Green Banking in Indonesia

Green Banking offers a wide range of activities for its partner country Indonesia. The activities include Online Trainings, Face-to-Face Seminars in Jakarta, Delegation Tours and B2B meetings in Germany, the programme "Green Finance Specialist", and Train-the-trainer seminars at RENAC's Training Centre in Berlin.

More details on the Green Banking activities in Indonesia as well as on the application process and deadlines are listed below.

1. "Green Finance Specialist" degree – GFS

The “Green Finance Specialist” has been developed within Green Banking with the aim to deliver in-depth knowledge on green finance topics through a combination of a 20-weeks online training and a 3-day face-to-face training in Mumbai. This programme just recently gained accreditation from the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA), Malaysia. The three-day seminar also offers an introduction of an Excel tool for project assessment and financial structuring. After having participated in the programme, participants may receive consultancy from the trainers on the approach of technical and financial evaluation of real case financing applications and the use of the provided Excel tool.

The programme covers the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of the RE and EE technologies
  • Political and legal market frameworks
  • Project financing and project appraisal of RE and EE projects including credit application, financial modelling and project evaluation
  • International climate finance options
  • RE projects in the portfolio context

Details and application

Throughout the project lifetime of Green Banking, two intakes for the GFS  will take place in the frame of the scholarship programme, in 2017 and in 2018 with up to 30 participants for each intake from Indonesia. After the end of the project the GFS programme will continue as a valid and accredited programme and will be offered by means of fees from future participants. The Green Finance Specialist  is specifically targeted at professionals (e.g. Credit Analysts, Project Finance Specialists, Client Relationship Managers) who wish to specialise in the field of Green Energy and Climate Finance.

The main objectives of the programme are:

  • Receive an overview of the market scope and potential
  • Gain basic understanding of the relevant RE and EE technologies
  • Be able to evaluate RE and EE projects
  • Be able to use financial models and to develop term sheets for RE and EE projects
  • Be knowledgeable about options for international climate finance and how to access such funds
  • Be able to develop and evaluate portfolios of RE and EE projects

Features of GFS

In order to obtain the GFS certificate, participants have to go through the complete GFS programme. At first, selected candidates will go through the Online Training of 20 weeks. The successful participation in this online course qualifies them to attend the F2F seminar in Jakarta.

a.    Online Training

The Online Training is designed to offer insight information into Green Energy and Climate Finance for self-study. A series of virtual classrooms, short assignments and forum discussions will make the programme interactive and vivid. Among others the preparation of a term sheet for a specific model case is a prerequisite to participate in the F2F seminar.

  • The GFS Online Training lasts 20 weeks; participants will need approx. 10 hours study time per week (depending on background knowledge and experience of participants) to work through the material (reading, watching video lectures, doing self-assessment tests, participating in the forum, submitting short assignments)
  • The participation in the online courses is free of charge and includes access to text and videos, self-assessment tests, lectures from experts and professionals delivered via virtual classrooms, technical and organisational support via the forum and email
  • Participants can print out a personalised copy of the course materials in the form of PDF documents (for personal use only)
  • Course materials are provided in English
  • Lecturers in the virtual classrooms will present in English

b.    F2F Seminar, Jakarta

The F2F seminar participants will activate the previously studied content and dive into deepening discussions, group work and hands-on exercises using a modelling tool. Furthermore, the seminar focusses on the exchange of experiences from RENAC experts as well as among the participants.

  • The participation in the seminar is free of charge and includes materials (colour printed hard copies), coffee / tea breaks, lunch for the duration of the seminar
  • Course materials are provided in English
  • Lecturers will present in English; simultaneous translation will be provided 
  • The location for the seminar will be Jakarta; participants will be informed in due time about the details of the venue for the seminar
  • Travel and accommodation costs have to be covered by the participant

The F2F seminar will terminate with a written exam which covers the full scope of the online and F2F training. Successful participants will receive a printed certificate including the grade of the final exam. 

Course noStart dateDurationLocationApplication
2017 GFSJune - November 201720 weeks + 3 daysonline, Jakartan/a

2018 GFS

25.06. - 09.11.2018 (OT), 27.-29.11.2018 (F2F)

20 weeks + 3 days online, Jakartan/a


The application period for Green Banking trainings 2018 ended on 31 March 2018.

