Green Banking South-East Asia - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance
Green Banking 2015 - 2018
India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Green Banking - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to provide a three-year capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. The project started in November 2015 and will run until October 2018.
Why Green Banking?
The agreement signed in Paris during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) is proof of the key role renewable energy and energy efficiency play in the international climate change mitigation efforts. While the green markets keep gaining momentum, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia enjoy the necessary natural resources for the widespread implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Local professionals with the appropriate know-how will be able to profit from new business opportunities in a growing industry, which additionally presents manifold benefits (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy security and job creation, among many others).
What does Green Banking offer?

Participants will gain specific know-how in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, as well as appropriate risk evaluation and mitigation schemes. The development of private sector finance instruments for climate change mitigation will be fostered and the readiness to leverage national credit lines with international climate change mitigation schemes will be increased. Knowledge about existing international climate change mitigation funds and the available access opportunities will be disseminated.
Green Banking provides scholarships for:
Online Trainings:
- Introduction to green finance
- Duration: 2 months
Blended Learning: Combination of Online Training and Face-to-Face Seminar:
- Introduction to green finance (Online Training)
- Country-specific trainings on technical and financial issues (Face-to-Face Seminar)
- Duration: 2-month Online Training and 3-day Face-to-Face Seminar
Delegation Tour and B2B meetings:
- Networking with RE and EE financing experts in Germany
- B2B meetings with financial institutions
- Duration: 5 days
"Green Finance Specialist" programme:
- In-depth knowledge on green energy and climate finance topics
- After successful participation in Online Training participants qualify for the country-specific Face-to-Face Seminar
- Duration: 5-month Online Training and 3-day Face-to-Face Seminars in the partner countries
Train-the-Trainer seminars:
- For professionals with experience in green energy finance willing to contribute to the "Green Finance Specialist" seminars
- At RENAC's Training Centre in Berlin, Germany
- Duration: 5 days
Who can apply for Green Banking scholarships?
Professionals from private and public institutions involved or interested in financing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects are invited to apply for Green Banking scholarships:
- Commercial banks
- Development banks
- Private equity, risk capital and infrastructure funds
- Institutional investors
Moreover, the following groups are eligible for applying for Green Banking scholarships:
- Renewable energy and energy efficiency project developers who would like to increase their know-how on funding requirements and possibilities
- Ministries and public institutions involved in designing political and economic structures which need information on the financing requirements of renewable energy and energy efficiency
- Companies, public institutions and NGOs who need support in the assessment of funding requirements and possibilities for their projects
- Media who would like to cover the issue of renewable energy and energy efficiency and their funding requirements and possibilities.
The application period for Green Banking trainings 2018 ended on 31 March 2018.

Training in partner countries
Green Banking activities

Volker Jaensch
Project Director
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 20
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Katharina Hartmann
Project Manager
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 24
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Green Banking email address:
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