Knowledge Exchange

Priority to receive scholarships for this component will be given to applicants from the countries supported by the Initiative Green People´s Energy for Africa:

Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Uganda and Zambia


Apply now for the second round of the programme starting at the end of March 2022.

ANSAP will provide online trainings and webinars to 60 scholars with the aim to transfer knowledge in project and business plan development for green energy projects.

By finishing the courses, participants will have the opportunity to continue on a mentorship programme for green energy project development.

Content of the RENAC Online Training

The 2021 online training programme is designed to prepare the participant in the definition and development of a project or business idea in small green energy projects. It includes concepts on project life cycles, structures and financials of green energy projects. It has a total duration of 12 weeks divided in three learning modules. It requires a study dedication of approximately 8 to 10 hours a week and the presentation of a final exam to receive a RENAC certification of completion which allows the participant to apply to continue with an expert mentoring support.

  • Renewable energy: focuses on the potentials of photovoltaic off-grid systems and PV-diesel-hybrid-systems
  • Energy efficiency: focuses on applying systematic energy efficiency practices and technologies

It will include mandatory and elective courses which will be accessible to the participants through RENAC´s Online Academy for the whole duration of the online training programme. The courses will be complemented with live webinars on business plan development topics. To secure efficiency in the training programme, participants will be able to continue into the expert mentoring phase after successfully finishing the online training programme.

Participants can choose from two focus paths:


A second round of the ANSAP programme will start at the end of March 2022. Don't miss out on applying for this new opportunity! Apply by the deadline: 11 March 2022.

ANSAP had an outstanding first year. The year ended with the online training programming in October 2021, with excellent feedback from our participants. 


For details on the online training programme please download the brochure.

Virtual Alumni Conferences

A virtual alumni-network conference will be conducted annualy. It will give participants the opportunity to present project and business ideas, meet peers and discuss market development on green energy.


ANSAP will financially support the participation of selected alumni in regional green energy conferences.  The selected alumni shall participate in workshops or side-events which give the opportunity to present their project or business ideas.


Rafael Juan Martí
Project Director
RENAC energy & climate gGmbH
Tel: +49 (0)30-587087039
Email: ansap(at)


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