2. Train-the-trainer seminars at RENAC's Training Centre in Berlin – TtT

The Green Banking Train-the-Trainer seminars are suited for professionals with experience in green energy finance. The seminars offer in-depth training on technical, financial and didactical topics. Trainers will be able to contribute to the "Green Finance Specialist" seminars in their country or region.

Details and application

Throughout the lifetime of the Green Banking project, two Train-the-Trainer seminars will be realised with up to 10 scholarships for participants from all five partner countries per seminar. Consequently, a total of 20 participants will have the opportunity to take part in a Train-the-Trainer seminar in Germany.

The Train-the-Trainer seminar is directed to professionals with experiences in Green Energy and Climate Finance that wish to enhance their technical, financial and didactical skills in order to become a trainer in this field. The objective of the Train-the-Trainer seminar is to produce highly qualified trainers who can undertake courses autonomously.

The 5-days Train-the-Trainer seminar will consist of workshops and exercises at RENAC's training centre and a field trips to outstanding RE and EE projects. Participants will be equipped with hard facts and soft skills to develop their individual training abilities.

Course noStart dateDurationLocationApplication
2017 TtT15. – 19.05.20175 daysRENAC, Berlinn/a
2018 TtT02.-06.07.2018 5 daysRENAC, Berlinn/a


The application period for Green Banking trainings 2018 ended on 31 March 2018.

3. Delegation Tour and B2B meetings in Germany – DT

The Green Banking Delegation Tour to Germany offers participants from all partner countries the opportunity to initiate new business contacts via B2B meetings, to exchange experiences with German financing experts and to visit best practice renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Furthermore, the Delegation Tour will comprise short workshops and trainings at RENAC's premises in Berlin, Germany. The Delegation Tour will take place in Berlin and Frankfurt a.Main, Germany.

Details and application

Throughout the lifetime of the Green Banking project, three Delegation Tours will be realised with up to 15 scholarships for participants from all five partner countries per tour. Consequently, a total of 45 participants will have the opportunity to take part in a Delegation Tour to Germany.

The Delegation Tour is directed  to representatives of the management or business development unit of financial institutions and has the objectives:

  • To transfer knowledge on important issues related to renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • To give participants an in-depth view into the German energy transition (experiences, challenges, best practice examples)
  • To offer opportunities to initiate new business contacts and to engage in  international networking through B2B meetings.

The 5-day Delegation Tour will consist of workshops at RENAC's training centre, field trips to outstanding RE and EE projects as well as B2B meetings with financial institutions involved in RE and EE financing. Participants will have the opportunity to discover best case examples of RE/ EE technology projects and to exchange experiences with experts from Germany as well as partner countries. The outline of the seminar shall enable participants to gain knowledge with high practical relevance.

NoPeriodLocationDuration (days)Application
2016 - DT10.-14.10.2016Berlin and Frankfurt5n/a
2017 - DT11.-15.09.2017Berlin and frankfurt5n/a
2018 - DT10.09. – 14.09.2018Berlin and Frankfurt5n/a


  • The Delegation Tour to Germany is designed for up to 15 participants (from all five partner countries)
  • Course materials is provided in English
  • Lecturers will present in English


Seminar fees: The participation in the Delegation Tour is free of charge and includes seminar material (colour printed hard copies), lunch, coffee / tea breaks, field trips, travel and health insurance for the duration of the seminar

Travelling costs: RENAC will reward up to 50% of costs against submission of receipts. That is 50% of a return economy-class flight between India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Berlin or Frankfurt (up to 700 Euro). RENAC will provide up to 50% of hotel costs in Berlin and Frankfurt (up to 6 nights in total, up to 75 Euro/night). The participants shall cover at least 50% of ticket and hotel costs.


The main location for the Delegation Tour will be in  RENAC's Training Centre in the city of Berlin. Besides Berlin the group will also visit the financial capital of Germany Frankfurt am Main.  For more information about Berlin and Frankfurt please visit the following websites:


The application period for Green Banking trainings 2018 ended on 31 March 2018.

