
  • List the data needed as a data basis for municipal energy planning in the categories energy demand, energy infrastructure and renewable energy potential
  • Name the benefits of targets and demonstrate how they can be set
  • Describe the different renewable energy technology options available
  • Classify the contribution of energy efficiency to decarbonisation and name potential energy efficiency measures in municipalities
  • Demonstrate possibilities to integrate the electricity, heat and transport sector to achieve a decarbonisation
  • Give examples for measures to reduce emissions in the transport sector
  • Assessing the impact of the expansion of fluctuating renewable energies and the phase out of conventional generation at the municipal level
  • Define responsibilities among the national, regional and municipal level
  • Identify political instruments which can be implemented to facilitate the transition to a low carbon energy supply
  • Integrate energy planning into administrative processes
  • State financing instruments for renewable energies and energy efficiency in municipalities

Target group:
  • Municipal and regional government representatives
  • Municipal and regional administration
  • Consultants for regional and municipal governments
Duration:5 - 6 days

Procurement of renewable energy projects

Tendering process, tendering documents, evaluation of results, contract development, case studies

  • Essential steps of tendering procedures
  • Overview of typical Terms of Reference (ToRs)
  • Bidding procedure
  • Objective evaluation criteria and their ranking
  • Commissioning procedure
  • Different types of contracts and essential conditions
  • Case studies

Learning objectives:
  • Outline tendering processes and write invitations and requests for quotations
  • Identify critical information and qualifying criteria of tenderers and prepare tendering documents analysis
  • Compare and evaluate competing tenders for RE systems
  • Explain and apply different contract forms and conditions for RE system procurement
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • work in financial or legal departments in public institutions or private companies
  • are responsible for the tendering process in their organisation
Duration:5 days

Online trainings

Co-benefits of renewable energy in climate change mitigation – overview

Definition, environmental, economic, social, political, co-benefits indicators

  • Co-benefits of climate change mitigation
  • Climate and environmental related co-benefits
  • Economic co-benefits
  • Social co-benefits
  • Political / Institutional co-benefit
  • Indicators of co-benefits
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop causal chains for an assessment
  • Interpret, communicate and commission methods for quantitative assessment of co-benefits
  • Interpret findings of co-benefit analyses considering possible unwanted impacts and identifying the net-effects
  • Identify indicators and data sources for quantification of key co-benefits (Jobs/employment, air pollution, health, energy access, local economic development, energy security)
  • Commission and interpret co-benefit analyses and effectively communicate its results
  • Prepare schematic cost-benefit analyses
  • Interpret the findings of co-benefit analyses for re-formulating RE policies
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

International climate policy and national implementation

Climate policy framework, SDGs, Paris agreement, NDCs, leverage points

  • International climate policy framework and discourses supporting Renewables
  • Overview and Introduction to the NDC Process
  • Leverage Points to Mobilise a Renewable Energy Future
  • Case studies: national enabling political environments and policies in Germany, South Africa, India
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of climate science behind the Paris Agreement.
  • Recall important milestones in the history of the road to the Paris Agreement.
  • Explain the basic elements and architecture of the Paris Agreement (Goals, NDCs, Transparency Framework, Global Stocktake).
  • Explain how international agreements like the Paris Agreement with its core elements, the NDCs, and SDGs promote RE development.
  • Explain the linkages between SDGs and NDCs.
  • Name the implications of a country’s NDC.
  • Understand how international climate policy can help to integrate and mainstream national climate policy options to support renewable energy deployment.
  • Relate the periodic elements of the Paris Agreement to national policy processes with respect to key components such as national implementation, monitoring process (MRV) and revision/update of subsequent NDCs.
  • Reflect about the role of Co-Benefits in the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours


Co-Benefits Assessments: Methods and tools

Modelling tools, CGE, cost-benefit analysis, multi-criteria analysis, key socio-economic co-benefits

