Exclusive Information Portal for the Alumni-Network

Priority to receive scholarships for this component will be given to applicants from the countries supported by the Initiative Green People´s Energy for Africa:

Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Uganda and Zambia

This component is open to all members of the GBE Alumni-Network. Be active and share your knowledge in Green Energy in Africa with your fellow Alumni! If you are not a member yet apply here for free:  

The Alumni Portal offers an exclusive platform for the Green People´s Energy for Africa Alumni Network. It promotes exchange in green energy topics between peers and experts and helps to build a strong green energy community. Members will have an exclusive closed group withing the Alumniportal Deutschland, to share information and knowledge about relevant topics, opportunities events and trends in green energy in Africa.

Inside the portal, members of the Alumni-Network for Green Energy in Africa will:

  • be part of a directory of fellow alumni where they can showcase their profile and find and contact peers directly.
  • be able to share information and knowledge in a community information feed
  • communicate with each other through social media platforms
  • post and find jobs relevant in the green energy sector
  • plan and showcase events
  • offer and receive support and peer mentorships
  • be part of an active community from the Green People´s Energy for Africa Alumni-Network.


The portal allows information sharing with peers. Members will be able to post information, news, events, activities, project ideas, job positions or other valuable information on the green energy sector.

We are using the Alumniportal Deutschland as the exclusive virtual space to meet and network withing the GBE Alumni-Network. By registering you will have access to a closed group  

Please follow the steps:

  1. Sign up on the Alumniportal, preferably by using your LinkedIn account.
  2. During this process choose the affiliation “Alumnus/Alumna” and then “Alumni Network for Green Energy in Africa (RENAC)” by using the drop down menu of the field “I am an Alumnus/Alumna of..”

After receiving a confirmation of your registration, you will be added automatically to our group “Alumni Network for Green Energy in Africa”

Learn more


Rafael Juan Martí
Project Director
RENAC energy & climate gGmbH
Tel: +49 (0)30-587087039
Email: ansap(at)renac.de


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