4. Online Training "Fundamentals of RE/EE Finance" - OT

The Green Banking online training is a professional training that can be completed by each participant individually, at any time and from any location. The training is tailored to deliver a comprehensive, general introduction into green finance topics. There are two learning paths available, one specifically for renewable energy finance and one for energy efficiency finance. The online training includes:

  • Renewable energy path: Intro to RE finance and technologies, standard contracts in RE projects, bankability of RE projects, access to international climate finance.
  • Energy efficiency path: Intro to EE finance and technologies, appraisal of EE projects, energy audits and ESCOs, access to international climate finance.
  • Both learning paths are complemented with political and market frameworks and case studies from the target countries of the Green Banking project.


The online training included:

  • Renewable energy path: Intro to RE finance and technologies, standard contracts in RE projects, bankability of RE projects, access to international climate finance.
  • Energy efficiency path: Intro to EE finance and technologies, appraisal of EE projects, energy audits and ESCOs, access to international climate finance.
  • Both learning paths are complemented with political and market frameworks and case studies from the target countries of the Green Banking project.
  • Throughout the project lifetime of Green Banking, two Online Trainings were realised with up to 30 scholarships for participants from India per course.

The Online Training is specifically targeted at:

  • Credit Analysts
  • Project Finance Specialists
  • Client Relationship Managers

The Online Training was designed to offer insight information into Green Energy and Climate Finance. It also offered basics on financing methods and support mechanisms as selectable courses for those participants who are not familiar with these topics.

  • Each Online Training lasted 8 weeks; participants needed app. 5 to 10 hours study time per week to work through the material (reading, watching online lectures, self-evaluation, participation in the forum)
  • The participation in the online courses was free of charge and included access to text and videos, questions for self-study, virtual classrooms, forum
  • Participants could print out a personalised copy of the course materials in the form of PDF documents for personal use
  • Course materials were provided in English
  • Lecturers in the virtual classrooms presented in English
  • At the end of the training, participants received a RENAC certificate of attendance if the training was successfully completed

RENAC staff and lecturers offered extensive support all along the learning process via email.

RENAC has many years of experience in distance learning via the internet. This training format has been increasing in popularity because it allows participants to decide when, where and how they prefer to learn.

The comprehensive Online Training programme ensured that the knowledge on fundamental aspects of Green Energy and Climate Finance was transferred to a broader audience in the partner countries.

The Online Training was offered in 2016 and 2017:

Course NoPeriodLocationDuration
2016 - OL

12.09. – 04.11.2016 (OT)

online8 weeks
2017 - OL21.08. - 13.10.2017online8 weeks

5. Blended Learning: Combination of Online training and Face-to-Face seminar – BL

The Green Banking Blended Learning Course is was a combination of the Online Training (OT) with a Face-to-Face (F2F) Seminar in the respective partner country. Theis Face-to-Face Seminar is was complementary to the Online Training and is was a country-specific, in-depth training on technical and financial topics related to finance of RE and EE projects. Throughout the project lifetime of Green Banking, two Blended Learning Courses including online training and F2F seminars were realised in 2016 and 2017 with up to 15 scholarships for participants from each country per course.


The three-day seminar also offered an introduction of an Excel tool for project assessment and financial structuring. After the trainings participants received consultancy on request from the trainers on the approach of technical and financial evaluation of real case financing applications and the use of the provided Excel tool.

The Blended Learning Programme was specifically targeted at:

  • Credit Analysts
  • Project Finance Specialists
  • Client Relationship Managers

During the three days attendance training, participants received a hands-on training presented by German and local experts. Based on a capacity needs assessment which was conducted by RENAC at the beginning of 2017, the seminars focused on the following topics:

Course no.PeriodLocationDurationTopics
2016 - BL12.09.-04.11.2016 (OT)
21.-23.11.2016 (F2F)



8 weeks + 3 daysFinancing solar and wind projects
2017 - BL

21.08. – 13.10.2017 (OT)

01.– 03.11.2017 (F2F)



8 weeks + 3 days

Financing solar and wind projects

Time schedule of Green Banking activities