  • Introduction: Quantification of co-benefits: Assessment methods
  • Scoping of effects: direct, indirect and induced effects
  • Scoping: gross and net effects
  • Methodologies for assessing/evaluating co-benefits
  • Introduction to modelling tools
  • Key socio-economic co-benefits: jobs and employment, climate and environment, Health Energy Access Energy Security, local economic development
  • Key socio-economic co-benefits in South Africa, India, Vietnam and Turkey
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop causal chains for an assessment
  • Interpret, communicate and commission methods for quantitative assessment of co-benefits
  • Interpret findings of co-benefit analyses considering possible unwanted impacts and identifying the net-effects
  • Identify indicators and data sources for quantification of key co-benefits (Jobs/employment, air pollution, health, energy access, local economic development, energy security)
  • Commission and interpret co-benefit analyses and effectively communicate its results
  • Prepare schematic cost-benefit analyses
  • Interpret the findings of co-benefit analyses for re-formulating RE policies
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are developing strategies and roadmaps for sustainable power supply systems
  • Want to include arguments on social, environmental and economic advantages or renewable energy in their argumentation
  • Interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours

Political and market frameworks

Mena, Southeast Asia, Latin America

  • Electricity market analysis
  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency sector analysis
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Present the electricity market of the countries including the political framework, market structure and main stakeholders
  • Identify trends in power generation capacity, electricity demand and market development
  • Examine the support mechanisms for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the countries
  • Discover funding sources for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
Target group:

This training is addressed to:

  • Renewable energy and climate project developers and investors
  • Professionals working in financing institutions, consultancies, and public organisations
Duration:Ca. 1 - 2 weeks
Study time:Ca. 10 hours


Employment effects of the RE deployment - an overview

  • Terminology and Methods: Analysing Renewable Energy Employment Effects
  • Concepts and Trends: Employment factors, etc
  • Preparing Future Employees: Training and Skills Development
  • The Employment Effects of Renewable Energy Deployment in Selected Countries: Three Case Studies
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Analyse the quantitative and qualitative employment effects of the energy transition
  • Identify the main concepts and trends influencing renewable energy sector employment
  • Describe how to prepare the ground for future renewable energy employees
  • Apply the (policy) lessons learned about renewable energy deployment in three different countries
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours


Methodologies for quantifying RE employment impacts

  • RE employment categories
  • Methodologies for quantifying employment impacts
    • Overview & employment factor analysis
    • Gross input-output models
    • Full economic modelling
    • Overview of open-access online tools
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe why employment is a key social and economic co-benefit of renewable energy 
  • List tools and methodologies for assessing and quantifying the employment impacts of renewable energy
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different assessment methodologies
  • Identify affordable or free tools that are available for making assessments
  • Apply some simple assessment tools and methodologies in practice
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours

Sustainable economic recovery with co-benefits of RE

  • The impact of economic crises on renewable energy
  • Green Recovery programmes and RE investment frameworks
  • Financing means & fiscal measures
  • Green Recovery Programmes and Employment Opportunities
  • Green Recovery Programmes and RE Industrial Policies
  • Green Recovery and Energy Access Policies
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the impact of economic crises on the energy sector
  • Understand how economic crises intensify the urgency to expand renewable energy
  • Explain why the transition to clean energy technologies can be an attractive part of economic recovery packages, with many social and economic benefits
  • Give examples of key policy strategies that can be applied in green recovery packages
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 2 - 4 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours


International climate policy and national implementation

  • International climate policy framework and discourses supporting Renewables
  • Overview and Introduction to the NDC Process
  • Leverage Points to Mobilise a Renewable Energy Future
  • Case studies: national enabling political environments and policies in Germany, South Africa, India
Learning objectives:

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of climate science behind the Paris Agreement.
  • Recall important milestones in the history of the road to the Paris Agreement.
  • Explain the basic elements and architecture of the Paris Agreement (Goals, NDCs, Transparency Framework, Global Stocktake).
  • Explain how international agreements like the Paris Agreement with its core elements, the NDCs, and SDGs promote RE development.
  • Explain the linkages between SDGs and NDCs.
  • Name the implications of a country’s NDC.
  • Understand how international climate policy can help to integrate and mainstream national climate policy options to support renewable energy deployment.
  • Relate the periodic elements of the Paris Agreement to national policy processes with respect to key components such as national implementation, monitoring process (MRV) and revision/update of subsequent NDCs.
  • Reflect about the role of Co-Benefits in the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
Target group:

This training suits those who:

  • Are interested in the beneficial side effects of renewable energy in climate change mitigation
Duration:Ca. 2 - 3 weeks
Study time:Ca. 20 hours