Green Banking Uganda
Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance

Green Banking Uganda– Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a training programme directed towards financial institutions and clean energy market sector players interested in scaling up lending activities to decentralised renewable energy (decentralised RE) and energy efficient (EE) technologies.
The training package will be offered in Uganda starting from 1st December 2021.
Up to 80 scholarships for the participation in the Online Training and up to 12 scholarships for the Train-the-Trainer course are available to Ugandan finance professionals. The scholarships are financed through the GIZ programme DIAPOL-CE.

The capacity building programme will include an overview of the Ugandan energy market, key climate finance principles, SME finance, RE technologies for productive use and rural electrification as well as technical and financial assessment of RE/EE projects. The courses will be focusing on financial and risk evaluation of RE/EE technologies and services.
Theory content will be applied to case studies and four live webinars, including a business plan modeling virtual class, all in the Ugandan content.
Target Group
Financial Institutions’ front line staff, credit analysts, risk analysts, branch and product managers active in:
- Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and SACCOs
- Commercial banks
- Insurance companies
- Development Finance Institutions (DFIs)
- Institutional investors
- Private equity, risk capital and infrastructure funds
- SMEs and NGOs active in rural electrification projects
- Policy makers and multipliers from ministries, departments and sector agencies
- Trainers of banks' internal training departments
- Press and multipliers specialised in sustainable development and finance

Programme Details

Online training course
- Four modules of RENACs proven courses on RE technologies and EE measures
- Flexible access: any time, any location
- Compatible with a full-time job
- Interactive learning platform and latest pedagogical resources
- Find out about the course details by clicking here

Train-the-Trainer Seminar
- Designed for providing training skills, tools and methods of the participants
- Virtual, live or in-person training for a more personalised experience
- Find out about the course details by clicking here

Face-to-Face Seminar
- 3-day in person training offered by the local trainers capacitated by the ToT
- June/July 2022, in Kampala
- For 25 of the top participants of the online training, selected by RENAC
Project Info and Background
Green Banking Africa - Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance is a scholarship programme within the DIAPOL-CE - Policy dialogue and knowledge management on low emissions development strategies in the MENA region project. DIAPOL-CE is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) via German International Climate Initiative (IKI) and implemented by GIZ.
Within this framework, the RENAC energy & climate gGmbH has been commissioned by GIZ to provide a 15-month capacity building programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency finance in the partner countries of Uganda and Senegal.
- Over 130 participants from Uganda, Ghana, Sierra-Leone, The Gambia, Cap Verde, and others are enrolled in the Online Training until 15th April, 2022
- Certification will be awarded early May, 2022
- Train-the-Trainer in Kampala, Uganda, is from 2-6 May, 2022 with pre-selected UIBFS-trainers
- Face-to-Face seminar in June or July 2022 are offered to OT-participants based on end of module examination and active participation.

Interested in Green Finance Capacity Builduing?
Céline Kittel
RENAC energy & climate GgmbH
Project Director
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 13
Fax: +49 (0)30 58 70870 88
Email: kittel[at]

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